Chopps Chat
January 2021
Headteacher's Comment
Happy New Year! We hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable break over the festive period. We are hoping that this year, 2021, will be less chaotic and more settled.
Just before we were due back there were announcements from the government regarding the return to school and the effects of Tier 4 guidance. This has not altered our stance and we are opening again to children tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January.
We have made some amendments to our procedures which will be explained in this newsletter.
Mr D. Nelson
COVID-19 Procedures - January 2021
Hands - Washing Hands
We will be continuing to expect the children/staff to wash/disinfect their hands every time enter/re-enter the building from outside: start of the day, break times, before & after lunch, after toilet visit, after outdoor learning.
Face - Face Masks
So from Tuesday 5th January we are asking that if you are dropping off or picking up your child at school that you wear a face mask whilst on the school site.
We believe that this adds an extra safeguard to prevent the spread of the virus and ensure school is as Covid safe as possible.
Space - Social Distancing
Avoiding contact with anyone with symptoms
If at any point any child displays any symptoms of the infection, we will contact a parent or carer who must come and collect the child immediately. This will be a school decision and we will follow the government guidance for schools on what to do if this occurs. This process will involve a member of staff having to use PPE when waiting with the child before collection, in a room separate to anyone else.
If anyone is displaying symptoms in your household, your child must not be sent to school.
School Start/Finish Times - from 5th January 2021
There can only be one adult dropping off and collecting, per child/family. Drop off and pick up times must be strictly adhered to by parents and carers. (see table below)
Please make sure you respect the social distancing rules and provide 2 metres between other parents/carers.
There will be 'buffer zones' in place at each drop off/pick up point - please ensure you respect them as they are there for everyone's benefit.
Regular Cleaning
Prior to opening this week, we will have had the school deep cleaned by our cleaning staff.
We will also be cleaning surfaces, areas and emptying bins more frequently during the day (three times a day). This will happen before the children enter school, at break time and at lunchtime. After school, our cleaning team will further clean classrooms – using a new cleaning schedule.
Further items that will be cleaned regularly will include: bikes, iPads and outdoor play equipment (hoops, skipping ropes etc)
Minimising contact and mixing
Within classrooms we will use the following measures:
§ Staying in year group at all times.
§ Tables spread out as much as possible – children will have their own equipment e.g. pencils, pens, iPad etc.
§ Children will work at their own desk throughout, whilst in the classroom.
§ Play time – children will play with their own class only, in a specific area.
§ One way system of movement in school –hall split into lanes and arrows on floor to indicate direction of movement.
§ Controlled use of toilets – careful not to have a congregation of children in toilets. Staff monitoring the children’s use of toilets.
Well ventilated classrooms
Windows will need to be open to ensure the room is well
ventilated and internal classroom doors will need to be wedged open to prevent touching of door handles.
Children are encouraged to bring a hoodie alongside their
school uniform to ensure they stay warm.
Reception Admissions
Absence Reporting
It is your responsibility to inform school if your child is going to be absent or late.
About us
Location: Choppington Primary School, Eastgate, Scotland Gate, Choppington, UK
Phone: 01670 823197
Twitter: @choppingtonps