Midland Trail Elementary School
Monthly News
Midland Trail Elementary
September 2022
Our busiest times in the day happen between 8:20 - 8:45AM and again from 3:45-4:10PM. During this time we are either welcoming 450+ students into the building or getting them home safely! In order to make this work we need some help from our families:
- Changes in transportation need to be reported to the office by 3:15PM daily
- Cars in the car rider lane need to unload/load students in the lower lot by gym doors
- If a student walks home from school, they are dismissed out the gym doors
- Please do not park in the street to and walk a child to school, find a parking space in our lot
- Anyone reporting to school after 8:50AM will be counted as Tardy
- Anyone leaving before 3:50PM will be counted as Leave Early
Chocolate Fundraiser
Our PTA just started out BIGGEST fundraiser of the year... chocolate bars! Yes, this is our biggest fundraiser, it brings in enough funds to support our students and school for a majority of the year. Thank you in advance to every family working to support MTE & PTA.
YMCA of Greater Kansas City
For parents who are not familiar with Y Club, we operate inside district elementary schools during the school year. We open at 7:00 AM daily for early drop-off. Our program is fully-licensed, and we offer children a great opportunity to extend daily learning and have fun with their friends.
We have tentatively scheduled our first day of operations as Monday, October 31st, 2022. The cost of AM Childcare is $40 per week. More information will be available as we get closer to October 31st. A one-time registration fee of $25 is charged at enrollment.
If you are interested in possibly sending your child to AM childcare starting October 31st, please add your contact information to the link below. Please know that adding your contact information to the document does not commit you to enrolling your child in the program.
The YMCA is also exploring the possibility of adding after school childcare at Turner School District elementary schools next year. We will provide additional details in the coming weeks.
Aron Attebery, Principal
There is an important change coming to school meals for the upcoming 22 – 23 school year. The USDA program that has provided free school meals to all students during the COVID-19 pandemic is ending on June 30th. This means that unless qualifying families turn in a free/reduced meal application, they will need to pay full price for meals when school starts in August.
We encourage you to complete the free/reduced meal application for the 22 – 23 school year as you may be eligible to continue receiving the free meal benefit.
Students who qualify for free/reduced school meals may qualify for other benefits as well! Those benefits may include discounts on ACT/SAT testing fees, college application fees, as well as home internet and technology devices, among others.
Students who qualify for free/reduced school meals receive the same school meal options and check out process as students who do not receive free/reduced school meals.
Families who receive benefits through SNAP, TANF, or the foster care system are already enrolled in the free school meal benefits and do not need to submit an application
The free meals, which are safe, nutritious, and delicious, help extend family food budgets too. For more information, contact Megan Rabun, Food Services Coordinator, at (913) 288-4141.
Get Involved!
Join PTA! Our PTA needs YOU! We need more support in order to keep PTA moving forward at Midland Trail. The commitment is small. We meet once a month, after school, for 30-45 minutes. We plan a few activities each year: Back To School, Classroom Parties, Teacher Treats, Candy Sales, and our biggest event is the MTE Carnival. We cannot do this without more support. Please consider joining PTA and offering to help out once a month.
Student/Family Changes in Informaiton
~ We Believe and Achieve in Order to Succeed ~
Midland Trail Elementary Info:
Doors open at 8:20 am
School begins at 8:50 am
Students dismissed at 3:50 pm
School Safety: Adults entering the building must have valid I.D.
Early Pick Up:
Parents/Guardians: Please remember if you are picking up your child/children to have ID with you. Visitors are only allowed in the school office.
When you fill out the Online Registration you will decide if your child is riding the bus or being a car rider. This information will be shared with the teacher. If you need to change daily transportation you must call the office BEFORE 3:15pm. This gives us enough time to notify the teacher and student of any change.