Counseling Department Newsletter
April 2021
In this issue:
- Meet Ms. Crory-- new school counselor!
- Upcoming April events!
- WRHS hosts a virtual college fair! Register now!
- Scheduling Process for 2021-2022 School Year
- Counseling Block Presentations
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Wachusett Wellness Newsletter
- College Guidance Network
- Parents Supporting Parents
Meet Our New Counselor!
Ms. Crory will be starting on Monday, April 5th and can be reached at:
Upcoming April virtual events...
April 6th at 6pm: Navigating the College Search for Students Who Learn Differently given by Regional Enrollment Representative for Landmark College
This webinar will give students and families the tools they need to determine fit as they explore a variety of colleges and help them prepare for a successful transition. The representative will provide information about what to consider, the questions to ask, and the wide range of accommodations, supports, and programs that exist in post-secondary education today. You’ll hear a little about Landmark - where it fits in the overall landscape- and get plenty of time to ask your questions. This presentation is intended for families of 9th – 12th graders and interested students.
Google meet link:
April 8th at 6pm: Financial Aid Information Session with Monica Blondin, Director of Financial Aid from Assumption
This webinar is designed for high school juniors and their parents and will cover the following topics:
- How to apply for financial aid (e.g. required forms)
- How financial aid is determined
- Review of merit and need based financial aid funding
- Helpful websites and tips
- Question & Answer session
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
April 15th at 8am: Sophomore parent/guardian presentation
Please join us for "Planning Ahead for your Sophomore". We will preview college planning, course planning, and other things to consider as your student transitions to the second half of high school.
Google meet link:
Virtual College Fairs
Wednesday, April 14, 7-8:30 p.m. EST
Sunday, May 16, 1-3 p.m. EST
Sunday, May 2, 1-7 p.m. EST
WRHS will be hosting a virtual college fair on Thursday, April 1st from 6:30-8:30pm-- REGISTER HERE!
Scheduling Process
The scheduling process for the 2021-2022 is coming to an end. Please remember the date to submit a reconsideration form is April 16th. Students should reach out to their school counselor for the form.
Please visit the Scheduling Process Timeline for more information!
Counseling Block Presentations
Throughout the early part of April, counselors will be meeting with their juniors to give a college admissions recap (April 7th) and then a diversity, respect and inclusion presentation for all high schoolers (April 14th).
Diversity & Inclusion
Students in the Diversity Inclusion Group made a presentation to highlight the variety of celebrations that students in the local community and around the world celebrate. The purpose of this document is to list important holidays and condense important dates to remember. For more information about cultural aspects and traditions of each holiday, the full student-made presentation can be found here.
Wachusett Wellness Newsletter
Helping students adopt and maintain healthy behaviors is at the core of our school counseling program. To have healthy behaviors students must first start with education and awareness. Please view our newsletter for April which focuses on counseling resources and benefits.
Please see our past newsletters as well:
Wachusett Wellness Newsletter: April
Wachusett Wellness Newsletter: February
Wachusett Wellness Newsletter: January
Wachusett Wellness Newsletter: December
Wachusett Wellness Newsletter: October
WRHS joins College Guidance Network!
We are thrilled to bring our families and students a new service offering going into the new school year. We have signed up our school to have access to College Guidance Network, a virtual programming network specializing in demystifying the college admissions process.
Take a closer look at the full schedule of programming and speakers on their programming page. You will also be able to view past presentations there as well.
Wed., April 7th via Zoom
FREE Virtual Resource for ALL Caretakers Parents Supporting Parents (PSP)
We recognize what a challenging time this is. The BRYT Family Engagement Team invites you to participate in our weekly Parents Supporting Parents group where parents can get & receive support from each other.
Please join us every week for PARENTS SUPPORTING PARENTS. Simply click the link and join the Zoom meeting. All are welcome so please share with family and friends.
View the flyer HERE for dates/times!
Wachusett Regional High School
Location: 1401 Main Street, Holden, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 829-6771
Twitter: @CounselorsWRHS