September 15, 2023
Bini'anit'ą́ą́tsoh "Big Harvest" or "Big Ripening Season"

Volume 4, Issue 2
September is called, Bini'anit'ą́ą́tsoh, which means "Big Harvest" or "Big Ripening Season." This is the time of the month when harvesting season is near and the climate changes to colder days. Families are preparing for the long cold months. Keep in mind, as the days get colder, make sure your child dresses accordingly to the weather. If your child is sick, contact the school and have your child stay home until he/she feels better.
Progress reports will be sent home. If your child is not doing well in his/her classes, please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions about your child's learning and/or grades. Teachers are available to meet with you and discuss what they are teaching in their classrooms. Appointments are highly encouraged.
September 27th - REGULAR SCHOOL DAY
Parents and Guardians, TCS will be having a regular school day on September 27th, 2023. Please update your calendar.
Students Participate in the Red Ribbon Fun Walk/Fun
During the week of September 5-8, 2023, the community was celebrating Red Ribbon Week, bringing the awareness to drugs and alcohol use and finding ways to stay away from them. The theme this year was “Be Kind to your Mind. Live Drug Free". On September 7, 2023, To'Hajiilee Community School students and families participated in the 32nd Annual Multicultural Fun Walk and Run at the field by the CBN Health Clinic. Many community members joined that event as well. It was great to see children participate and support one another, cheering each other up as we all walked/ran. Healthy snacks and water stations were available at the site. The students starting from FACE/Preschool and up to the upper grades participated in the walk/run. Thank you all for supporting this very meaningful event.
Students await for to register and get their incentive for the fun walk/run.
5th Grade Class posing for the camera.
Students are ready to tackle their short walk on the walking trail near the clinic.
Middle Schools are patiently waiting to register for the walk/run.
Off the students go to get their morning exercise.
Students, staff, and community partners pose near the tipi.
FACE Center-based students pose for the camera during circle time. They are awaiting instructions from their teacher Judith Cizek. Students later baked gingerbread cookies.
Upcoming Events for Students:
- September 23, 2023, UNM is hosting a Senior College Day.
- September 29, 2023, students in grades 9th-12th grade will attend the Heavy Equipment Rodeo & Job Fair at ACE Leadership High School.
Let's Welcome Our New Teacher, Mr. Leomar M.Juaton, Health/Art/PE.
"As a new teacher in the school, I have a lot of adjustment specially with the environment, the students and the Administration. For a few weeks of teaching in this institution, I can really say that this is the right place for me to use the knowledge and skills that I have. I teach four (4) subjects here at TCS, such as: Physical Education, Health, Visual Arts, and Performing Arts. In our P.E. class for the past weeks we have completely done with our Physical Fitness test and the sports basketball. In our health, we are able to have some activities, like slogan making about avoiding risk behavior. In our visual arts, we are doing a lot of activities, such as drawing, making paper flower, and sketching. Lastly, for our performing arts, we are doing acting. Looking forward to impart more knowledge and skills to my beloved students of To'Hajiilee Community School."
Leomar Juaton
Cafeteria Staff, Lavern Platero, Sarah Chavez, Timothy Chavez, and Carol Begay attending the "Back to School NSLP Training - Fueling the Future, One Meal at a Time" in Albuquerque, NM on 9/5-6/23. Work sessions included baking/cooking from scratch, healthy schools meal program overview, food safety, and so forth. Ms. Platero and Chavez's enjoyed their training and acknowledge; they always learn something new when they attend training.
Let's Welcome Edith Johnson to our Warrior Family!
“Yá'át'ééh shik'éí dóó shidiné'é dóó sha'áłchíní Shí éí Ms. Johnson yinishyé Tó baazhni'ázhi nishłį́ Kinyaa'áanii báshíshchíín Hasht ł 'ishnii dashicheii 'Áshįįhi dashinalí Tohajiilee de'naashá Ákót’éego diné 'asdzą́ą́ nishłį́. Hello! My people of all relations and my children. My name is Ms. Edith Johnson aka Ms. Jaye. My clans are, I am the Two Who Came To Water clan, born for the Towering house clan. My maternal grandparents are The Mud Clan and my paternal grandparents are The Salt People Clan. I was born and raised in our community of To’Hajiilee. I am a mother of three amazing boys Colin, Cole, and Keaton Johnson. I like to greet you as the new K-12 Substitute Teacher here at To’hajiilee Community School. I am truly honored to have this great opportunity to be a BIG part of the growth and development of our students. Let us not forget to mention the wonderful staff here at To’Hajiilee. I've learned so much in the little time I've been here at TCS and I still have a lot to learn. I would like to thank the staff and students who have assisted me this far, and I am looking forward to meeting the rest of you, students, staff & most importantly the parents & grandparents of our students.”
Ahéhee' Ms. Johnson
Rain, snow, sleet, or sunny days...TCS bus drivers are always on alert and ready to transport students home. They are making sure students get home safely.
Bus Driver Anthony awaits for the rain to surpass.
Bus Drivers are ready to send students home due to the rainy weather.
Bus Driver Marcella is posing with Front Office Staff, Varlene Johnson and Sabrina Valencia.
After School Program has begun its registration and is recommend for students who are in need of additional support in their core subjects in math, science, and/or language arts. Tutoring is also offered to students who are in need of recovery courses. Tutoring will be held on Mondays and Thursdays; and enrichment classes which will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays. After School Program will begin on Monday, September 18, 2023 from 3:00 - 4:30 pm. Enrichment program will include STEAM, arts and crafts, health and wellness, digital arts, computer literacy and applications, and creative beading. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Filomar Lomasag at flomasag@tohajiilee.com.
Dental Clinic is scheduling appointments for students on September 18-22nd!
CBNHC, Inc. is having dental screenings for students who are in need of a dental screening that includes X-rays, cleaning, and/or an exam. Contact the dental clinic at 505-908-2307 Ext: 2 to schedule an appointment for your child today. Reserved dates are from September 18th to 22nd from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
The clinic has shared some information on childhood obesity awareness month. See flyers below regarding statistics on childhood obesity and some information to prevent childhood obesity.
- BREAKFAST: Cereal Honey Nut Cheerios, Blueberry Lemon Crisp Bite, Grapes, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Nachos, Beans, Fresh Grapes, and Choice of Milk
September 19th:
- BREAKFAST: Biscuit with Sausage Gravy, Watermelon Chunks, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Spaghetti, Garlic Toast, Salad, Fresh Strawberries, and Choice of Milk
September 20th:
- BREAKFAST: French Toast Sticks, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Hamburger, Fresh Fries, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
September 21st:
- BREAKFAST: Cinnamon Roll, Kiwi Fruit, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Pork Chops, Brown Rice, Broccoli Florets, Cantaloupe Pieces, and Choice of Milk
September 22nd:
- BREAKFAST: Bagel with Cream Cheese, Orange Wedges, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Roast Beef Sandwich, Mash Potatoes, Green Beans, Fruit Cup, and Choice of Milk
September 25th:
- BREAKFAST: Frosted Flakes Cereal, English Muffin, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Spaghetti, Breadstick, Salad, Tropical Fruit Salad, and Choice of Milk
September 26th:
- BREAKFAST: Scramble Eggs, Tortillas, Banana Slices, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Hotdog, Baked Beans, Carrot Sticks, Fresh Grapes, and Choice of Milk
September 27th:
- BREAKFAST: Blueberry Bagel with Cream Cheese, Fresh Cherries, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Beef Tacos, Fresh Strawberries, and Milk
September 28th:
- BREAKFAST: Waffle, Blueberries and Strawberries, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Broccoli Florets, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
September 29th:
- BREAKFAST: Cinnamon Roll, Fruit Cup, Grapefruit Juice, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Sub Sandwich, Cucumber Sticks, Cantaloupe Pieces, and Choice of Milk
TCS Resource Link:
Additional Resources
- 16th: Cross Country Meet; Marilyn Cheromiah Memorial Invite
- 17th: Albuquerque Fall College Fair
- 18th: First Day of After School
- 19th: TCS PAC Meeting
- 19th: Volleyball Game (Home) vs Alamo
- 20th: NMSU Onsite Class
- 21st: Volleyball Game (Away) vs Chesterton Academy
- 23rd: UNM Senior Day
- 23rd: Cross Country Meet; Rio Rancho Jamoree
- 23rd: Volleyball Game (Away) vs Quemado
- 27th: Elementary Bus Dismissal at 2:05 p.m. & Secondary Bus Dismissal at 3:00 p.m.
- 27th: NMSU - No Onsite Class (Cancel)
- 28th: Monthly Food Distribution
- 28th-30th: Volleyball (Away); Rehoboth Tournament
- 29th: Heavy Equipment Rodeo & Job Fair
- 30th: Bosque Invite
- 4th: Full Day Wednesday
- 6th: Fall Break - NO SCHOOL
- 9th: Indigenous People's Day - NO SCHOOL
- 10th: NMSU Grants College Fair
- 11th: Full Day Wednesday
- 16th: End of First Nine Weeks
- 17th: First Day of Second Nine Weeks
- 17th: ACT Test
- 18th: NMSU Onsite Class
- 25th: Parent/Teacher Conference
- 25th: NMSU College Fair
- 25th: NMSU Onsite Class
Previous Parent Newsletter
Volume 4, Issue 1: https://www.smore.com/fsz5r