Daniel Wright
Locker Setup Information
In order to provide students with an opportunity to locate their lockers, organize their school supplies, and walk their schedules prior to the start of school, we will be offering locker setup days from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the following days:
- Wednesday, August 14 (Grade 6)
- Thursday, August 15 (Grades 7 & 8)
- Print out your student's schedule so they can find their classes.
- If you are not able to attend on August 14 or August 15, time will be given to students on the first day of school for locker setup.
Please note that teachers will not be available for introductions at this time. They will be using this time to prepare and plan for the school year. They are looking forward to meeting students on the first day of school.
New Family Orientation
Daniel Wright Administration will share general information on procedures, processes and scheduling during an in-person informational session at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, August 15, for our families who are new to District 103. The meeting is in the Daniel Wright (DW) Cafeteria.
- We encourage students who are new to D103 to attend with their families.
If you or your sixth-grade student attended the spring orientation (Fly Up), it is not necessary for you to attend this orientation. You are welcome to attend if you are interested in hearing the presentation again.
Curriculum Nights
- Grade 6: Monday, September 9, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
- Grades 7/8: Wednesday, September 11, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Please also note the separation of grade levels. This adjustment allows us to tailor the conversation more specifically to the transition to middle school for our sixth-grade families.
More Back to School News
Read Principal Groncki's Back to School letter for detailed news on upcoming events pertaining to new families, curriculum nights, sports, and more.
Summer Reading Lists
Over the summer, all students entering sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade are required to read specific grade level novels. Please refer to the Summer Reading Lists on the DW website to access each grade level's specific summer reading letter and possible corresponding questions.
Young Adult Library Materials
The goal of Daniel Wright Jr. High School library is to maintain a collection of material that supports the curriculum and provides for individual needs, interests, abilities, and maturity levels.
Materials are selected on the basis of encouraging the acquisition of knowledge and developing literary, cultural, and aesthetic appreciation and ethical standards.
Students may freely select resource center materials as well as receive guided selection of materials appropriate to specific, planned learning experiences.
Library materials are selected with the needs of the diverse student population served. Included in the collection are books that have more mature content (equivalent to PG-13). These books may include some inappropriate language and more mature situations and/or subject matter. These books are predominately labeled with a “YA” (Young Adult) sticker on the spine of the book.
Daniel Wright understands that families may have different values and beliefs. Please complete the Young Adult form if you do NOT give consent for your child to read YA resources from the Daniel Wright School Library.
Daniel Wright Information
- Daniel Wright Calendar of Events
- Daily School Announcements
- Archived Newsletters
- YouTube
- Mrs. Jessica Groncki, Principal
- Dr. Nina Nusbaum, Assistant Principal
- Mr. Kyle Thompson, Assistant Principal
- 847-604-5280
- Dw_attendance@d103.org