EWRSD Weekly Update
February 28, 2025

February 28, 2025
Governor Educator of the Year Award Recognition
At the February 24, 2025, East Windsor Regional School District Board of Education meeting, our 2024-2025 New Jersey Governor's Educator of the Year Honorees were recognized.
- Hyun Yoo - EMK
- Jackie O’Keefe - EMK
- Caitlyn Stevens - GNR
- Patty Togans - GNR
- Nicole Kuchie - WCB
- Amy Heinz - WCB
- Michele Randall - PLD
- Laura Lynch - PLD
- Angie Williams - MHK
- Marissa O’Malley - MHK
- Kimberly Rosas - HHS
- Eden Edinger - HHS
A warm THANK YOU to everyone who attended the WCB PTO Multicultural Night! Thank you to all the families that could set up a table and share your unique culture, enriching our community!
The Perry L. Drew Elementary School 3rd-grade wing highlighted their black history month projects on their bulletin boards.
Congratulations to Melvin H. Kreps Middle School on their undefeated season (19-0) & their league championship win over PDS!
Another successful and transformative mid-year retreat as Hightstown High School continues to celebrate 10 years of Peer Group Connection! Always a privilege to see these students in action, as they started the goal-setting process for the remainder of the year, and worked on strengthening their own teamwork and communication skills. So proud of this team!
📣Congratulations to the Hightstown Varsity Cheerleading team! This past weekend they competed in the Varsity Coed Game Day and Varsity Coed divisions and took first place in both making our Hightstown Cheerleading team BACK to BACK 2X NJ STATE CHAMPIONS! We are so proud of all their hard work!
The Spanish National Honor Society students participated in the diversity event at WCB on 2/27. They offered face painting services and created a photo booth with a decorative frame students made.The little ones got to snap pics with their face paint and take home a fun memory from the day. It was such a hit with everyone!
We are excited to announce our participation in the NJSTRIDE 2025 Virtual Job Fair!
Community Flyers
The weekly update may get shortened in email due to size. Please click to "View entire message" to read all community flyers.
“These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the East Windsor Board of Education. The distribution or display of this material is provided as a community service.”
Board of Education Meetings
As of October 11, 2021, all board meetings are in person and may be viewed remotely via live stream. Action will be taken during the open session at all meetings.
A copy of the meeting agenda may be obtained on the EWRSD website within 48 hours of the meeting.
Board meeting dates can be found here.