Evergreen Middle School
August 9, 2024
Message from Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Friends and Families,
It is with pleasure that I welcome the scholars and families of the Evergreen Middle School community to the 2024-2025 school year. I hope that you are having a wonderful summer. I am very excited to have over (765) 6th, 7th, 8th graders and their families join our school community. I am thrilled to begin my fourth year at Evergreen Middle School and look forward to continuing to partner with you to provide your child(ren) with a rigorous, engaging, and high-quality school experience. As your Principal, I will continue to cultivate a school culture where all educational programs are conducive to student learning and development. As we begin the 2024-2025 school year, we must continue to set the bar for our goals high and surpass our greatest expectations. Here at EVG we are hard at work in getting this school year off to a great start for everyone. Our staff is committed to ensuring an outstanding learning experience for all our students as we support their development as scholars and citizens. We are dedicated to the success of each student.
We look forward to continuing our goal of providing a 21st Century learning environment for our students. As we continue to ensure academic proficiency in our scholars, we will be developing the following key skills in our students: effective communication both orally and in written form; being innovative and creative; the ability to critically-think; apply knowledge and skills to real-world settings; and, work collaboratively with others. Your support and cooperation, along with our best professional efforts, will support this goal.
To our returning students, I extend a warm welcome back. Your dedication to learning, growth, and support for one another is what makes our school special. I encourage you to continue pushing the boundaries of your potential and explore new avenues of knowledge and personal development. Embrace every challenge as an opportunity to learn, and let your curiosity lead the way.
To our new students and their parents, I extend a heartfelt welcome to the Grizzly Family. We are thrilled to have you join us, and we promise to nurture your individuality while fostering a sense of belonging. Your unique perspectives and talents will undoubtedly enrich our school community, and we look forward to witnessing your growth and accomplishments.
I also want to express my gratitude to our dedicated team of educators and staff. Your passion for teaching and unwavering commitment to our students’ well-being are the driving forces behind our school’s success. As we continue this journey together, let us stand united, supporting one another to create an environment where excellence thrives.
As we work together during the year, I encourage you to let me know how you and your child/children are experiencing school. Through open communication, teamwork and a dedication to continuous improvement, I promise this to be a rewarding and enjoyable school year for the children.
When the school year is underway you will be receiving regular newsletters, notices, and updates from the school. Please be sure to check your email, text, and Evergreen’s Facebook page so you can stay current with upcoming events and the high-level learning taking place in our community. While newsletters and social media are great ways to communicate, please know that I welcome any opportunity to meet with you in person. I want to express my sincere appreciation to all of you for your pledge and commitment to Evergreen Middle School and the success of all our students. I am proud to lead the students and staff of Evergreen through another wonderful school year! On behalf of the staff, I look forward to working with you to provide each student an outstanding learning experience. It is an honor to serve the Evergreen community.
Thank you for being a part of the Grizzly family.
Your Partner in Education,
Mrs. Collins
253 945 5100
Information and Reminders
Early Release Days:
Please remember that every Friday is an early release day. Scholars will be released at 1:15 pm. For the safety of your child, you must pick them up on time. Teachers and administration personnel will be attending meetings and adult supervision will cease after 15 minutes from the early release time.
Student Drop off and Pick-up:
Please use our parking lot, not the bus loop to drop off and pick up your child. For safety reasons, the bus loop should not be used. We have cars coming in and out of our school parking lot so please pick up or drop off your child quickly to keep traffic moving smoothly.
When your child is absent make sure that you call the front office or put in the absence into ParentVue/StudentVue. We need your help to ensure that we are providing your child with the best possible education. So please bring them to school every day and on time. Make sure that you are planning your family vacations around the school calendar. It is imperative that your child attends school every day. The only way our scholars will continue to excel academically is by being active participants in the classroom and they can only do so if they are here at school.
If your child will be absent or you have attendance questions, please call Mrs. Vance at 253-945-5102
Enrollment and Verification
Online verification for returning FWPS families opens on August 1, 2024, and online enrollment is back online for new FWPS families on August 1, 2024. ALL families will need to complete the annual verification process for all children.
Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit (CNEEB) Application
Federal Way Public Schools will continue to offer breakfast and lunch at no cost to all scholars through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2024-25 school year.
***Your family may qualify for additional benefits by completing the Child Nutrition Education and Eligibility Benefit (CNEEB) Application such as fee waivers, scholarships, sun bucks, and reduced internet costs. The CNEEB also ensures your child's school qualifies for federal and state funding as determined by parent income levels. Visit www.fwps.org/lunchsurvey to complete the application.
Have questions or need support? Contact Nutrition Services at 253-945-5561
Message from Ms. Daniel, Assistant Principal
Dear Parents and Families,
Evergreen policy regarding cell phone and/or electronics – WE SEE IT WE TAKE IT!
We hope that you and your family enjoyed your summer and spent some quality time together. We wanted to remind you to have conversations with your scholar about our Phone/Electronics Policy here at Evergreen.
All of our teachers have access to our phone use tracker and will be recording and emailing you if your scholar chooses to disregard our phone/electronics policy. We have a (3) Tier System to track and reinforce our Phone/Electronics Policy.
Tier 1- WARNING – Teacher’s track, record and email parents of phone/electronic use.
Tier 2- DAILY PHONE DROP FOR A MONTH – What does this mean exactly? Your scholar will be provided an envelope. He/she will place the phone in the envelope before school in the grade appropriate bin 6th, 7th or 8th every day in the morning and pick it up afterschool for one month.
Tier 3 BLUE PHONE LOCK AND SEAL – What does this mean exactly? Your scholar will be provided a locking, blue pouch. He/she will place his phone in the pouch and lock it. Upon locking the phone your scholar will contact you with the administrator’s guidance and inform you that you need to come in IMMEDIATELY before school is dismissed and retrieve his/her phone.
To be clear Tier 3 - is a PARENT RETRIEVAL ONLY WITH REFLECTION AND RE-ENTRY FORM. When you come to collect your child’s phone a phone re-entry meeting will take place. We will review our phone/electronics policy and expectations. Your child will write a reflection and also sign agreeing to uphold school wide expectations and our phone policy. You will initial and sign that you will continue conversations to help your scholar follow our policy. Your child will incur a lunch detention until you come to pick-up and meet for phone/electronic re-entry.
IMPORTANT REMINDERS: All of our classrooms have phones if your child needs to contact you for any reason he/she can use the classroom phone or ask for a pass to use the office phone or to see Ms. Daniel, A.P. All parents can call the school’s main number if you need for us to give your child any messages. Federal Way Public Schools District has the best emergency procedure in place to contact all families in the event of an emergency within any of our schools.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
In Partnership,
Nadine Daniel
Assistant Principal
(253) 945-5112
Evergreen Middle School
Parents of students eligible to ride the bus to and from school will receive an automated call and email with their child’s specific bus stop location and pickup and drop-off information by August 21, 2024.
During the first few weeks of each new school year, the district’s Transportation Department works to determine where there may be bus overloads or schedule adjustments needed – based on actual student ridership. Traffic flows the first few weeks of school are typically heavier than normal, and multiple construction projects around Federal Way could also impact route timeliness. Our routers are working hard to expedite any adjustments, as safely and efficiently as possible. As the Transportation Department works to streamline routes, we appreciate your patience and understanding.
Bus drivers are provided a list of eligible riders for each bus route to verify students are approved for ridership. We ask that all student-scholars eligible to ride the bus be at their bus stop five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time. Bus route information can also be found by logging into ParentVue and going to the "Student Info" tab.
More information: https://www.fwps.org/departments/transportation
Sports Information
Evergreens Athletic Director: Dennis Pichette 253-945-5167 or dpichett@fwps.org
Middle school sports season is divided into four seasons
Fall: Sept-Nov- Cross Country, Football & Fast Pitch (softball)
Winter #1: Nov- Feb- Girls Basketball, Boys & Girls Wrestling
Winter #2: Feb-Apr- Boys Basketball, Gymnastics, Intra Soccer
Spring: Apr-June- Baseball, Girls Volleyball, Track & Field
ALL FWPS ATHLETICS INFORMATION: https://www.fwps.org/departments/athletics
1. Turn in a recent sports physical to the school. The physicals are good for 2 years. (link above includes sports physical forms for you and the doctor to complete). Below is information about available clinics to request a physical.
2. Register your child online via FinalForms : Please register at: https://federalway-wa.finalforms.com/
About FinalForms:
All FWPS scholar-athletes will use FinalForms, to complete athletic participation
This service streamlines the paperwork process by allowing you to complete and sign athletic
participation forms for your students online and saving data from season-to-season and year to-
This means that you will never need to enter the same information twice! You may review
your child’s data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once
per year and after any update.
School Based Health Centers HealthPoint @ TAF/Saghalie & Thomas Jefferson HS
Healthcare services are provided by HealthPoint, a community health center that provides high-quality, affordable care at locations throughout King County.
Parents may register their student for a wide range of services such as
- · Primary care
- · Mental health counseling
- · Physical and annual exams
- · Sports physicals
- · Immunizations
- · Injury care
- · Medication management and refills
- · Nutrition education and counseling
- · Specialty referrals
- · Diagnostics testing
Students do not have to pay out of pocket for care. HealthPoint staff can help with applications for insurance or other programs that will cover costs.
Schedule an Appointment
Appointments for in-person, telephone, or virtual visits are available for students. Interpreters are available. Call 253-804-3589 to make an appointment. Register your student online at https://bit.ly/EnglishHPSBHCreg (English) or https://bit.ly/SpanishHPSBHCreg (Spanish)
Important Dates
08/01 Thur- Annual verification opens online. Log into ParentVue & confirm that all information is up to date. This is a yearly requirement due before school starts. https://www.fwps.org/enrollment
08/30 Fri 9-1pm- 6th Grade Orientation. There will be a quick parent meeting while the 6th graders attend orientation with their mentors.
09/03 Tue- First Day of School! Welcome back to a new school year.
09/03-09/04 Tue/Wed- First day of sports tryouts. First day still to be confirmed*
09/10 Tue- School pictures. Picture packets will be sent home with your student
09/16 Mon- Fall Fundraiser Kick Off! Sell cookie dough and win cool prizes! (fundraiser ends 9/30)