Northern Southland College
Newsletter - , Term 2 Week 8
23 June 2022
Mānawatia a Matariki — Happy Māori New Year!
We currently have the following building projects on the go that I would like to share with you:
Later this year we will receive two new classrooms. This is because of our current roll and projected roll growth. These are currently under construction in Nelson and are expected to be delivered by the end of the year. We are currently in consultation with the Ministry of Education and Project Manager to ensure that both classrooms are fit for purpose.
You may be aware that following our coal boiler malfunction two winters ago we currently have a temporary diesel boiler. It has been confirmed that we will be getting a wood pellet boiler installed, hopefully in the new year. Lead times for delivery suggest that this will either be installed before the winter or between Terms 2 and 3 next year.
NSC has also been targeted for a Ministry of Education upgrade which will see all lights changed to LED, all power sockets replaced with RCD sockets, insulation installed or upgraded in every accessible ceiling space and acoustic ceiling panels installed in spaces that require them.
Over the coming months contractors will be onsite assessing the current situation and making specific plans for the upgrade. The upgrade will be underway in 2023.
Recent student survey feedback indicated that some students are not aware of who to go to for help if/when they need it. This week we put posters up in all classrooms and in the office showing how students can seek assistance. The posters have photos of the staff and their title (eg. Guidance Counsellor, Dean) so they can easily identify the person they want to speak to. Families can also contact us if you have any concerns. We are here to help.
Finally, we have had a few instances where students have not shown respect to others (staff and/or students). We are all entitled to feel safe at all times at NSC. Verbal and/or physical abuse of others will not be tolerated at NSC and will be dealt with in the appropriate manner by the Deans and Senior Leadership Team.
Ngā mihi
Pete Wilkinson
Upcoming Events
- Matariki Holiday - Friday 24 June
- SADD Meeting Invercargill - Thursday 30 June
- 40 Hour Famine - Friday 1 July
- Year 10/11 Rural Health Promotion - Tuesday 5 July
- Disco - Thursday 7 July
- Last Day of Term - Friday 8 July
As part of creating awareness of Matariki (Māori New Year), this week the Year7 – 10 Humanities ākonga (students) have been making posters and learning about Matariki with other activities.
Permission Forms
Just a reminder that we are required by the Ministry to have received signed permission by a parent/caregiver for any student to participate in a school sport or activity. In most cases you should receive the form as a hard copy and email. Please remember to return these to school with your child. Without a copy of the signed permission form they will not be able to participate in the sport /activity.
Emails from the College
This needs to be checked regularly as each new teacher will mean a new email address that could be going to Spam.
Y9/10 Enterprise Studies Market Day
The three 7/8 classes went along to Lumsden Primary to share the picture books they had written & published.
Year 9 Humanities – Sustainability Project
As part of the course on Sustainability, the Year 9s are doing a Chip Packet Project and planting native trees.
The Chip Packet project: students will be making warm blankets from the chip packets and donating to homeless or people in need. In the past weeks, students were engaged in collecting, cleaning and washing the chip packets
The second project is planting some native trees around the college & assisting the staff to put down weed mat.
It was great to see Xavier Trusler in action recently at Dipton Engineering where he has now
secured a full-time job. Xavier started on the Gateway programme with Dipton Engineering,
and we sincerely thank Phil and the team for working alongside NSC. Congratulations Xavier
and all the best!
Alyssa Few attended the Salon Skills course as part of the Trades Academy at SIT every
Friday. Alyssa has since been offered an apprenticeship at Evolve Hair Design in Winton. We
thank Daina at Evolve for giving Alyssa this wonderful opportunity to pursue her passion in
Caleb Hellewell is an integral part of the Lochiel Engineering team. “Caleb is a fantastic
welder and has better skills than some of us here”, “fantastic worker” were quotes by a staff
members when visiting him at his workplace recently. Caleb is part of the Gateway
programme, and we thank Colin and his team for giving him this opportunity.
Xavier at Dipton Engineering
Alyssa at Evolve Hair Design
Caleb at Lochiel Engineering
YEAR 10/11 Rural Health Careers Promotion
A visit will take place on 5th July for all Year 10/11 students
If you do not want your student to be photographed, filmed or quoted during the visit please get your young person to pick up a copy of the publicity disclaimer, fill it out and return to Mrs Duncan by Friday 1 July.
Y13 Portobello trip
The Year 13 biology class went to the New Zealand Marine Studies Lab in Portobello this Monday with a group of students from Fiordland College.
While the trip was intended to have three days of learning about the processes involved in setting up investigations, the trip was cut short by unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances.
Though we weren’t able to achieve what was planned, the trip was still worthwhile – if nothing else, it was good for the students to get a glimpse of what a fully kitted laboratory setting is like.
The lasagna provided by Mr Cooper was also spectacular.
Chainsaw Course
Piano for Sale
NCEA Credits for Driver's Licence
Guitars for sale
Sport Contracts
There are still an outstanding number of Student Sport Contracts to be handed into the office. Please get these in ASAP. If you require a new form, please ask at the office.
Clay Target Shooting - Dunedin Intercollegiate Shoot 13 June
Very testing conditions for all 72 Shooters from Otago and Southand.
Skeet - Senior Boys - Cody Lowe 3rd
Ladies - Makenzie Appleyard-Drake 1st, Grace Naylor 2nd
Junior Boys - Jack Heslip 2nd, Duncan Durling 3rd
DTL - Single Rise - Jack Heslip HOA
Ladies - Kate Bennett 1st
Junior Boys - Duncan Durling 2nd
Points Score - Senior Boys - Cade McLachlan 3rd
Ladies - Kate Bennett 2nd, Makenzie Appleyard-Drake 3rd
Junior Boys - Duncan Durling 1st, Mitchell McLachlan 3rd
Ladies Team 1st - Kate Bennett, Grace Naylor, Makenzie Appleyard-Drake
Single Barrel - Senior Boys - Josh Lowe 2nd
Ladies - Kate Bennett 1st, Marnie Clark 3rd
Junior Boys - Jack Heslip 3rd
Ladies DTL High Gun - Kate Bennett
Junior Boys DTL High Gun - Duncan Durling
Awesome win from our Senior Boys' Basketball Team last Wednesday. Impressive intercepts and outstanding teamwork.
Rugby Southland have introduced Thursday rugby for the boys grades this year. This means all teams will have two Thursday night games. Due to most games being a 4.15 kick off, boys will need to sign out from school early. Boys can communicate with their coaches if there is a problem.
At this stage, these are the games that are on a Thursday, but we imagine there will be more in the U16 grade as the draw is not completed yet due to the grade being split into three pods.
Girls' Rugby
Rugby - Congratulations to Grace Duthie for being selected for the Southland Hinds 2022 team.
Special Olympics Football
Now that the hockey competitions are well underway, we need to make sure that all of our school players are registered.
Using the link below, players or parents can go online, find their school and register their information for the 2022 season if they haven’t done this already.
Please note. Click on the ‘Registration Form’ NOT the School.
Hockey A & B Teams - Results
The B team played on Monday 13 June and had a loss 2-1 to Menzies. The A team had a bye.
Both teams played on Monday 20 June and both teams had wins. The A team beat Southland Boys 3-0. The B team beat Southland Girls C 2-0
Year 7 and 8 Hockey results
School App
Please also make sure you have joined up with the alert sport groups specific to your child/ren to receive relevant notifications.
Any questions regarding anything “Sport” please don’t hesitate to contact Michelle Elder (Sport Coordinator) michelle.elder@nsc.school.nz or 027 619 7307
Internet Connectivity at home - Distance Learning
Extension to COVID-19 hardship assistance for whānau
The Government has extended the increased income limits for hardship assistance until Thursday 30 June.
This means more casual or part-time workers, or people who aren’t already getting financial support, will continue to be eligible for help with their immediate or emergency costs. This is especially important for those who need direct help as part of the COVID-19 welfare response.
People new to MSD can check these links to see the new income limits:
· Recoverable Assistance Payment
· then click on our check what you might get guide.
You will be be asked some easy questions about your costs, then MSD will let them you about any Work and Income payments you may be able to get.
Alternatively, if You would like to talk with MSD, you can call:
· 0800 559 009 for working age
· 0800 552 002 for over-65s
· 0800 88 99 00 for students
Interpreters are available.
Please note, income limits for Emergency Housing Special Needs Grants, Transition to Work Grants and the Course Participation Allowance aren’t changing.
Study Link information
First year fees-free
If your child is thinking about tertiary study, they may be able to receive their first year fees-free.
If they are planning on industry training (where they are training in a workplace, or doing ‘on the
job’ learning), they could get two years fees-free.
For more information and to check eligibility visit https://www.feesfree.govt.nz/ or call the fees-
free helpline 0800 687 775
Study jargon - EFTS
Qualifying for certain payments will rely on studying the required number of EFTS (Equivalent Full-time Student). Studylink use EFTS to work out is someone is studying full time or part-time and to determine on-going eligibility for payments.
Usually, every paper or course has a certain amount of points or credits that represent the amount of study or workload you do. The general rule is 0.125 EFTS is equivalent to 15 credits or points.
Contacting the College
Ring 03 248 7121 and follow the prompts, text 027 248 7121, or use the absence feature on the school app.
Parents/Caregivers are also required to give the College notice if students are leaving early. Please do this by either phoning, using the app or texting the above number.
Contact Us
Email: office@nsc.school.nz
Website: https://nsc.school.nz
Location: 51 Maria Street, Lumsden 9730, New Zealand
Phone: 03 248 7121
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Northern-Southland-College-265321576975475/