What steps of action need to take place when a student is going to miss school for illness, vacation, etc?
It is the responsibility of the Learning Coach (LC) to ensure that daily school attendance is taking place. It is also the responsibility for the LC to notify the school of student absences in accordance with established school procedures. When it is necessary for a student to be absent, it is the student’s responsibility to see that all work is made up.
If the student is ill or unable to attend the live required Class Connect, the student or LC must inform the teacher.
As a public school we are responsible for creating and maintaining attendance records for students. At our school we define attendance as the following:
A student attending live Class Connect sessions
A student receiving and responding to communication from a teacher
A student completing an assignment
A student participating in daily lessons
Students need to complete one of the above requirements within 5 school days for each of the courses they are enrolled in in order to be marked as present.
Students who do not meet these minimum attendance requirements for any course (or combination of courses if enrolled in more than one course), for part or all of 5 or more days in which school is held, without an acceptable excuse, are considered to be habitually truant and, therefore, in violation of Wisconsin’s Compulsory Attendance Law. Wis. Stat. § 118.15 (1) (a). The law requires that a child attend school regularly until graduation from high school, or until the end of the semester in which he/she turns 18 years of age, or until he/she is excused from attendance by the school board.
Planned Absence
To report an absence for the current day when missing 50% or more of the scheduled school day (3 or more hours), contact the Attendance Line by 9:00 am.
Phone 1-608-838-9482 Option 0.
For the safety of the students, courtesy engagement notifications will be sent after 1pm to the LC of the students that were not actively attending school within the platform without prior contact to the Attendance Line.
Automated Engagement BOT
State Attendance Count Dates
Attendance count day #1 (3rd Friday in September) – September 15, 2023
Attendance count day #2 (2nd Friday in January) – January 12, 2024