CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #11: October 18, 2024
Principal Corner
Happy Friday, Chapelfield families.
Congratulations to our first PAWS Breakfast winner. Today, we celebrated students that demonstrated being POSITIVE for the first quarter. We also recognized two staff members that embody our core values----integrity, students first, excellence, collaboration, inclusivity, and empowerment. Mrs. Bhatt, our kindergarten teacher, and Miss Steber, our math specialist & PBIS facilitator, were our award winners. Congratulations.
Finally, please read this important message from our PTO:
Hello Chapelfield families,
We need your help getting to our Read-a-Thon fundraising goal! We still need $12,800 to reach our goal and only 7 days left to do it! If every Chapelfield student raises $50, we will reach our target!
These funds are crucial to provide support to our teachers and students, and they make all the fun events from the PTO throughout the year possible.
Please remember to share your personal link with family and friends so they can donate to support Read-a-Thon. You can find your personal link in your email inbox (search for 99Pledges), or you can visit www.99pledges.com/fund/ chapelfield24 and search for your student's name. Remember, everyone who raises at least $50 will be entered into a drawing to win a limo ride to lunch!
Help us close this gap and reach our fundraising goal before Read-a-Thon ends on October 24!
Have a great weekend.
Nikki Miller
Standard Response Protocol
As a district, we use the Standard Response Protocol to create a safe school environment. The different types of Standard Response Protocols we will use in a school are located below. We are required to practice many of these procedures throughout the year. We do this so students and staff know what to do in a real emergency. Please read over these documents. Please email me, Nikki Miller, if you have any questions at millern@gjps.org.
Mental Health Team
School Counselor's Corner: Krysten Jasin
This situation plays out at dinner tables all over the world: You want to know how your kid’s day went, so you ask them, “How was school today?” But all you get is, “Fine,” or “Good.” So you try asking them what they did today. Again, you get a one-word answer. “Nothing.” “Stuff.”
First, don’t worry. This is normal. Processing a day’s worth of experiences isn’t always easy for them. Asking open-ended questions may help you learn more about your child’s daily life.
Related Arts Spotlight
News From the Library 10/18/2024
We have been very busy learning and reading in the library!
Students in grades K-2 have been reading and discussing the books that were nominated for the Buckeye Children’s Book Award. This award is unique because only students in Ohio can nominate and vote for the winning book. There are five books that we have read together as a class: Frank and Bert, Stinkbird Has a Superpower, The Big Cheese, Simon and the Better Bone, and Big. Students are voting now, and will find out which book wins in their class, and in our school. These votes will be submitted to the committee, and we will find out after December 1st which book won the award in Ohio.
Students in grades 3 - 5 have been learning about many topics. We discussed the five books that were nominated for the Buckeye Children’s Book Award, and the students explored book trailers for each. Since these are chapter books, the students will have to read them on their own if they are interested in voting. We have some students who are enjoying these new books, and the waitlist for them is long. We have also discussed Hispanic Heritage Month and Digital Citizenship Week, and got to experience building and coding Legos to move with our Lego Education kits.
Students in grades 2-5 have explored many digital choice boards full of eBooks, videos, and articles on these topics:
Hispanic Heritage Month
Specific resources to support their units in Wit and Wisdom classroom curriculum
Stinkbird Has a Superpower, which explores the Amazon and the hoatzin bird
Digital Citizenship
These boards can be accessed through their Google Classroom, and can be found at our Library Website.
Thank You for a successful Book Fair! We were able to raise some money to buy new books for the library. Thank you also for our volunteers who helped the students count their money and figure out what they could afford.
Volunteers are always needed in the library for weekly reshelving of books, or for special projects to help organize and label the library books. Please contact Mrs. Long at longj@gjps.org if you would like to volunteer!
Transportation changes by 2 p.m.
The front office is a busy place the last 30 minutes of school. We ask that parents NOT CALL to make transportation changes after 2:00 p.m. Please make sure students know your plan of pick up before they come to school.
PTO Updates
PTO Events
Read-A–Thon: October 3-24:
*Our annual Read-A-Thon started on October 3rd. This year we’ve combined the Read-A-Thon with our One School One Book program. These two programs will run from October 3rd through October 24th. Let’s get our kids excited to read! Please follow this link if you would like to donate: www.99pledges.com/fund/chapelfield24. You can search for your child by name. Don’t forget to share the link with family and friends!
*We have raised $4,176.00. Our goal is $19,500. Please support us. If every family gave $50 to your child, we could raise $20,000!
PTO Restaurant Night @ Chick-Fil-A: Tuesday, October 29 from 5-8 p.m.
Fall Party:
*We are scheduled to have a Fall Parade and Party at 1 p.m. on November 1.
*Room Parents will reach out to you for help and/or supplies.
*If it rains, we will ANNOUNCE that the parade is canceled at 11 a.m.
*If it rains, families can set up for the party at 1 p.m. and the party will start at 1:30 p.m.
5th grade committee updates:
*Join us for Bingo Night on Friday November 15th 6:30-8.
*Thank you to everyone who purchased spirit wear and purchased treats at the bake sale. We appreciate your support!
Community Connections
October Important Dates
Thursday, October 4-24: PTO Read-A-Thon & One School One Book
Monday, October 21: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, October 22:
*NO SCHOOL; Teacher Work Day
*PTO Restaurant Night-Chick-Fil-A from 5-8 p.m.
Thursday, October 24: 2nd grade Walking Field Trip to Creekside
Friday, October 25:
*Learning Communities at 8:30 a.m.
*Read-A-Thon/One School, One Book wrap up assembly
Monday, October 28: Firefighter Dave visits 2nd grade
Tuesday, October 29: Firefighter Dave visits 1st grade
Wednesday, October 30: Firefighter Dave visits Kindergarten
Friday, November 1:
*Parade at 1 p.m. outside unless it rains. If it rains, it is canceled.
*Fall Party at 1:30 p.m.
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230