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Defender News
St. Michael School
November 7, 2024
Office Hours & Contact Information
School Day Office Hours:
7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Office Phone Number: 419-423-2738
Fax Number: 419-423-2720
The school must be notified by 8:00 am of a student absence. Please advise school of symptoms and expected length of absence.
Phone: 419-423-2738
School Calendar
Nov 9 - St. Michael Parish Christmas Bazaar
Nov 14 - Veterans' Day Mass & Celebration - 8:35 am
-2nd quarter mid-term
Nov 15 - $1.00 Out of Uniform
Dudes at the Doors PTC event
Nov 20 - Academy of Angels Balloon Parade
-1st Reconciliation for 2nd graders (6-8 pm)
Nov 21 - Mass - 8:35 am (2A)
Nov 25 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
Dec 1 - Advent Begins
Dec 5 - Mass - 8:35 am (2B)
-Reconciliation for grades 5 & 7
Dec 6 - Saint Nicholas day
Dec 9 - Mass - 8:35 am (4A) - Holy Day of Obligation
Dec 10 - Grades 1-3 Christmas Show - 7 pm
Dec 12 - 2-Day Preschool Christmas Program - 10 am
-Reconciliation for grades 4 & 6
Dec 13 - 3-Day Preschool Christmas Program - 9 am
-5-Day Preschool Christmas Program - 10 am
-KR Christmas Program - 12 pm
-Kindergarten Christmas Show - 1 pm
Dec 18 - Band and Choir Concert - 7 pm
Dec 19 - Reconciliation for grades 3 & 8
Dec 20 - Luminary Mass - 9 am
- 2 Hour Early Release
Veterans' Day Celebration Volunteers
We are in need of 4 adult volunteers to help with our Veterans' Day Celebration on November 14 from 8:00 - 10:00 am. If you can help, please email Lori Kasselmann at lkasselmann@findlaystmichael.org.
Dudes at the Door PTC Event
Lunch Room Volunteers
Sign up HERE for dates in November and December.
Sutton Place - Circle Drive Parking
We are asking parents not park in the circle drive by the front school entrance during school hours. This lane needs to be clear for the appropriate drop off and pick up traffic. If you need to sign a student in, drop off an item, or attend a meeting, please utilize the parking lot.
Yearbook Club
SMS will be offering a Yearbook Club for grade 6-8 students to help guide and create our school yearbook. This will be an after school program led by Mrs. Brumbaugh and the group will be capped at 16 students. Students should be highly committed to attending the meetings.
Grades: 6-8
Dates (Second Thursdays starting in January): 1/9, 2/13, 3/13, 4/10, 5/8 (more possible if needed to complete the yearbook)
Location: Tech Lab
Time: 2:45pm - 4:00pm
Registration Link: SMS Yearbook Club Registration
Registration closes December 13.
School Advisory Council Survey
School Advisory Council is seeking your input about the school. We ask that each family take a few minutes to complete the survey. SAC will review the results and determine what actionable steps could help the school improve over the next year(s). The survey will be open through November 8. We thank you in advance for your time and input.
St. Michael School and Parish Service Project
Handbook Highlight
As the cold weather approaches, students want to wear layers. Please remember that only pullovers, sweaters, and sweatshirts on the approved uniform list from Educational Apparel may be worn.
Spirit wear items purchased through other vendors cannot be worn during the regular school day.
Car Line Updates
As the weather begins to change, the cones and traffic signs may not be placed out on a daily basis. Please continue to follow the procedures with two lines merging near the curb and all cars pulling up as far as possible.
Please remember not to park and cross students through the car line in the morning. This is safety concern for both the walkers and drivers.
As a reminder, grade 3-8 students will not be dismissed to the parking lot until the KR-2 car line has exited the curb lane. Drivers and students may not cross the car line.
Student Council wants to thank you to all who donated to SOCKTOBER! We were able to donate 756 pairs of socks to local charities. This was an increase of almost 200 pairs of socks from last year!
November SMS Prayer Dare
More information for parents can be found at:
Why Pray for the Dead? Ascension Press
Prayers for the Dead: Catholic Prayers to Remember Those Deceased Hallow
Save the Dates
Student Council Sponsored Out of Uniform Days
Student Council will have 6 Out of Uniform days this year. Students who wish to participate donate a $1.00 which will be given to a designated charity for the month. This month, the donated money will be given to Catholic Charities for Hurricane Relief.
Be sure whether you participate in the theme or just dress casual, that you follow the Out of Uniform Dress Code (attached below for easy viewing). Pajamas are not acceptable to wear for these Out of Uniform days.
Parent Teacher Council (PTC)
PTC Meeting
PTC is looking for volunteers for the planned activities during the year. Take a look at the link HERE to see where your time and talent might best be suited to help make our Defender community stronger together!
Parent Teacher Officers for 24-25
PTC President - Lindsey Hosler
PTC Treasurer- Brigette Sadowski
PTC Secretary - Anne Kremer
November Activities:
- Provide dinner to teachers on November 7 Parent-Teacher Conference night
- Dudes at the Doors event - November 15 - watch for a flyer for more information on signing up for this event!
Athletic Department
Booster Meeting
SMS Athletic Booster Meeting
Thursday, November 21st at 7pm in the teachers lounge.
All are welcome to attend.
Sports Physicals
As you complete sports physicals for our athletes, you will upload the documents to your child's Final Forms portal. Completed forms should not come to school or be turned into coaches.
Junior High Basketball Schedules
Save the dates and plan to come cheer on our junior high basketball teams!
Hat Sale
The Athletic Boosters have SMS hats and cold weather knits for sale in the concession stand for $25 each. Pick one up next time you're watching our Defenders or email smsathleticconcessions@gmail.com to have one sent home via backpack mail today! Cash, check or Venmo are accepted.
Sports Physicals
All students who plan to play a sport at St. Michael School will need a sports physical. Please take all paper work to be signed by a physician and then upload to Final Forms. Physicals must be completed before the athlete will be able to begin practices or play in games with the team.
Parish and Community Events
School Resources for Parents
Mass Times
K-8 School Mass: Thursdays at 8:35 am (during school year only)
Parish Mass Times:
Weekday mornings: 6:45 am (main church)
Saturday: 8:00 am & 4:30 pm (main church)
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm
9:00 am (downtown chapel)
School Calendar
Hot Lunch Information
The meal cost will be $3.25/milk a la carte $0.55
You can find the lunch menu for our building here, or download the Nutrislice app! These menus can be translated into multiple languages by clicking the sidebar on the right.
Complete the free/reduced lunch application on PaySchools!
Load money on your student’s lunch account within PaySchools. You will need your student ID which can be found by signing into FACTS. Information on signing in is found in the FACTS section of the newsletter.
If you have any questions about school lunch, please email Christian Martinez.
All families are enrolled in the Family Portal of FACTS using the email and cell phone provided on student enrollment forms. This allows families to:
- check student grades
- access your child's ID number to make a hot lunch account
- track student attendance
- receive behavior notifications
- check the school calendar
To access your account visit https://factsmgt.com/login/
Our district code is SMS-OH.
Any new family will need to "Create New Family Portal Account" where it will prompt you to enter the district code and your email provided to the school at registration.
Final Forms
Final Forms
All student information forms and handbooks are on Final Forms.
Please visit https://findlaystmichael-oh.finalforms.com/ to complete forms or find the information.
Shopping for Dollars
Shopping for Dollars
Shopping for Dollars orders can be placed online, through the RaiseRight app, or through school. School orders are placed on the second and fourth MONDAYS of the month August - May. Order are usually here for distribution on Thursdays.
For more information please contact, Lynnsey Jordan at ljordan@findlaystmichael.org
Educational Apparel
Educational Apparel - Uniform Vendor
Educational Apparel is our approved uniform vendor. You can shop online or visit their store in Columbus.
Any items sold or purchased through the Used Uniform Sale need to math these items in pattern and design.
Contact Us
Principal: aholzwart@findlaystmichael.org
Dean of Students: dhenley@findlaystmichael.org
Director of Preschool: panderson@findlaystmichael.org
Attendance Secretary: attendance@findlaystmichael.org
Website: http://www.findlaystmichaelschool.org
Phone: 419-423-2738
Fax: 419-423-2720
723 Sutton Place, Findlay, OH