4-H Friday News Blast for 7-19-2019
Livestock Superintendent's Stalling Meeting
Congratulations to our new educator, Lauren Stohlmann!
In late June, Lauren Stohlmann attended the 2019 North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) conference held in Twin Falls, Idaho. At this 65th annual conference, she was awarded the NACTA Graduate Student Teaching Award. The purpose of the NACTA Graduate Student Teaching Award is to recognize and reward graduate students who excel as teachers in the agricultural disciplines. The award is for NACTA graduate student members who are involved in classroom instruction. Lauren was nominated by her instructors she worked with and students she taught at Ohio State, where she worked as a graduate teaching assistant as she earned her master’s degree in agricultural and extension education.
During the fair, be sure to stop and introduce yourself to Lauren. She is so happy to be the new Extension Educator in Cass County!
Shooting Sports Contest for Archery, Rifle, and Shotgun- July 27th, 7:30 a.m. at Platte River State Park.
The 2019 4-H Shooting Sports Contest will be held Saturday, July 27th, beginning at 7:30 a.m. at Platte River State Park. This is for Rifle, Shotgun, and Archery competition.
Please refer to the fairbook on page 38 for more specifics on the equipment, entries, attire, parental attendance, safety, tests, rules and classes.
Note: The 4-H Air Rifle and Air Pistol Competition will be held at the county fair fairgrounds on Monday, August 5th at 5:00 p.m.
Awards for this contest will be announced and handed out at the Cake Auction on Tuesday, August 6th at 6:30 pm.
Judging of Sewing construction Projects and Fashion Show Thursday, August 1st.
All sewing project judging happens BEFORE the actual fair. On August 1st:
- All sewing/clothing projects are checked in for construction judging beginning at 8:30 am.
- For members who are in the Fashion Show Modeling Contest, Tracy Ensor will send an email letting you know what time to be there to model.
4-H members can sign up to sit with the judge while she judges ... what an awesome learning experience! Each member who does this will get a small take-home gift.
Also on August 1st ... The Table Setting Contest!
So you are fully prepared, be sure to read page 39 of the fairbook so you have everything you need.
Also, look here for great articles to help you prepare:
Click here for a recipe writing guide.
Click Here for helpful information about preparing for the contest.
4-H Building, Livestock Buildings, Grounds Clean up and Set up - Saturday August 4th
This is not just for livestock members. We need help from members with static exhibits too, to clean and set up the 4-H Exhibit Hall. Thanks!
Did you read the part about Root Beer Floats? YUM - free root beer floats will be served from the porch of the 4-H Office when we're done cleaning and setting up for the fair.
Workshop items - bring them to the County Fair!!!
It'll be great seeing the workshop items at the fair!
$25.00 Special Award for Bess Streeter Aldrich exhibit + Certificate and Book
Here's the Update for State Fair Tickets ...
Tickets for Livestock Exhibitors: All livestock exhibitors and in-person event exhibitors (contests, fashion show, presentations) will still be able to order discounted tickets when they enter in ShoWorks for State Fair. This process has not changed for those exhibitors coming to the fair.
Discounted Tickets for the General Public: The Nebraska State Fair has several great NEW discount ticket options available to the general public. Here is a link for 4-H families and stakeholders who are planning to go to the fair: https://www.statefair.org/buy-tickets (Additional details are also on this web link.)
Tickets for Static Exhibitors who have Projects Selected for the State Fair: A link will be provided to the exhibitors who win a trip to the state fair with a static exhibit. You will receive this information at the county fair.
All advance ticket options are available now until midnight on August 22nd at 11:59 PM CST.
Read the 4-H Fair Book for all exhibit inforrmatioion ...
You can purchase a copy of the fairbook at the Extension Office for $2.00, or access it on-line. Click here for the on-line version.
Eggs & Embryology
Cake Auction - Tuesday, August 6th
1) 4-Hers must be enrolled in 4-H for the 2019 year
2) 4-Hers must have one entry exhibited at the County Fair this year (any project area)
Click here for cake auction guidelines. (go to page 9)
1/2 of the selling price goes to the exhibitor, 1/2 of the selling price goes to the 4-H Council.
Sign up for the Cake Auction at the fairgrounds on Entry Day in the exhibit hall or the 4-H Office.
Triple B 4-H 70th Anniversary Apparel
LEGO contest sponsored by the Ag Society - Take a look ...
Would you like to be a 4-H volunteer at the Nebraska State Fair?
Do you want to spend a few hours at the state fair as an important part of the 4-H programming going on during the fair? They need your help! Nebraska 4-H is looking for volunteers to help with exhibit entry day, judging, and serving as 4-H exhibit building hosts. Volunteers will also be needed to serve as the Lil’ Green Mascot and an event photographer. We also need people to assist with all 4-H contests and events throughout the fair. State Fair 4-H volunteers will receive a gate pass for the day(s) they volunteer.
For more information go to our website at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/cass/the-nebraska-state-fair/
If you have questions about being a 4-H volunteer at the Nebraska State Fair, please contact: Cathy Johnston, Extension Educator, cjohnston1@unl.edu or (402) 472-1762.
County 4-H Calendar
July 20 ... Bridle and Saddle 4-H Club hosts Horse Fun Day scheduled date. It'll be held at the fairgrounds.
July 22 ... Livestock Superintendents Stalling Meeting
July 24 ... Passport to Italy Workshop 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
July 27 ... 4-H Shooting Sport Competition at Platte River State Park (Rifle, Shotgun, and Archery
August 1 ... Clothing projects and Fashion Review judging at the fairgrounds EXPO building
August 1 ... Table Setting Contest at the fairgrounds EXPO building
August 3 ... Clean up day at the fairgrounds
August 4 ... Static Exhibits entry at fairgrounds from 4:00 to 6:00
August 4 ... Air Rifle and BB Gun Contest at the fairgrounds in the Open Air building
Aug 6-10 .... Cass County Fair 2019 Calendar
Ag Information & Other Opportunities:
- Hort Update for July 2019
- You can pick up an Open Class fairbook at our office.
- Nebraska Extension Publications ... online Library
- Sheep & Goat Production Meeting ... July 12/13 Chadron/North Platte
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Lauren Stohlmann, Extension Educator and Unit Leader, lauren.stohlmann@unl.edu
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Sondra Buell, Office Manager, sondra.buell@unl.edu
Harlee Brauckmuller, 4-H Summer Intern, harlee.brauckmuller@huskers.unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: facebook.com/UniversityofNebraskaLincolnExtensionCassCounty
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty