Morgan Maxwell K8
Morgan Maxwell Monday Updates
Week of August 5, 2024
Monday August 5
Make it a great week of school!
Starting Monday, August 5, 2024, for the safety and security of our school community, all parents and guest visiting the campus after 8:05 a.m. must check in at the office and obtain a visitor’s badge. We will ask all visitors to kindly wait in the front office to be escorted by staff on campus. This process ensures that we can account for everyone on campus and maintain a secure environment for our students and staff. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in helping us keep our school a safe place for learning.
Tuesday August 6
Middle School Expectation Assembly ~ presented by Principal Ms. Nido and Dean of Students Ms. Jessica Cortes
Wednesday August 7
Early Dismissal 2:00 pm
$1 Out of Uniform for Students - Must follow TUSD Dress Code
Dip N Dots for sale after school in front of the office
Thursday August 8
2nd - 5th Grade Expectation Assembly ~ presented by Principal Ms. Nido and Dean of Students Ms. Jessica Cortes
Friday August 9
Celebrate! We made it to Friday 😀
School Hours
Middle School Hours:
South Gate Near Orange Playground Opens 7:50 am
1st Bell 8:05 am – Dismissal 3:00 pm
Wednesday Dismissal K – 8 2:00 pm
K 5 School Hours:
South Gate Near Orange Playground Opens 8:35 am
Class begins 8:50 am – Dismissal 3:00 pm
Wednesday Dismissal K – 8 2:00 pm
Buses: •
- All Buses Load & Unload on the WEST SIDE of MMK8 next to the Cafeteria.
- Students are met by MMK8 staff and head into Cafeteria/Courtyard.
Parent Drop Off:
- MS students dropped off/walk to school.
- Enter through the SOUTH Gate near the ORANGE Playground only before 8:05 am.
- Elementary students dropped off/walk to school.
- Enter through the SOUTH Gate near the ORANGE Playground only before 8:50 am.
- Parent drop off is on the SOUTH SIDE of MMK8 ONLY.
- Safe student drop off is designated in front of the ORANGE Playground for students to exit safely on the passenger side of the vehicles.
- Tardy students must enter through the front office to sign in and receive a tardy slip.
- The Drop Off Zone is a NO U TURN ZONE and drivers will be ticketed by Tucson Police Department.
Parents and Families on Campus
We’re excited to welcome parents on campus for the first two days of school before the school day officially starts. This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your student scholar to familiarize yourselves with the school environment. Your presence and involvement are greatly valued as we embark on this new academic journey together.
Reminder : For the safety and security of our school community, all parents and guest visiting the campus after 8:05 a.m. must check in at the office and obtain a visitor’s badge. We will ask all visitors to kindly wait in the front office to be escorted by staff on campus. This process ensures that we can account for everyone on campus and maintain a secure environment for our students and staff. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in helping us keep our school a safe place for learning.
Reporting Absences via ParentVUE
Thank you American Furniture Warehouse - NEW community partner!!!
Save the Dates:
- August 6 - MS Expectation Assembly
- August 7 - 1st & Kinder Expectation Meetings in Classrooms
- August 7 - Student $1 Out of Uniform Day
- August 8 - 2nd - 5th Grade Expectation Assembly
- August 14 - Student $1 Out of Uniform Day
- August 14 - Kona Ice 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm
- August 16 - Peter Piper Pizza Night 5 pm - 8 pm
- August 20 - Open House 5 pm - 7 pm/Kona Ice
- August 20 - CIPDA MTSS
- August 21 - Professional Learning Day for Staff ~ No School
- Augst 22 - Site Council Meeting 3:30 pm
- August 22 - Booster Club Meeting 4:30 pm
- August 23 - Fall Picture Day
- August 26 - Mountain Lion of the Month Breakfast
- August 28 - Student $1 Out of Uniform Day
- August 29 - K5 NED Assembly 9:30 am
Dress Code
Cell Phones and Electronics on Campus
Cell phones/Air pods must be off during school hours, 8:05 am - 3:00 pm.
If they are confiscated because of use during school hours:
1st Quarter:
Cell phones/Air pods will be returned at the end of the day to students.
2nd Quarter - End of Year:
Each time a cell phone/air pods are confiscated; parents will be notified and will have to come to the office to pick up the items.
Tips for Success
Be On Time
Come Prepared
No Gum on campus
Morgan Maxwell K8 School
Location: 2802 West Anklam Road, Tucson, AZ, USA
Phone: 520-225-2000
Instagram @morganmaxwell_k8