SMS Weekly Newsletter
Week of March 3rd
March 3rd - 7th
- Read Across America Week
Monday, March 3rd
- Mandatory Dance Tryout Meeting
- Special Olympics
Wednesday, March 5th
- School Assembly at SHS
Thursday, March 6th
- Student Council field trip to state capital
Friday, March 7th
- CKH Reception for January and February
Monday, March 10th
- 6th Grade Quiz Bowl Tournament
Tuesday, March 11th
- Jr. High Quiz Bowl Tournament
Thursday, March 13th
- Rising Freshmen Meeting at SHS (6-7:30 p.m.)
Thursday, March 20th
- 3rd 9 Weeks Reward Day
March 24th - 28th
- Spring Break
Our 6th grade chess team won first place at a chess tournament last week. Two team members, Hayden Hoffman and Cooper Henderson, tied for second place overall. Great job Yellowjackets!
Please help us to encourage students to get a good night’s rest, eat a good breakfast, and be at school to help them do their best on the test!
Students have requested, and we have delivered! We have a new microwave for our students to use during lunch! We will roll this out to our students on Monday.
Due to the incredible support and enthusiasm for our jogger/hoodie drive. It has been extended with the expected dates of March 3rd till the 24th. This gives us more time to reach our goal and make an even greater impact on collecting clothing items for The Hive Resource Center. The new goal is to collect 100 items from campuses in Sheridan and 100 items from campuses in East End. Thank you to all who have already donated!
8th graders will not have a CAPS conferences to choose their 9th grade schedules. SMS and SHS counselors will be helping all 8th graders create a schedule during their PE or Career class during the month of March. A parent night for 8th grade families moving up to 9th grade will be held on March 13th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at SHS.
As we continue into the second semester, help us to encourage students to follow the Yellowjacket Way behavior matrix. We want all students to be successful, and following the three principles of the Yellowjacket way will help them achieve that. A link to the full matrix can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.
Any questions can be directed to Marli Brandon at marlibrandon@sheridanschools.org
Click on the link below to fill out a Google Form about a staff member at SMS that you want to give a shout out to.
What is Courage?
Courage is the ability and strength to face something that may be difficult or challenging. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather perseverance in the presence of fear and the willingness to stand up for what is right or to try something new even though it may be uncomfortable or uncertain.
The CKH Reception for January and February will be held on March 7th.
Why focus on Courage?
- Courage encourages engagement. Courage helps students raise their hand, participate, try new things, and voice their opinions.
Badge Policy
All students are required to wear their badges front and center at all times. If you do not have your badge upon arrival at school you will be asked to 1. call a parent to bring your badge from home, 2. purchase a new badge, or 3. receive consequences including d-hall. If a student chooses to remove their badge throughout the day they are subject to the same consequences as above.
Dress Code
While we encourage you to be comfortable, please remember that wearing pajamas, house shoes, and headwear is not permitted under our dress code. Be mindful of your attire choices to avoid any dress code violations.
Cell Phone
All electronic devices including cell phones and earbuds must be powered down and put in backpacks away from your person upon arrival at SMS. These devices must stay put away for the duration of the school day.