Natick Redhawks
Your Weekly Update from Natick High School

STUDENT HIGHLIGHTS - RedHawk Pride - Creative Technology
Congratulations to five NHS students on achieving their Creative Technology Certifications this week! To earn this certification, students must combine skills learned in various technology courses here at Natick High, with community service projects and a culminating project which is presented to the community. Last night the following five students presented projects that included a website for guidance of videos introducing elective courses offered at NHS, a website developed for the Natick Commission on Disabilities, and a messaging system to streamline communication between students and teachers. The projects and the professionalism of the students was exceptional!
Students listed left to right (in group photo) Om Sharma '24, Devashish Das '24, Jessie Pfahler '23, Rachel Garrity '23, Skylar Huber '24
Congratulations to our five students on their culmination of years of work, and a real passion for their projects!
Congratulations to Talia Bradley for receiving the 2023 Leadership in Diversity Award. This award is given in recognition to her contribution toward her school and community, a place where there is a greater communication and harmony. And for her efforts in promoting understanding between people of diverse backgrounds.
STUDENT HIGHLIGHTS - RedHawk Pride - 9th Grade Boaz Webber and Ms. Crohan's Law Students
On Thursday, District Attorney Marian Ryan spoke at the Framingham District Court Law Day ceremony to celebrate the nation’s commitment to the rule of law. Ms. Crohan took 13 students to the court where they observed and interacted with the judges and the DA. 9th grader Boaz Webber was awarded 3rd place in the writing competition, earning a plaque and $150 for his efforts.
Ms. Crohan's Law students at court
Natick HS Alum and State Rep. Linsky with Ms. Crihan's law students
Rep. Linsky and Boaz Webber
Reminders and Important Points
1) To Families of Seniors (Class of 2023) - Please see the letter that Mr. Hoye sent to families and students of the Class of 2023 linked below. This letter outlines the dates and details of Senior events and activities leading up to graduation.
Letter to Seniors and Families - Senior Events and Activities
2) AP TESTING - Students and parents please check your email regarding upcoming AP Exams. An email was sent at the beginning of the week with specific information regarding the dates, times and locations for each test.
NHS After Prom Party - Volunteers needed
Immediately following the Prom (5/12) from Midnight to 5:00 am at Natick High School. Thank you to the PTSO and the APP Committee for throwing an incredible, substance-free party for the entire Senior class. NHS Seniors do not need to attend Prom to come to the After Prom Party. Thanks to the generosity of the PTSO and the Natick community, there is no cost to attend. Come for the games, prizes, music, food and fun! Please reach out to the PTSO leadership to volunteer - natickhighptso@gmail.com
APP Letter to Parents - Information and Details
Amazon APP raffle link-
APP Volunteer sign up
APP Food donation sign up
The Jay and Ricky Ball Impact Award
The Ball Family is launching the first annual Jay and Ricky Ball Impact Award this year. A $1000 award will be granted to a student with the best proposal for a service project impacting the community. The award is designed to encourage service in the community through an annual monetary award to fund a proposed project. All students and student groups are eligible for the award. To hear more about the award and how to get involved and qualify, please attend one of the following meetings:
In person: Tuesday, May 2nd at 2:30 in Room 229
Virtual: Wednesday, May 3rd at 7:45am Meeting Link
Virtual: Wednesday, May 3rd at 2:30 Meeting Link
If you have any questions or can't make any of the meeting, please reach out to Mr. Brenneman.
Interested in careers in public health/medicine/epidemiology/bioethics/ nursing/virology/mental health & more?
Health & Wellness Department
To read the NHS Health & Wellness Departments Quarterly Newsletter, please click here.
Guidance Department Bulletin
To view our Guidance Departments current bulletin please click here.
Athletics - NHS Spring Sports Schedule
We are excited to begin the 2023 Natick High School Athletic Spring Season! Natick is a community that enjoys a rich tradition of excellence in athletics. Thank you for supporting all of our teams. Please find linked here the full
2023 Natick HS Spring Season Schedule. This is available on The Natick High School Athletic Department Website for all to access during any season to view a full slate of our athletic contests.
Health Clinic
Just a reminder, if your child tests positive for Covid-19, they must stay home for 5 days. The day they started symptoms is Day 0, the next day is Day 1, then Day 2, etc. They may return to school on Day 6 and must wear a mask for an additional 5 days. A headache, scratchy throat, congestion/runny nose, cough, and/or fever are some of the more common symptoms of Covid-19.
Siblings and close contacts do not need to quarantine and can come to school as long as they are not having symptoms of illness. However, they must wear a mask for 10 days when around others following a Covid exposure.
Click for more information from the Massachusetts DPH: Covid-19 Isolation and Exposure Guidance
Please read Grade 11 parents/guardians. Very Important!
Yearbook Website
Mr. Fleming has put together a comprehensive website for NHS Yearbook resources. It includes Senior photo requirement guidelines, how to purchase a yearbook, as well as how to advertise. Please see the NHS Yearbook Website here.
Thank you to our PTSO for their ongoing support to our students and faculty. Our PTSO is looking for more volunteers to assist them with their work for the school year. You can learn more about the NHS PTSO, and how to get involved by visiting their website. Thank you in advance for your help!
You can subscribe to their monthly newsletter at the top of their webpage.
Reminder for Parents Who Want to Volunteer--CORI Checks
Reminder If you want to volunteer in schools, you must have a CORI check conducted and you must go into the building with identification (drivers license or passport) to do this. Click here for description of what a CORI check is and does. Without a CORI check, you cannot volunteer in the school. Here is the form to fill out for a CORI.
Quick Links
Speak Up, Natick!
Send us your questions or ideas via Speak Up, Natick!
Bullying Incident Report Form
Use this form to report a bullying incident.
Student Support
PowerSchool Support
Technology Support
COVID-19 Updates
View the latest COVID-19 updates from NPS.
- Title I: Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990Title II
- Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990Title VI
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964Title IX
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
- MGL, Ch.76, Section 5: Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 76, Section 5