Winter is Here!
January 2025

Knightly News
Welcome to 2025!
Please make sure that we have your correct contact information so that you receive our newsletters, communications, and notices of weather related school closures. If you are not receiving our calls, texts, or email, please contact the District Registrar Katelyn Coleman to update your contact information at kcoleman@yorkcsd.org or call 585-243-1730 Ext. 2216.
Welcome Mr. Ken Ellison to York Central School M/H School Interim Principal
Mr. Ellison Meets Seniors Mia and Isabel
At the January 13, 2024 meeting, the York Central School Board of Education appointed Mr. Ken Ellison as the Interim Middle/High School Principal, effective Monday, January 6, 2025. Mr. Ellison will be with us for the remainder of the school year.
Mr. Ellison has spent his first few days meeting the students and staff. He is pictured here with Seniors Mia and Isabel.
"I want to thank everyone for making me feel so welcome as the Interim 6-12 Principal. I grew up on a dairy farm in the southern tier of New York State. My small rural High School and Pavilion CSD are very similar to York CSD. This made me right at home on day one. I look forward to meeting more staff and students in the coming weeks,” Mr. Ellison commented.
Mr. Ellison comes to York Middle/High School with many years of experience in education and administrative work. He spent his entire career at Pavilion Central School District where he served 11 years as Superintendent until his retirement in 2020. Before being appointed Superintendent, Mr. Ellison held several positions, including School Business Official, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Assistant HS Principal, Special Education Teacher, and Assistant Wrestling Coach.
Please join us in welcoming Mr. Ellison to the YCS Golden Knight's family.
Elementary School Character Recognition
December's character trait was awareness. Elementary School Principal Mrs. Kent and classroom teachers talked with the students about what it means to practice awareness, including self-awareness and awareness of others.
Click on the Image to the right to enlarge the image.
The Elementary School's Character Education program each month selects students who display the character trait. Congratulations to December's students who were recognized for displaying awareness.
Who Dunnit?
Examining finger prints
Who do the fingerprints on this coffee mug belong to? Are they Mr. Chatley's or did someone set him up?
Delivering the court order to take Ms. Ivers' fingerprints.
Who Dunnit?
That is the question that students in Mr. Peter Apps Forensics class are trying to answer!
For the culminating project in this 20-week course, students must use the scientific analysis skills they’ve learned to solve a mock criminal case. A man is dead…natural causes or is this a crime?
This week, the students collected and analyzed evidence, and conducted in-person interviews with people who may be connected to the possible crime. Could one of them be a suspect?
The Forensics course introduces students to the wide array of career choices in the field of forensics and some of the specialized fields of forensic science, and the application of these principles to various analyses of crime scene evidence.
The students explore how scientific principles are used in analyzing evidence found at a crime scene. The fundamental objective is to teach basic processes of scientific and mathematical thinking necessary for solving problems that are related not only to science but to all disciplines.
2025 York Central School Collegiate Hall of Fame
The 2025 York Central School Collegiate Hall of Fame
York Central School's Collegiate Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony was held on Friday, January 10, 2025, before the YCS Varsity Boys Basketball game.
It is with great pride and admiration that we welcome these remarkable individuals into our Collegiate Hall of Fame. Let us honor them for their hard work.
Click on the photo above to read the full story and biographies of the inductees.
York Central School Alumni and Collegiate Hall of Fame Inductees:
Troy Lubanski 2013 - SUNY Fredonia, Swimming
Kimberly Lubanski 2016 - SUNY Brockport, Soccer
Danielle Perry 2016 - Alfred University, Soccer/Track & Field
Naomi Prentice Smith 2014 - Houghton College, Volleyball
Jenny Mandarano 2019 - University at Buffalo, Soccer
Katie Mandarano 2017 - William and Smith College, Soccer
Zach Englert 2017 - Alfred University, Football
Matt McFarland 2019 - SUNY ESF, Basketball
Kaileigh Carroll 2016 - Medaille College, Volleyball
Congratulations to Our Middle and High School Students of the Quarter
High School Students of the Quarter
Middle School Students of the Quarter
Board Members Deliver a Holiday Card to Staff
School Board President Laura Geary Greets Bus Driver Lorrie Ann
YCS Board Member Kirsty Northrop Delivers a Holiday Card to First Grade Teacher Sandy Streb
Thank You to the YCS Board of Education for the Holiday Card
York All Sports Hall of Fame
2024 YCS All Sports Hall of Fame Inductees
On December 13, 2024, five York Central School alumni were inducted into the All Sports Hall of Fame. Additionally, the York-Leicester Recreation Department was recognized for continually providing a range of exceptional programs for youth.
Click on the photo above to read the full story on the York Central School website.
Congratulations to the 2024 YCA All-Sports Hall of Fame!
Tracy Peglowski, David Turbury, Tabetha Torrens, Andy Englert, Sarah Deuel-Rust, and the York-Leicester Recreation Department.
Inductees to the York Central School All -Sports Hall of Fame are selected from the nominations submitted to the Hall of Fame Committee. Future nominations are encouraged and can be made by visiting the YCS website to download a nomination form (www.yorkcsd.org and click on the Athletics tab).
Photo courtesy of Scott Cruickshank.
January is School Board Appreciation Month
January is officially School Board Appreciation Month across the U.S. However, every day we thank the York Central School Board of Education for supporting our students and staff.
Thank you Laura Geary, Kara Kane, Christine Bianchi, Kirsty Northrop, Marilyn Moore, Daniel Ayers, and Matthew Miller for your volunteer service.
York Central School Pool Activities - Don't Let Winter Keep You Inside
Click on the photo for more information
Contact Mrs. Guesno at aguesno@yorkcsd.org
Rep Your School - Click on the Photo to Order York Central School Apparel
YCS Memories Here! Click on the Photo to Order the 2025 Yearbook
Will Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow On Groundhog Day?
York Central School Administration
York Central School Board of Education
Laura Geary, President
Kara Kane, Vice President
Daniel Ayers
Christine Bianchi
Matthew Miller
Marilyn Moore
Kirsty Northrop
David Furletti, Superintendent
Heather Kent, Elementary School Principal
Ken Ellison, Interim Middle/High School Principal
Aubrey Krenzer, Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Megan Logsdon, CSE Chairperson
Paul Liess, Business Administrator