Millbury Monthly - Happenings @ MHS
From the desk of Christopher Lowe, Principal

Community Newsletter : August 2024 (Summer Community Update #3)
Good afternoon, Woolie families!
I am thrilled to share that the start of our two days of staff professional development is off and running today! The past two weeks at the junior-senior high school have provided us with hallways full of students and staff with our student leadership conference, freshmen orientation, fall athletics seasons, new teacher orientation, and staff professional development beginning! Last week, our Band Camp concluded after an amazing two weeks of constant performing!
We are primed for what is to be a fantastic school year here at MHS, with much of what we, as a community, have come to love as part of our traditions, but we also have so much more happening that we cannot wait to share with our students and families in the upcoming weeks/months.
This newsletter highlights some of the logistical components of Wednesday, as we want to ensure everyone is informed about the start of the school year, as we know the first day can be a bit overwhelming for everyone!
Chris Lowe
In This Issue:
- Student Spotlight
- Campus Update
- Housekeeping/Reminders
- From the School Counseling Department
- Our Schedule for the Month
- Previously Shared
- Looking Ahead
- Woolie Gear
Student Spotlight 🙌
Campus Update 🏢
Check out the video below to learn more about our school!
Want to learn more about the amazing things taking place at MHS? Check out the video below that our students made!
From the Parents Club
The Millbury Parents Club is excited to get started on a new school year and work with our members, the community and the MPS faculty to provide additional enrichment programs for the students of Millbury. If you are interested in learning more about the MPC ... who we are, what we do and how you can get involved ... we encourage you to follow us on our Facebook page to stay up-to-date on all events, meetings and activities. We look forward to another incredible year!
School Doors Open at 7:20 am
Students will be welcomed into the building starting at 7:20.
Please prioritize your drop off accordingly, as we cannot have students in the building prior to 7:20 am.
Morning Drop Off Pattern Bus Drop Off in the Front, Parent Drop Off in the Back (until All Buses Depart)
Please note our Morning Drop Off Pattern:
Our buses stage in the front of the building prior 7:20 am. After the buses depart, parent/guardian dropoff can take place in the front of the building.
When dropping off in the front, students should be entering through the cafeteria door entrance, NOT the High School Main Entrance.
Parent drop-off will occur in the back of the building with allocated drop-off zones prior to 7:20.
Students will be allowed in the buildings starting at 7:20 am.
Morning Breakfast Served from 7:20 - 7:35 in the cafeterias
Students can access morning breakfast in both cafeterias from 7:20 - 7:35 am.
Late Bus Day: Thursdays beginning September 5
Our late bus day at the Junior-Senior High School is Thursday throughout the school year. Our late bus will begin running the week of September 5.
Our staff stays after various days, which is worked out individually with students and families, as needed. If you have a question about your child staying after for extra help, please reach out directly to the specific teacher via email.
AP Summer Work Due
A friendly reminder to all of our students enrolled in AP classes that their AP summer work is due to their classroom teachers within the first week(s) of school. Please check Google Classroom for more information about the specifics associated with their respective course as it may vary from class to class.
Be sure to check out our website that we keep updated throughout the year!
If you haven't had the opportunity to check out our website, please take a look! Lots of information is available to our Woolie community.
Here is the link!
ChromeBook Repair and Support for our Students
Please see the image below that has been shared with our students and staff regarding ChromeBook issues.
We ask all families to be proactive when there is an issue with the devices, as we want to sure that all of our students have access to devices on a daily basis.
Additionally, we ask that students charge their devices nightly. We encourage all students to keep their chargers at home, as they should be coming to school with a full battery from being charged the night before. Each classroom is outfitted with a charging station in the event that a device needs a quick charge.
There is a direct link to our IT website on the Junior-Senior High School's website.
Woolie Gear Fridays
As part of building community within the halls of our building, all students and staff are encouraged to wear either Woolie Gear or our School Colors- Maroon and Gold.
If you are interested in acquiring Woolie Gear, please check our 24/7 webstore which is linked at the bottom of the newsletter.
Additionally, throughout the school year, our Classes, Clubs, and Organizations host a variety of apparel fundraisers which will provide options for additional Woolie gear.
📆 Our Schedule For This Month
For all of the information about the Schedule for this month, please click on the link to the last edition of the Community Newsletter.
This will provide you will all that is taking place during the first week of school, as well as some additional pieces of information.
Both editions of the newsletter will be posted on the front page of our School Website.
First Day of School for the 2024 - 2025 School Year: August 28
The first day of school for Millbury Jr./Sr. High School students is Monday, August 28, 2024. Start time is 7:40 am at the Jr./Sr. High School. Students will be allowed access to the building at 7:20.
Upon entering the building, students should go directly to their first-period class for that specific day.
Students will be considered late for school if not in their first-period class by 7:40 am.
Opening Week Schedule
Please click the link below for an outline of the opening week(s) schedule.
School Photos for the 2024-2025 School Year
Our school photos will be taking place during the first week of school as done previously. Please see the schedule for the school picture days:
Looking Ahead đź—“
Homecoming Weekend: September 27 - 29
More information will be shared in the upcoming days/weeks.
Previously Shared
School Council Representation
Below you will find a brief overview of what the School Council is and represents. I encourage all stakeholders to participate in the School Council as it offers multiple perspectives into the happenings of a school building and community as well as shared responsibilities in progressing the school forward. If you are interested in participating on the school council, please send a letter of intent email to my administrative assistant, Mrs. Nikol Mulligan, at nmulligan@millburyschools.org.
School Council Overview
The Law:
A school council is a representative; school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents, teachers, community members and, at the secondary level, students, required to be established by each school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C.
Council Membership:
The principal is responsible for establishing the membership of the School Council “pursuant to a representative process approved by the superintendent and school committee,” and to define the size and composition of the council. The following stipulations were considered when the junior-senior high school council was established:
Parents “have parity with professional personnel on the school councils.”
“Not more than 50% percent of the council shall be non-school members.” Non-school members” are defined as members who are “other than parents, teachers, students, and staff at the school.”
The membership of the school councils “should be broadly representative of the school building and community.”
Parent Conference Nights:
Our Parent Conferences will be held from 6:00 - 8:00 pm on the following dates via Google Meet:
October 17, 2024
March 13, 2025
The dates for these events are selected in order to provide first and second-semester teachers an opportunity to meet with parents/guardians to allow for more in-depth conversations with teachers. More information on how to schedule a conference will be provided closer to the conference dates.
We will be sharing out additional information regarding these events as the dates approach.
Athletics Department Information
Woolie Gear 24/7 Online Store
Need some Woolie Gear? We have you covered.
Be on the lookout for more gear that will be available during the year through fundraisers and extra-curriculars!
Millbury High School Website
Millbury Memorial Junior-Senior High School
Email: clowe@millburyschools.org
Website: https://hs.millburyschools.org
Location: 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA, USA
Phone: 508.865.5841 Facebook: facebook.com/mjshswoolies
The Millbury Public Schools ensures equal employment and educational opportunities for its employees and students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity (M.G.L. c. 151B and 151C, Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX), or on the basis of disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973/ADA) or homelessness. In addition, the Millbury Public Schools does not discriminate against its employees on the basis of age (M.G.L. 151B/ADEA) on the basis of veteran's status, or genetic information.