The Royal Decree
Royal High School's Weekly Bulletin: August 14, 2022

Happy Summer, Royal Family!
This edition of the decree will update throughout the summer with new information as it becomes available. The next newsletter will be full of detailed information about Kickoff Week. It will be sent on July 29. The first Decree of the 24-25 school year will go out on August 11.
The main office is open during the summer Monday-Friday from 7:30am to 4pm. The office is closed on June 19 and July 4. You may call the office at 805-306-4875.
Kicking off the School Year
AUG 6- Senior Kickoff Day, 8am-12pm
AUG 7- Junior Kickoff Day, 8am-12pm
AUG 8- Sophomore Kickoff Day, 8am-12pm
AUG 9- Freshman Orientation, 8am-3pm- A must do for all freshman!
AUG 12- Fall Athletics Parent Player Meeting, 6pm
AUG 15- First Day of School
What do I need for the 23-24 school year?
School needs can be confusing year to year. We are here to help.
The Essentials:
All students will need the basic school essentials: pens, pencils, paper, and somewhere to organize their documents. Teachers may request specific items, but we are going more and more digital each year, so you may wait to get anything more than the essentials until after the first day of school. Purchase these items at your favorite retailer.
Computer and Books:
The school district provides each student with a laptop computer and a set of textbooks. It is the student's responsibility to bring them to class every day. Students should not bring their personal devices to school (these create Wi-Fi and programming issues). Students are responsible for the care of books and the laptop and may be responsible for damages. Students who are new to the district receive their computer from the library on their Kickoff day.
Lockers and Locks:
Students may use a locker on campus but it is not required. Lockers are assigned at Kickoff. Please do not put a lock or items in a locker that has not been officially assigned to you. If you do, your items will be removed.
All lockers must use a Royal High School lock (available for purchase in the ASB office for $15). Students can use the same lock for all four years. Other locks will be removed.
PE Clothes:
If you are a freshmen or sophomore and enrolled in PE class, you will need PE clothes. If you are in a sport (including marching band and dance) you will not need PE clothes. Your coach will inform you of the practice uniform. PE Shirts are $15 and Shorts are $20.
ASB Pass:
The ASB sticker costs $85 and is worth over $400. The pass gives the student free admission to all home regular season sports contests, discounts on dance tickets, senior events, and more. This year the ASB Pass will be purchased through gofan.co.
How does the ASB Pass work? Students will show their ASB Pass on their phone in order to enter events. ASB discounts for dances and other purchases will automatically be applied at time of purchase when signed in to your gofan account.
ID Card:
All students will take their ID photo on Kickoff Day. Students must carry their ID card at all times. The ID card is what allows students to be out during free periods and to enter and exit campus during the school day. Royal staff may request to see a student ID as any time.
The ID photo will be used in Aeries and in the school yearbook (for underclassmen) You may order pictures through Cornerstone photography (see flyer below).
Seniors need to schedule their senior portraits with Cornerstone. Senior portraits are a special feature in the yearbook. Look for an email from cs@cornerstone.photo with your invitation to make an appointment or Book Now.
Picture Day Info-English
Picture Day Info-Spanish
Senior Portraits
Scoreboard and Athletics Fundraiser
SVUSD is providing a great deal of money to get a new digital scoreboard, but Royal has to make a contribution as well to get the everything we want to really highlight our athletic programs. There are also other upgrades for the stadium that we hope to do in conjunction with this project. Royal Athletics thanks your for your support.
Fun Note: Receive a Legacy Brick displayed in the ASB Patio with donations of $500 or more!
Summer Lunch Program
Summer Lunch Program-Spanish
Free Bus Rides for Students
Free Bus Rides for Students-Spanish
Follow us for Key Info & to Live that #RoyalLife!
Website: www.royalhighlanders.org
Location: 1402 Royal Avenue, Simi Valley, CA, USA
Phone: 805-306-4875