LNPD Weekly Newsletter
AISD Learn 'N Playday Preschool Updates for the Week of 3/10
LNPD Weekly Updates:
It's been a fun week of building Leprechaun traps and going on Leprechaun hunts. No Leprechauns were trapped, but lots of chocolate coins and ROLOS were left behind. Our school had TONS of glitter, shamrocks, and a HUGE mess left behind too. Those Leprechauns are tricky!!
Early release is on Friday, 3/14. Morning drop off is still 8:45-9am, however pick up is from 10:50-11:05am. No lunch is required on this day.
We will be on Spring Break from 3/17-3/21. Please enjoy your week with your families. I have added things to do around Allen with links below, so if you are staying here, take a look and find some fun, good food, or parks to visit.
Crazy Sock day was fun to have this week. We saw many fun and crazy socks, along with some kids that even made some silly ones themselves.
Please remember to put your LNPD car tag on your rearview mirror.
Please do not pull around the carpool line unless there is a spot open in front of your child's teachers. Creating a second row blocks other parents in from leaving the spaces along the curb and also slows up the carpool flow.
Please continue to try and BE ON TIME. 8:45-9:00 am and 1:50-2:05 pm
Those in need of before and/or after care, we are partnering this upcoming school year with Twin Oaks Private Preschool (TOPPS). They are offering discounts to LNPD families and they have a van that drops off and picks up from LNPD. Their hours are 6:30am-6:30pm. Call TOPPS for pricing by asking for Elaine or Tish.
972-359-0009 or email to : twinoaksprivatepreschool1@gmail.com
Weekly classroom images are found in the gallery below and on your teacher's websites: https://www.allenisd.org/o/aisd/page/learn-n-playday
FYI....If you view this Newsletter via your cell phone, you can click on the photo and a box with 4 arrows will pop up. If you click on this symbol in the upper right corner it will enlarge the photo for better viewing. π
Classroom Themes
All classes had St. Patrick's as their theme this week. There was so much green, rainbows, Leprechauns, gold coins and shamrock activities found in each room. Leprechaun hunts and trap building went on in the 4's classes this week too. We found out how tricky Leprechaun's can be. I hope your kids had a fun week of learning with all our St. Patrick and rainbow activities.
Tuition payments
Throughout the school year you are always able to update your status to auto-pay. However, if you choose to pay manually, you can make your payment at anytime in the two week period from the time of invoice, up until the 28th of every month without a $25 late fee. Any late payments will receive the late fee and it will be charged automatically on your next months invoice. I try to send several reminders to help you avoid these fees.
Families were invoiced on 3/14 for April tuition and it is due by 3/28.
March and April Calendar of Events
Our GREEN March calendar went home this week. Please make sure you are making note of important dates and activities each month. We don't want any of our families missing out on all the stuff going on at Learn 'N Playday!!! If you ever lose yours, I post our monthly newsletter and calendar on our LNPD website. I will send a Newsletter/Calendar home at the beginning of each new month and they will vary in copy paper color.
MARCH 2025
3/14 Invoiced for April Tuition
3/14 1/2 Day of school at LNPD. Pick up carpool time is 10:50-11:05am
3/17-3/21 Spring Break
3/28 April Tuition Due
April 2025
4/1 Community Engagement Night (Info below)
4/2 CLASS Photos
4/3 CLASS Photos
4/16 Spring Open House
4/17 Mrs. Angie's Birthday (3's classes)
4/23 Heritage Farmstead Fieldtrip (MWF & M-F)
4/23 Mrs. Denise's birthday
4/24 Heritage Farmstead Fieldtrip (T/Th & M-F)
4/28 May Tuition due
4/30 LNPD Music Program
LNPD Waiting List for the 2025-2026 School Year
If you know of any Allen friends looking for a preschool for the 2025-2026 school year, please direct them to our website: www.allenisd.org/learnnplayday , and direct them to our Eleyo page to enter their information too. https://allenisd.ce.eleyo.com/child-care/2/learn-n-playday
My email is : lnp@allenisd.org
They must be either 3 or 4 by 9/1 and be fully potty trained.
We would love to have them in our program for next school year!
**If you are a returning LNPD student or a sibling of a current LNPD student, you will get to register before anyone from our waiting list, so no need to get on the waiting list for yourselves.
(The Learn & Play image is linkable to Eleyo too.)
LNPD 2025-2026 Flyer
LNPD Late arrival and Phone Calling
Learn 'N Playday Photo Gallery
Leprechaun Hunt
Trap for the Leprechaun
Finding clues
Oh my goodness!!! He's been here!
AS class Thurs
DY class Wed
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!ππππππ
4's Leprechaun Mustachesπππ°
Illness Reminders:
If sick, your child must be:
1. fever free 24 hours
2. vomit free 24 hours
3. diarrhea free for 24 hours, all before sending them back to school
They also need to be medicine free at school. Giving Tylenol or other fever reducing medicines in the morning can upset their stomachs and also lead to fevers and vomiting later in the day or children falling asleep.
Allergies are here and there are lots of runny noses. We also have seen some Flu cases or fevers in our students. Please be on the lookout for any of these things and keep your children home if they are within that 24 hours of being contagious.
Community Engagement Night
Around Allen
Recess Information
If it is 90-99 actual temperature or heat index, we have a shortened recess time of 10 minutes
It is 100 or above actual temperature or heat index it is INDOOR recess only
35 or below actual or wind child, INDOOR recess only
36-40 degrees its shortened recess and all students must have appropriate jacket and clothing
Air Quality alerts are also shortened recess 10-15 minutesPotty Reminders
Please make sure you have your child use the restroom before leaving your houses in the mornings. Also, please remind your children to tell the teachers when they need to go potty. Some of the accidents we are experiencing is because our students either wait too long to tell someone or they do not inform the teachers that they need to go. (Every LNPD class goes as a class at least 3-4 times per day)
Please have a full change of clothes in your child's backpack. Socks and shoes included and more than one pair of underwear and pants or shorts are always helpful too. Please also make sure your children's clothing items are labeled.
Other Important Information
- Field trips and LNPD activities have begun. All parents must complete a background check prior to participating in any of these activities. This process may take up to two weeks to complete. I have included the link for easy access if you are interested in volunteering. https://www.allenisd.org/page/register-volunteer
- We are not using water fountains this year, so a water bottle is definitely needed. We have a touch free, filtered water bottle station in the LNPD hallway, so we can refill their bottles too.
Make sure to visit our LNPD website to view our monthly calendar and newsletter, find your weekly classroom news and pictures, music songs, links to Eleyo. www.allenisd.org/learnnplayday (4 year old's need to turn in their hearing and vision forms by Dec. 22nd)
- Visit our Allen ISD home page to find the latest information on the district. https://www.allenisd.org
- If you think your child needs to be assessed for any special services, such as speech, autism, hearing or vision impaired, cognitive, social or emotional development, etc..., please reach out to our Allen ISD Special Services department and then go to Child Find. Here is their direct link to get you started: https://www.allenisd.org/o/aisd/page/child-find
Happy Spring Break!!!πΊπ π
Mrs. Denise
Denise S. Chapman
Learn 'N Playday
Office: 972-396-6932
305 N. Alder, Allen, TX 75002
AISD Learn 'N Playday Preschool
Email: lnp@allenisd.org
Website: www.allenisd.org/learnnplayday
Location: 305 N. Alder Drive, Allen, TX, USA
Phone: 972-396-6932