Home of the Rockets
Eastridge Elementary School December 15, 2019
Morning Car Rider Reminders
Upcoming Events...
December 16th - December 20th --> Winter Spirit Week
December 19th--> Quarter 2 Perfect Attendance Celebration
December 20th--> C.O.R.E. Celebration
December 20th--> Last Day of School before Winter Break
Greetings Eastridge Families,
It is hard to believe that the 1st semester of the 19/20 school year is coming to an end. I am so proud of our students for all of the growth that they have achieved so far this year. Thank you parents for all that you do to help prepare your students for school each and every day. We could not do what we do with out your support
Students in Grades K - 4 will continue to take and finish up the NWEA Reading and Math Assessments next week. This data will provide a mid-year look at the student’s progress in these subject areas. We appreciate your continued support in encouraging students to do their personal best on these important tests!
Next week is our last week before winter break. School is in session every day next week. Our last day before winter break is Friday, December 20. It is a full day of school for students. We will be having our Perfect Attendance celebration on Thursday and CORE Celebration during the day on Friday. Both of these activities will highlight our students and their hard work during quarter 2.
As a reminder, student report cards will be distributed prior to winter break. Report cards will be sent home with students on Friday, December 20.
Please see below for some reminders of upcoming events:
Our Perfect Attendance Celebration is scheduled for Thursday, December 19th. Students with perfect attendance during quarter 2 will gather in the gym for a movie and snack.
Our CORE Celebration is scheduled for Friday, December 20. Students will be able to spend their core cash that they have earned over this quarter on all of the fun and games!
Our last day of school before winter break is Friday, December 20. Students return from winter break on Monday, January 6.
I hope that you and your family have a great weekend and as always, I thank you for your continued support of Eastridge Elementary!
Your Principal,
Mrs. Johnson
Winter Break
Winter Break for Warren Township is December 21st - January 5th. School will resume on January 6th.
Art to Remember
Congratulations to Trip T. for having his artwork chosen to be featured on the Art to Remember Instagram & Twitter account!
Thank you!
Updated Visitor Policy----Effective January 6, 2020
MSD of Warren Township Elementary School Visitation Procedures
Parents and visitors are encouraged to visit Eastridge Elementary. We are making a more concise effort in our visitor policy because the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our highest priority. All visitors must provide a government-issued ID to be scanned into the Raptor Visitor Management System. At the conclusion of all visits, please return to the main office to sign out. You can find more information about Raptor by visiting our website. School administration reserves the right to refuse visitation for anyone who does not comply with school visitation procedures.
Classroom Visitation
Classroom visits consist of observing teaching and learning in action. To protect instructional time and the activities taking place in the classroom, we ask that parents refrain from talking with the teacher to allow him/her to continue teaching. If you need to speak with a teacher, please follow the procedure for teacher visitation below. Procedures for classroom visits:
provide advanced notice to the teacher
must be on students emergency contact list
maximum visitors in a classroom of 2 parties
limited to a maximum of 30 minutes
classroom visitations during arrival and dismissal will not be allowed.
including walking students to class
Teacher Visitation
Meeting with your child’s teacher(s) is a valuable part of the education process. Procedures for teacher visitation:
schedule a meeting time with a teacher
must be a custodial parent or guardian
Lunch Visitation
If you are interested in eating lunch with your student at school, please follow these procedures:
eat in a designated area assigned by the school
only visitors who are on a students contacts list
other students will not be able to accompany your student
outside food/drink is permitted
at the conclusion of lunch, please return to the office.
Thank you for your assistance in ensuring a safe and secure school environment for all students and staff members.
Read and Rise
Indianapolis Urban League - Read and Rise!
The Indianapolis Urban League is partnering with Warren Township to offer a program, Read and Rise, to our parent community. The foundation of the program is aimed at promoting reading and literacy development in the home. Their mission is to reinforce that parents are a child's first and most important teacher.
Warren will host three family literacy workshops as outlined below:
Tuesday, January 7; 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Lakeside; Focus on 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade, up to age 9
IUL teaches the workshops, provides how-to guides for parents and reading materials for children.
New Visitor Management System
Warren Township Schools is pleased to announce we will begin using the Raptor Visitor Management System in all of our schools to strengthen our program of campus safety for students and staff. Part of keeping students and faculty safe is knowing who is in our buildings at all times, and the Raptor System will allow us to do that. The Raptor System will better allow us to screen visitors, contractors, and volunteers in our schools and provide us with a safer environment for our students and staff. Our goal is to keep a balance of being a welcoming school district as well as maintaining the safety of our students and staff.
Beginning November 11, 2019, every visitor who enters our school will be asked to present a state of federal ID, such as a Driver’s License, that will be scanned into the Raptor System. Once the visitor has been approved, the office staff will enter the reason, destination of the visit and the Raptor System will print a photo ID visitor badge. If for any reason a parent or guardian does not have a U.S. government-issued ID, the staff member can use any form of ID and manually enter the person’s name into the Raptor System.
A photo ID visitor badge is not required for those who visit our schools to drop off an item or pick-up paperwork at the front desk. Further, they may drop off their items(s) or remain in the waiting area until their student is available. Please be aware that current practices established in each building will remain in effect.
The safety of our students is our highest priority. The Raptor Visitor Management System will provide us with a consistent process of knowing who is in our buildings at all times as well as a tool to identify those individuals who may present a danger to our students and staff.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support towards enhancing school safety protocols in our district. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Eastridge Elementary School at (317) 532-3150.
Mrs. Johnson
Attendance Matters, Facts Matters, Information Matters
Why attendance matters?
Fact: Missing just 2 days a month means a child misses 10% of the school year.
Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. Every school day counts in a child's academic life...A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. The effects of lost school days build up one absence at a time on individual students. Please ensure that your child understands the importance of good school attendance and is at school every day. Every day matters! Every day provides important learning opportunities! Set your child up for success by developing these good habits now!
MSD of Warren Township Attendance Policy Reminder
Students with 7 or more absences will provide a doctor's excusal for each absence. Parents should send medical excusals to the classroom teachers when the student returns to school. Medical excusals will be counted as excused absences. Our goal is to ensure that your child's attendance is accurate.
Attend today. Achieve tomorrow.
Important Information regarding Child Abuse Prevention Practices
Dear Warren Family,
During the 2017-18 Legislative Session, State Lawmakers passed Senate Bill 355, which required all public schools to provide age appropriate research, evidence-based instruction, and child abuse education and policies on child abuse and child sexual abuse to students in kindergarten through grade 12.
Beginning on December 2, 2019 your child’s school will be using the Teen Lures child personal safety program. Teen Lures teaches students skills to help them stay safe. Presentations will be during CORE Connect time with classroom teachers. Our learners will be taught the importance of treating one another with kindness and respect. They will also learn about personal boundaries and their right to have their boundaries respected by others. The program’s interactive lessons help children differentiate between healthy and unhealthy behaviors. The program gives students regular reminders that trusted adults are available to help with their safety, and are available to talk to any time.
If you have any questions about the Teen Lures curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact your building principal.
Working together, we can all help to ensure the health and personal safety of our children.
James Taylor, MSW, Director of Student Services
Estimada familia de Warren,
Durante la Sesión Legislativa 2017-18, los legisladores estatales aprobaron el Proyecto de Ley Senatorial 355, que exige que todas las escuelas públicas proporcionen a los estudiantes de kínder al grado 12 información apropiada para la edad de cada estudiante acerca de educación de abuso infantil.
A partir de 2 de diciembre de 2018, la escuela de su hijo utilizará el programa de seguridad infantil Think First & Stay Safe child. Think First & Stay Safe enseña a los estudiantes habilidades para ayudarlos a mantenerse seguros. Los maestros darán presentaciones durante su tiempo de conexión CORE. A nuestros alumnos se les enseñará la importancia de tratar a los demás con amabilidad y respecto. También, aprenderán sobre los límites personales y su derecho a que otros respeten sus límites. La lecciones interactivas del programa ayudan a los niños a diferenciar entre comportamientos saludables y no saludables, El programa les Brinda a los estudiantes recordatorios regulares de que hay adultos de confianza disponibles para ayudarlos con su seguridad, y están disponibles para habla en cualquier momento.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el programa de estudios Think First & Stay Safe, no dude en ponerse en contacto con el director de la escuela de su hijo/a.
Al trabajar juntos, todos podemos ayudar a garantizar la salud y la seguridad personal de los niños.
James Taylor, MSW, Director de Student Services
School Safety
In an effort to make sure our students and staff understand and know what to do in the case of emergencies, we plan practice drills throughout the school year. Some of these drills include procedures we practice monthly, like fire drills, and some we practice only a few times during the year, like wind/tornado drills.
We wanted you to be aware of the types of drills that we practice together in the event of a school safety concern so that you can talk with your students about these situations if they should come home with questions.
Fire Drills – Students and staff evacuate their classrooms and exit the building. All classrooms report to a designated location outside of the school building. During these drills, cars entering campus will be stopped by staff until our perimeter is clear of students and staff.
Wind/Tornado Drills – Students and staff report to designated locations in the building away from large windows and doors with windows. During this drill, our exterior doors will be locked so that all office staff can participate as well.
Lockdown Drills – Our buildings are secured internally and externally. Students remain with staff and wait for directions. During these drills, if you visit campus, you may see law enforcement agencies like Warren Police, parked on our campus supporting this practice.
Bus Evacuation Drills – Students practice exiting the bus using emergency exits upon arriving to school. During these drills, cars entering campus will be stopped by staff until our perimeter is clear of students and staff.
It is important to note that your student’s focus and cooperation during our drills is paramount. When drills are conducted, all individuals on our campus must participate, and that number can be upwards of 500 people. Paying attention, being alert and following directions allows for the best learning experience during the drills. Please reinforce this at home. Also, please know that if you are in the building when these drills are being practiced, you will be asked to practice with our school.
I appreciate your support and ask that you reach out with any questions.
High Ability Program
The occasion may arise when the school district wants to recognize your child or your child's school. This may include your child's photo, your child's name or your child's work in district publications, newsletters, on school district websites, and in electronic/ social media or in staff training videos. We may also want to tell the media (including newspapers, television, and radio) about your child's achievements. We never knowingly release information about a student to anyone who wants to use it for commercial/ political purposes. However, we will honor your request to not include your child in these types of recognitions if you notify your child's school office in writing that you do not want this type of information released.
Notes from the Nurse
The school clinic needs pants desperately. SIZES 5-12 in both female/ male. The accidents have taken all my supply in shorts/skorts/pants. Please consider donating any clothing that is not being used. Also, if your child has had one or several accidents this year from spills to restroom it might be best to pack an extra set of clothes for your child in their book bag. Let your child and your teacher know about the extra clothes.It would be greatly appreciated and I wouldn't have to call parents at work telling them I don't have pants for their child.. Thank you so much!
Lost and Found
Lunch Menu
Breakfast is served each morning from 7:55AM - 8:20AM
Lunch Times for the 2019-2020 School Year
Kinder Lunch - 10:45AM - 11:15AM
1st Grade Lunch - 11:18AM - 11:48AM
2nd Grade Lunch - 11:51AM - 12:21AM
3rd Grade Lunch - 12:24AM - 12:54AM
4th Grade Lunch - 12:57AM - 1:27AM
Fast Food
Healthy Celebrations
Box Tops
Thank you for supporting Eastridge Elementary. Please continue to send in your box tops!!
Box Tops App
No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. With the Box Tops for Education app, you can turn your everyday receipts into cash for your school.
Our PTA is excited to host two upcoming events. The first one is Parent's Night Out! This event will be Friday, December 6th, 2019 at Eastridge from 6-8PM. Students will be able to watch a movie, eat pizza, decorate a cookie, play games and hang out with their friends. The event will be staffed by Eastridge teachers and also Warren Central High School National Honor Society volunteers. This event will be $5/child, $10/family or FREE for paid PTA members.
Our next event will be Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 14th from 9-11AM. This event is always a school favorite! A pancake and sausage breakfast will be served. There will be an opportunity to get your picture taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus, games and a craft. Also, kindergarten, first and second grade will be singing carols this year at 10:30AM. Breakfast with Santa is $3/person for breakfast and a photo. A family will cost $10. However, don't delay the price will increase to $15/family the day of event.
Flyers will be coming home with students this week (& are also attached to this email). Please note that an RSVP is required for both events.
New Warren App and Website
Warren Township School District has a new app and website! The purpose of the app and website is to provide regular updates through the live feed, district news, and
district events sections as well as other important district information. The app includes easy access to the weekly breakfast and lunch menu, staff contacts, district documents, bullying and safety reporting form, and much much more. The Warren app can be downloaded at the Apple and Android App Store. Stay informed and download the app today. The district website is www.warren.k12.in.us.
Eastridge Elementary School
Email: tjohnso1@warren.k12in.us
Website: http://eastridge.warren.k12.in.us/
Location: 10930 East 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-532-3150
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Eastridge-Elementary-School-325063684681/
Twitter: @eastridgeelemen