CATEC August 2024 Newsletter
Stay Up-to-Date on All the Things Happening at CATEC
Keep In Touch
There are lots of ways to know what is happening at CATEC. Keep in touch with us to know what our students are doing and all the ways we are working to improve our local workforce.
- Call us (434) 248-2419
- Visit us www.catec.org
- Download our app CATEC, VA
- Follow us at @CATECHighSchool (Facebook), CATEC High School (YouTube), @CATEChs (Twitter), @catechighschool (Instagram), @catechighschool (TikTok)
Principal's Message
Welcome Families
It is hard to believe that we are wrapping-up August! It is wonderful to have all of our students in the building together.
If you would like access to your student's CATEC grades, you can access them though CATEC PowerSchool. Please reach out to CATEC if you need additional assistance.
As we head into September, your students will get uniforms that promote professionalism, but also provide safety measures specific to their trade. If your student does not have something they need, do not hesitate to reach out.
Please mark your calendars for CATEC's 50th Anniversary Celebration and Open House on Saturday, September 28 at CATEC. This event celebrates our school and will give you the opportunity to see our building and meet our instructors.
Thank you to all of our families for supporting CATEC! We are thrilled to have you and your student in our school community!
Dr. Stacey Heltz
Schoolwide Information
Calendar Dates
- Beginning of Year Forms are due ASAP. Access them here.
- September 2- No CATEC
- September 26- CATEC School Picture Day
- September 27- No CATEC
- September 28- CATEC 50th Anniversary Celebration and Open House
Around the Building
Cosmetology 1 and 2 students work together on skills
Culinary Arts 2 students review last year's knowledge through baking
Carpentry 1 students use their measuring and tool safety skills to build picnic tables
Adult Education and Apprenticeship News
- View the 2023-2024 Course Catalog
- Register Today!
Email: heltzs1@charlottesvilleschools.org
Website: www.catec.org
Location: 1000 Rio Road East, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Phone: 434-245-2419
Facebook: facebook.com/CATECHighSchool
Twitter: @CATEChs