Bay Harbor Sailors Log
January 11th, 2023
Main Office - (920) 662-8800
Attendance - (920) 662-8888
January 25th & 26th
Please see info below:
Share the Love Event
Join us on Friday, February 10th from 6:00-8:00pm for Bay Harbor's first "Share the Love" event. Students and their families will be able to create Valentine's for residents of a local assisted living facility. In addition, they will earn some sweet treats and hot cocoa! Be on the lookout for more information soon, as well as how you can support the event!
Please help your student remember to pack a healthy snack each day for school.
Thank you!
16 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
20 - End of Second Quarter
25 & 26 - Get Fit 4 Grit Days
31 - School is following a Friday Schedule
3 - No School - Staff PD Day
8 - Bay Harbor Day
10 - Share the Love Event - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
21 - Parent Teacher Conferences
22 - 1st Grade Field Trip to Weidner Center
23 - Parent Teacher Conferences
24 - No School
Bay Harbor PTO Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2023
In attendance: Nicki Meyer, Meghan Weycker, Tiffany Hooyman, Kristin Barrett, Becky Wright, Tony Ebeling, Krystal Wettengel, Julie Thomas, Kristen Possley, Beth Ashmead
Approval of November meeting minutes - Becky moves to approve, Kristen seconds.
Principal’s Update
December was very busy at school and January has slowed down
Morning announcements have transitioned to being completely student led. Looking for other areas to give the students more responsibility.
Winter market was successful - kids had great experiences and around $300 was raised toward adopt a family.
Bay Harbor staff adopts a family, a Girl Scout troop adopts a family, Lion’s Club adopts a family - in all 6 families were adopted.
Apparel order was completed in December and may do another order in the spring.
Tomorrow is Bay Harbor Day!
Mid Year assessments will be completed in January.
Get fit for GRIT will be the new initiative replacing Jump Rope for Heart (at Bay Harbor).
This is a partnership with BODE to assist in building a new facility for those who need more adaptive equipment.
GRIT - Greatness requires internal toughness.
Watch for a flier coming home soon.
Many lunchroom visitors - visitors are welcome!
Music concert is Thursday, March 9 - question whether we should keep this in the spring or move back to the holiday season, or consider having the concert alternate every other year.
Blizzard Event on May 5th - Teacher Dash for Cash
Big rocks/little rocks project - kids sheets are hung up in the hallway. Class with the most participation gets a “golden ticket” type celebration.
Treasurer’s Report
$21,046.27 in Checking
$1147.39 in Savings
Paid out 275.00 to BE’s vending for Bay Harbor staff water
Paid out 194.87 to reimburse Meghan Weycker for Fall Fest and Hospitality expenses
Paid out $80.01 to N. Mauro for Fall Fest Expenses
Paid 2022 Q4 sales tax and reported raffle revenue to PCN accountant
Fall Fest Summaries:
50/50 Revenue: $275
Adult Raffle Tickets Revenue: $560
Auction Baskets Revenue: $6320
Kids Raffle/Punch Cards Revenue: $1570
Food: $1015
Paid out $322.49 in Sales Tax due.
Total Net Revenue: $9707.51
Fall fest debriefing
Consider other opportunities for face painting
More stuffed animals needed for the animal cage.
Will need a new fall fest coordinator - please contact PTO if interested.
Consider incorporating more committees to divide up Fall Fest responsibilities.
Raffle (kid and adult)
Volunteer coordinator
Advertising and print materials
We can contact Kelsey Warren to gather specific fall fest responsibilities.
Some of the games may need to get updated - Brown County library has games that can be rented and must be reserved in advance.
Consider a couple more games to reduce lines and go back to other activities to spread families out more.
Meghan will reach out to Kelsey to discuss her thoughts and consider a separate spring fall fest planning meeting (perhaps in an upcoming PTO meeting)
Consider Fall Fest in October so kids can wear costumes
Field Trip request
1st grade request
Magic School Bus at the Weidner Center on 2/21
$245 for bussing
Beth motions to cover the cost for the field trip, Tiffany seconds
Other Committee
Book Fair - Will be ordering books for distribution on Friday and next book fair is the week of conferences in Februrary.
Family Engagement - Beth Ashmead - considering a February date
Friday, February 10th? 6pm-8pm
Could make Valentines for community (nursing home)
Snacks with cookies and cocoa
Could look into community donations
Mrs. Possley will work on engaging students
PTO will coordinate decorations, theme, atmosphere, etc.
Save the date in the newsletter and Facebook
Yearbook - no updates
Hospitality - 2/3, 2/21, 2/23 will provide food
Field day - Likely June 5th or Friday, June 2nd. Meghan will check with Amanda Marto about coordinating Field day.
Welcome new families - no updates.
Next meeting Tuesday, Feb. 7th
Tony motions to adjourn and Beth seconds
Click HERE for directions on how to pay Student Fees. If technology fees are not paid and your student's IPad is damaged, you will be responsible for the full cost of the device.
Click HERE for instructions on how to create a Volunteer Profile and to begin the background check process. In order to chaperone on field trips a background check needs to completed first.
~News From the Health Room~
Calling all singers! Bay Port will be hosting ‘Pirates in Harmony’ on Saturday, January 28 from 10:00-3:30. Pirates in Harmony is a performance opportunity for 4th-8th grade students to come together, learn new music, and perform together. Students will have the opportunity to sing and perform with other students throughout the area as well as work with the 5-12 choral music staff and high school choral students.
Lunch will be provided (choice of sub, fruit, veggies & dip, chips & cookie) and all participants will receive a t-shirt. Cost is $20. Pre-registration is required. Registration closes Friday, January 6.
If you need financial assistance please contact Michael Pufall at or 920-662-7288.
For additional questions please contact Robbie Doelger at or 920-662-7751.
Thank you for helping us serve over 600 families for our Holiday Store and pantry in December. As the new year arrives, many of us think of organizing and cleaning up from the Holidays to start fresh in the new year. For this reason this month we are collecting household cleaning products that we can have available at pantry. Please feel free to send donations in a plastic bag with your students to put in the collections bins/carts near the main office of school. Items can also be dropped off during school hours. The Giving Tree appreciates your continued support.
Our district team of social workers has put together a fantastic summary of community resources available to all community members. Our school social worker, Ms. Katie Rabas, would be happy to talk with you further if need be. She can be reached via email at
2023 Bay Port Cheer Youth Clinic
Date: January 27, 2023
Who: 3 - 10 years old
Where: Bay Port High School Commons
When: 4:30pm - 8:00pm
*Check in will start at 4:00pm
Cost: $30.00 (includes t-shirt)
The performance will take place at halftime of the boys varsity game.
*Pizza will be provided.
~Once a Sailor Always a Sailor~