Millswood Email Template
July 28 2024

Millswood Middle School news:
Here we go!
Welcome to Millswood Middle School! We are off and running and ready to welcome all of our 7th and 8th grade students. We have a few facility projects still in the works but we just going to work around it! Our office and teachers will be very busy tomorrow and Tuesday, so we kindly ask for your patience during this time. Our orientation hour will address many of your questions and concerns, we hope you will attend (tomorrow at 8:05 and 6:00 pm).
An email link to our newsletter will be sent every Sunday at 6:00 pm. Please take a minute every week to read our latest news, upcoming events, and reminders.
Here is the first reminder:
Our goal is to make middle school as enjoyable and engaging as possible. We want to instill good academic habits while helping to build confidence, resilience, and the ability to accept direction and feedback. Please partner with us during these two years of growth. Together, we can work towards the betterment of your child and our community.
See you soon!
Mrs. Lenzi, Principal
First Day of School
First Day of School
Millswood 7th grade students will start school tomorrow MONDAY, July 29th at 8:00am-11:38.
Students will make their way through the main gates, check the posted lists to confirm their class/line number, and head to the back of the school and line up at the assigned area. We will have clear directions and lots of adults available to help your student find their way. Parents will not be invited inside our gates, please plan to say goodbye before your student enters the gates. We do NOT have Bridge services this Monday, tomorrow. Bridge starts Tuesday.
All students will have school on Tuesday, July 30th. We will have a staggered start time that day ONLY:
7th grade: 8:00
8th grade: 8:05
This allows for students to find their way to their class lines with half the chaos! 7th graders will enter through the gates and make their way to their lines in the back. 8th graders will check the lists to confirm their first period class/line and remain in the courtyard or MPR. Space in the courtyard is limited due to constructions.
Again, don't worry, we will have instructions and plenty of help for your students when they arrive.
Parent Orientation
Parent Orientation is considered mandatory! PLEASE plan to attend!
Orientation is tomorrow morning at 8:05 or tomorrow evening at 6:00pm.
Orientation will be held at First Baptist Church, just across the parking lot from Millswood.
Parents and guardians of students new to Millswood must attend our orientation but I strongly encourage ALL to attend.
We will share policies, procedures, and expectations. Having all of us on the same page is key to a successful school year. Please plan to attend. I know many of you have sat through my orientations before, I hope you will do it again! Orientation will be held at First Baptist Church, just across the parking lot from Millswood.
Starting day one:
Expectations starting day one!
Millswood is committed to being the best we can be. This means high expectations for all. Your support for such is appreciated. The two expectations that students push back on the most will be enforced from day one:
- Students may not have cell phones or electronic devices in sight. If your student is going to carry a phone, it must be off and stored out of sight. Phones will be confiscated if they are seen and an adult on the emergency contact list will need to pick up the device. We will not be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged phones.
- Students may only wear Millswood hats to school.
All Millswood policies, procedures and expectations will be taught to every student during the first week of school and reviewed regularly.
Student's schedules
We will not take requests for schedule changes or teacher changes. Thank you for understanding.
School Supplies and Attire
Supplies and attire
Many of you are cleaning out backpacks from May and restocking for the new year!
All students should already have a chromebook and charger. Have your chromebook ready go, plug it in now and have it fully charged for day two of school! Our 7th grade students will be exchanging their current chromebook for a new one during the first week of school. Students new to LUSD will be given a chromebook during the first week.
Planners and supplies:
All student will be given a planner and will be expected to use the planner. Pencils, pens, highlighters, spiral notebooks, graph paper, etc will be the basic supplies needed. Teachers will provide a list of specific needs during the first week.
Athletic shoes are required for PE. Your student may choose to change their shoes for PE in order meet this requirement. We do not change clothes for PE. This means your student needs to be mindful of what they choose to wear to school to ensure they can fully participate in PE.
At all times: students may not show their midriff, undergarments should not be showing, tank top straps need to be 3 fingers wide, and shorts need to have a modest inseam.
We will make sure every student has what they need. We are here to help so let us know if you need anything at all!
Aeries data confirmation
Please confirm your student's emergency contact information and start of school data.
Nutrition Services
Lunch menu
We are a construction zone! Things look a bit rough and the heat has wiped out the lawn. We typically have a beautiful campus and we have a dedicated custodial crew but we are in the middle of facility improvements. This has been a busy summer for our Maintenance and Operations division. We are going to need to work around some of the projects as they wrap up. But, give us time and this place will shine. You might notice:
- Our drop off lane is in the works
- We are in the middle of getting a large shade structure over the courtyard
- Two new portables are going in
- A couple of classrooms are being refurnished
- And more much much more