Moorhead Jr. High Panther News
April 2019
CISD Bond Referendum
Parents and the community are invited to an informational presentation by Dr. Curtis Null, Superintendent, about the 2019 Bond Referendum.
The presentation for our feeder will take place on April 8, 2019 at 6 p.m. in the Caney Creek High School auditorium.
Anyone seeking information about planned projects impacting our campus can learn more by visiting https://bond.conroeisd.net/#feeder or https://bond.conroeisd.net.
Additional dates/locations for meetings in other CISD feeder zones can be found here: http://www.conroeisd.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Feeder-Bond-Information-Night.pdf
STAAR Testing
The first round of STAAR tests for the 2018-2019 school year will be administered on April 9th and 10th. On Tuesday, April 9th, seventh grade students will take the STAAR Writing test, and eighth grade students will take the STAAR Math test. On Wednesday, April 10th, eighth grade students will take the STAAR Reading test and seventh graders will take a math benchmark test.
Eighth grade students who are not successful on either the Math or Reading test will be required to retake those tests in May. If they are not successful in May they will be required to attend summer school to prepare for the final opportunity to retake the tests at the end of June. Eighth grade students in Texas are required to pass STAAR tests in order to advance to ninth grade! Please stress to your child the importance of doing their best on the upcoming STAAR tests!
Eighth grade students will take STAAR Science, and History tests on May 15th and 16th. Seventh grade students will take STAAR Math and Reading tests on May 13th and 14th.
Saturday, April 13 @ Moorhead JH (Rain or Shine) 8am - 3pm
Moorhead Cheer Wins!
Twitter Challenge Winner
Moorhead wins BOWLATHON!
March Students of the Month
The following students were selected as the Moorhead March Students of the Month by the faculty. They enjoyed a Box Lunch combo during their lunch courtesy of RAISING CANE’S Chicken Fingers.
DaLaney Saul
Michael Williams
Marcos Tzunun
Obdalis Sorto (Not pictured)
Class of 2023 T-Shirt
As we move into April, the end of the year is drawing really close and the Crossing committee is busy at work! Our student committee members have done a FANTASTIC job designing this year’s class t-shirt and we’re excited for your to see it.
All eighth graders have the opportunity to purchase a commemorative t-shirt for $10. To ensure your size please pre-order before April 12th. To view the Crossing shirt and to pay with credit card online visit https://conroeisd.schoolcashonline.com/ and log-in to your student's account. You can also pay with Cash or Check in the front office with Ms. McGrath.
Please log-in to https://conroeisd.schoolcashonline.com/ to review any fines and/or fees on your student's activity account. All fines and fees need to be paid by May 1st. Non-payment may result in your student not being able to participate in year end events.
Student activity account does not include any Library or Cafeteria fees your student may owe. Please check with the Library or Cafeteria for information regarding those fees.
For any questions or concerns regarding your student's activity account please contact Mrs. McGrath at 936-709-2419 or at smcgrath@conroeisd.net
The Crossing
The Crossing the Creek ceremony for our 8th graders and will be held on May 29th at 7:00pm in the Caney Creek High School gym. All students are encourage to attend. Each student will receive two tickets for family to attend the Crossing and celebrate their accomplishments. Students are encouraged to wear their "Sunday best" or nice school appropriate clothing for the event. Flip-flops, jeans containing holes and faded t-shirts are highly discouraged. Eighth grade parents should look in their student's third 9-week report card for a letter containing more information about this event.
Moorhead Orchestra
Science Fair Winners!
The following MJHS students advanced from the CISD Science Fair at the beginning of February and advanced to the Houston Regional Fair on February 23rd :
Morghen Vawter – 7th Grade
Grace Folsom – 8th Grade
Delaney Murphy – 8th Grade
Mrs. Fries - teacher
All three students gained valuable experience and wisdom from experts in their field who were on hand to judge them, and are excited for future experimentation. Our 8th Grade students both earned Special Awards at the Regional Fair.
Delaney Murphy advanced to the State Science Fair in College Station, Texas on March 30; where she placed 2nd in the Physics and Astronomy category. Delaney is the first student in the history of MJHS to advance to the State Science Fair, and she took 2nd! Delaney has been invited to apply for a national Science Fair competition in Washington DC, an honor given to the top 10% of Junior High Science Fair students in each state.
NJHS Car Wash Fundraiser
Please come support the Moorhead National Junior Honor Society at their annual CAR WASH FUNDRAISER!
Date: April 13, 2019
Time: 8:30am – 1:30pm
Location: Advance Auto Parts
1105 N Loop 336 West
Conroe, TX 77301
UIL Winners
The following students placed at the Conroe ISD district UIL competition on March 27! Nice job!
Isabella Rezzoffi - First place - Impromptu Speaking
Nicholas Durochez - 4th place - Science
Jeremys Ross - 3rd place - Maps, Charts, and Graphs
Fourth Nine Weeks Moorhead Prize GIVE-A-WAY!
Mr. V - MJH Assistant Band Director
Great job keeping beat!
Sounds amazing!
Moorhead Band
Student Success Center
FREE Tutoring! If your son or daughter needs help with homework, or just a little extra help, please remind them that we offer tutoring every Monday – Thursday after school in the library. Students may ride a late bus home or be picked up at 5:00pm on the bus ramp after tutoring.
The SSC will be closed April 8 - 12 for testing.
A Note from Nurse Toni
If you have an incoming 7th grader they will need Meningcoccal and Tdap vaccinations or a Conscientious Objector form completed and filled before the 1st day of school. Please turn in a current vaccination record to your School Nurse or over the summer to Moorhead Junior High in the front office.
There are still many student's that have received either a Hearing, Spinal, or Vision referral that have not turned in the form filled out and sign by a doctor. These forms will be going out the first week in April, please check your student's backpacks for an envelope.
All medication will need to be picked up by May 30th, any medication not picked up will be disposed of as the clinic does not keep medication over the summer.
Free Parent and Student Access Center
2019-2020 School Calendar
The 2019-2020 School Year Calendar has been approved! https://www.conroeisd.net/conroe-isd-trustees-approve-19-20-school-calendar/
Future 8th Grade Summer Reading List
Please go to our Moorhead Junior High webpage for information on our 8th grade summer reading project. http://moorhead.conroeisd.net/department/studentparent-resources/academic-help/
Incoming 7th Grade Su mmer Reading Project
Incoming 7th Grade Summer Reading Project
Please go to our Moorhead Junior High webpage for information on our incoming 7th grade summer reading project. http://moorhead.conroeisd.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/49/2017/06/7th-grade-reading-assignment.pdf
2018 -2019 PTO Meetings
Each year our PTO hosts a number of meetings for parents where we address important issues. Our final meeting of the school year is April 15th, 2019.
Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered this year! We appreciate you!