BonDeCroft Lion's Roar
Aug. 19h - Aug. 23rd
Parent Pick-Up
Please make sure to hang your parent pick-up car tag in your window where we can see it until your child is loaded in your vehicle. The faster we can see the names, the faster we can get everyone through the line. If your child needs help buckling up, please pull forward out of the line and help them. This will keep the line moving quickly.
21st CCLC After-School Program
PTO Volunteer Link
If you are interested in volunteering in any way, please complete the form using the QR code or the following link.
Playground Work Day
Emergency Drills
We will be performing emergency drills during the next week and at different times throughout the year. Please reach out to the school office with any questions or concerns.
Important Events:
8/23: PTO Shirt Sale is Due
9/5: School Pictures
BonDeCroft News
Lunch prices for visitors will be $5.50. Please make sure you bring correct change.
Lions Pledge
We are Lions
We have GRIT
For what we have.
To all we meet.
We are INDEPENDENT thinkers.
We make our own choices!
We earn TRUST
By our actions!
We are Lions.
We Don't Quit.
August Menu
PTO News
8/23: PTO Shirt Sale is due
Title I Tid Bits
Cooking and baking: Measure ingredients, follow recipes, and learn about fractions.
Storytelling: Take turns telling stories. This helps develop language skills and creativity.