The Lion Link
Dear Lion Families,
I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. As we step into a new week of learning and growth, I am excited to share some wonderful news and celebrate our students' achievements.
This week, we have the pleasure of honoring our 7th and 8th grade students for their outstanding accomplishments from the '23 - '24 school year at our Honor Roll & Reclassification Celebration Assembly on Friday, September 20th. These students have demonstrated exceptional dedication and perseverance to make the honor roll, and we are thrilled to recognize their hard work and academic excellence. Their commitment to their studies is truly commendable and will provide them with the foundation to be successful in their future endeavors. Parents are welcome to join us for this celebration!
Additionally, our 6th graders are in for a treat as they participate in a spirited pep rally assembly. This event will not only be a fun and energizing experience but also a fantastic opportunity for our youngest students to build and connect with school spirit as they embark on their journey at our school.
Moving forward, Honor Roll assemblies will take place at the conclusion of each semester.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in fostering an enriching and positive educational experience for our students. Let’s make this week a memorable one as we recognize and celebrate the hard-earned successes of our students.
Natalie Daniels
Announcements: NEW!
Spirit Week! (09/16 - 09/20)
Encourage your students to participate with Spirit Week to earn class and pod points!
- Monday - Pajama Day
- Tuesday - Soccer / BBQ Parent
- Wednesday - Surfer or Skater
- Thursday - Adam Sandler Day
- Friday - Anything But a Backpack Day
Please review guidelines for each of these spirit days on the ASB website (linked here)
NEW! Parent Involvement - We need your help!
We invite you to participate with important decision making teams on campus!
- School Site Council
We have one opening! Please submit your interest on the nomination form by Tuesday, Sept. 17 @ 3:00 pm (linked here). The team only meets 4-5 times per year on Wednesdays at 3:00pm. - English Learner Advisory Committee
Please submit your interest to the nomination form linked here by Tuesday, Sept. 17.
NEW! Honor Roll Assembly
- 8th grade Assembly - 9:07 am
- 7th grade Assembly - 9:59 am
NEW! Parent Involvement - Lunchtime Lions!
Are you interested in volunteering at school on a regular basis? If so, we'd like to know!
Our team is working to offer a volunteer supported Lunchtime Lions program that will offer field events on campus at lunchtime. If you are interested in learning more about the vision, timeline and to express your interest, fill out the link here.
NEW! Make-Up Picture Day - 09/19
Make-Up Picture Day is September 19th. Students that did not have their picture taken or need it retaken will have the opportunity that day. Photos will be taken during the students PE period.
NEW! Suicide Prevention
Last week's Suicide Prevention Week (September 8-14, 2023) promoted "Changing the Narrative and Starting the Conversation."
NEW! The Elizabeth Hospice
School-Based Grief Groups - accepting referrals
Meet and assess potential students for interest, readiness, and appropriateness to join groups. Please refer to the attached document, Starting a Grief Group at School in Partnership with The Elizabeth Hospice-Guide for Professionals. After meeting with each student, obtain e-signature consent for enrollment from the student’s caregiver following these links:
One form per student is required. Our team will confirm receipt of consent.
A PDF copy of the authorization forms has also been attached to this email.
A minimum of 8 students is needed to sustain the peer support model for the group. Students are not permitted to participate in group until their signed Authorization Form has been received
Lion Pride: Wins of the Week!
Lion Pride Winners!
A huge congratulations to this week's Lion Pride winners! Jacklyn and Royce won gift cards to Starbucks during this week's drawing. Thanks for making great decisions on campus!
Don't forget to turn in your Lion Pride tickets to Room E-2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays to be entered into our weekly drawing.
Roar of the Week!
Thank you, Vincent, for joining this week's Announcements team! Who will be up next?
King's Friday News
Check out this week's Friday News!
Watch: Oside USD in One Minute
It's this week's Oside USD in One Minute. Watch it in Spanish.
Student Corner
PFC - Rosie Visit
Love on a Leash
Love on a Leash joined us for their monthly lunchtime visit!
Flag Football: 2024
Let's go, Lions! ROAR!
Announcements: Previously Published
Ask a Therapist: LIVE!
As a partner district with the Cook Center for Human Connection and Parent, we have access to live opportunities for our parents/guardians/caregivers to connect with a therapist and ask questions, receive guidance, and connect with other parents/guardians/caregivers who are also asking questions. The first such opportunity is approaching next week (September 18th at 5:00pm on Zoom linked here).
This is free, no insurance necessary, and anonymous.
Volleyball Update
Volleyball registration for Sportsnet has reopened (instructions linked here) and will close on Monday, September 9th at 3:00 pm.
Varsity, JV, and Novice team rosters will be posted in the MPR at 4:30pm on Monday, September 16th. We’re excited for another fantastic season! Go Lions!
For questions, email
On Campus Therapy Available
Is your child experiencing depression or anxiety at a substantial level that it is interfering with their ability to concentrate at school? King students can receive free weekly therapy (up to 10 sessions) by trained therapists/counselors/interns on a weekly basis.
We offer these services via Palomar Family Counseling Services and Wellness Together. Both of these programs are funded by state grants. If you are interested in having your child receive these services during school hours, please contact your child's counselor for a referral.
A-GOM Ms. Finn
GON-O Ms. Figueroa
P-Z Ms. Sandoval
Upcoming Events
Tutoring - Weekly Schedule
- King Middle School
Beginning this week, tutoring supports will be offered at King in ELA, Math & History. Please view the document linked here for details regarding dates and times. - Virtual Tutoring - All OUSD Gr. 6 -12 Students
OUSD has partnered with for FREE, on demand, online tutoring! Connect with a tutor right away, schedule a future session, drop off a writing assignment for a writing review, find test prep and self-study materials. View instructions linked here.
SSC Nominations: Parent Submissions Due September September 17th
SSC Elections: Parent Voting Closes September 20th
Coffee with the Principal & Title I Presentation: September 27th
Fall Dance: October 25th
Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School (Website)