Adventures at Beaumont

Monthly Townhall Meetings Led by SAFE Team start next week!
We are excited to start our Monthly Townhall Meetings next week. These are led by our SAFE team members, including our Beaumont SAFE team member, Michaela Hagerman. October's topic is on Kindness, Friendship and Bullying. Make sure you ask your student on Tuesday after school what they learned.
It has come to my attention that in the morning there are multiple students that are arriving very early to school and are unsupervised. Beaumont Staff does not come out of the building to open doors until 8:35 AM and students should remain in their vehicles until the doors are open and staff is able to supervise and assist students from carpool. If your student walks to school, please make sure that they do not arrive before 8:30 and school/safety rules still apply while they are on the premises. Students should not be playing tag, playing ball, climbing trees, etc. for obvious safety reasons. The parking lot is a busy place in the morning and I would hate to have a student injured in any way. Thank you for your cooperation and support in this matter.
We are still in need of boys clothes of all sizes (new or lightly used) for our extra clothes supply. New boys and girls underwear of all sizes are also needed. THANK YOU TO THE FAMILES THAT HAVE DONATED!
Kindergarten and First Grade parents: It is very important for you to send an extra change of clothes for your students- maybe even 2 sets! Students spill milk or water, get dirty on the playground, have accidents, etc. and we know that it is an inconvenience to take a call to come up to the school to bring a change of clothes for your student. Help us help you!!
We will continue to open all the doors at 8:35 AM. Students still have ample time to eat breakfast and enter class in a timely fashion before instruction begins. Remember, your student will still enter door #7 if they would like to have breakfast. Students not eating breakfast will still enter through door #'s 6 and 8.
All doors will close promptly at 8:45 AM at the tardy bell. After that, students must be dropped off at the main office door AND be signed in by an adult.
Please make sure that you communicate with the front office and your teacher for end of the day plans for getting home. If students are on our bus list and we do not have any other information to how they are getting home, we put them on the bus.
We encourage parents to fill out the volunteer form at the beginning of the year and turn it into the office. It takes about 10 days to get them processed through safety and security. In order to volunteer, chaperone a field trip or participate in school activities with students, you will need this form filled out and approved before the date of the event. A new volunteer affidavit needs to be filled out EVERY school year.
If any questions, do not hesitate to email me at
Bring Your Dog to Carpool is BACK!
Friday, October 4th is "Bring your Dog to Carpool" Day! We are dog-lovers here at Beaumont and our students talk about their pets regularly, so let's celebrate them too! On Friday, feel free to bring your dog to carpool for pets and treats from staff! All dogs/animals must stay in the vehicle at all times. We can't wait to see all of our four-legged friends next week!
Parking and Carpool Guidelines
Please adhere to all parking lot guidelines. DO NOT park in no parking areas and DO NOT cut across the parking lot through a one way area. This makes the parking lot very dangerous. Also, as stated in a previous newsletter, please do not get out of your vehicle for any reason at carpool. It is important to keep the flow of traffic moving so we do not have congestion on Elizabeth Lake Rd. A Beaumont staff member will open the car door for your student. If in the outside lane, it is especially important to make sure that students do not exit the vehicle without an adult present to safely walk them to the sidewalk.
All parents are HIGHLY encouraged to use the carpool line instead of parking and walking their student(s) to the door. Parents parking and walking their students to the door slows down car pool, causes unnecessary congestion and increases the safety risks in the parking lot. We promise to make sure that students enter through the correct door, get breakfast if needed, and get to their classroom safely. Remember, parents are not allowed in the building in the morning unless they have an appointment and enter through the front door and sign in.
Beaumont Library Information
Dear Beaumont Families,
Your Child’s library day will be on Monday or Tuesday every week.
Kindergarten will be checking out 1 book. 1st grade will be checking out 1 book until they get into the routine of returning their books then they’ll be able to check out 2 books. 2nd-5th grades will be checking out 2 books.
Library is a time for your student to choose books that interest them. They should try to choose books close to their reading level and choose age-appropriate material.
Books are due back every week. Your child may renew a book if they are still reading it. I will instruct them on how that is done. All libraries expect that books be borrowed and then returned before checking out more books. Beaumont students do a great job returning their books. We only have 4 books out from last year. Please either return overdue books or pay for them. This helps us achieve our goal of maintaining a balanced and diverse collection of books for all the students. As a suggestion, when students bring home their library books to read, have them keep their book(s) in their backpack when they are not reading it so it will be at school for library day.
Occasionally I will allow students to choose from our “Free Books”. These are books that were discarded from our collection and will be stamped “Discard” on the inside. These books your child may keep.
We have two Scholastic books fairs scheduled this year – October 21st – October 25th and perfect for March is Reading Month, March 6th – March 12th.
Please turn in volunteer affidavits now so you will be all set if we have a Lunch with a Loved one.
I am looking for volunteers to help in the library to set up/tear down book fairs, help younger students shop during the book fair, and a special project of helping me put genre (sports, fantasy, adventure, humor, realistic fiction, etc.) labels on fiction books. If you are able to volunteer or if you have any questions about the library, you can e-mail me at To reach me by phone, call Beaumont at 248-682-6822 on Monday or Tuesday or Cooley 248-673-0300 at Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.
Looking forward to a great year of Library!
Bonnie Pawloske,
Library Tech, Beaumont Elementary and Cooley Elementary
Running Club Information
PRACTICES- all practices will be at your child’s elementary school right after school until 5:30, please be prompt on pickup.
SNACKS- snacks will be provided, please let your child’s coach know directly if there is a food restriction
END OF SEASON EVENT- October 22nd there will be an end of the season event at Hess Hathaway Park at 5pm; we will not start until I check with all coaches that the kids who plan to attend are there
WHAT WILL THEY BE DOING AT PRACTICE?- this is a fun way to get the kids active. Fall is cross country season, so it will be outdoor “terrain/field” type running. There will be other components of activity which may include- stretching/yoga-type/active games/etc. We are also hoping your child gets a surprise visit from the High School Coaching Staffs and Runners at some point this season 😊
EXPECTATIONS- just like school or any after school activity or sport, we want the kids to be engaged; and of course following school expectations and conduct
COACHES- the most important part- the coaches! Below you will see the list and emails for your child’s coach per school. For general questions please include me on the email as well.
BEAUMONT- Christine Kilbride and Cynda Baranski ( and )
Educational Benefit Form
We are asking ALL families to please fill out the educational benefits form. Although this is normally seen as the "free and reduced lunch" form, schools receive certain funding based on the information shared in this form. Even if you do not need or want free or reduced breakfast and/or lunch, filling out the form gives the state information to provide additional funding. As many of you have heard, all students will be able to receive free breakfast and lunch this year.
Please click on this link, click on APPLY FOR BENEFITS and fill out the form.
Important Dates:
SAFE Townhall: October 1st
5th Grade Field Trip to the DIA- October 11th
4th Grade Field Trip to Belle Isle- October 11th
No School- October 14th
Run Out Music Performances- October 18th
Picture Retake Day: October 24th
Scholastic Book Fair: October 21st-25th
Trunk or Treat: October 24th (after school)
Conferences: November 13th, 19th and 21st (4:30-7:00)
Keep an eye out for specific teacher schedules as we get closer to the end of the quarter
Half Day (End of Q1): November 1st
Safety Drills
Throughout the school year, the school participates in multiple safety drills that include fire drills, tornado drills and ALICE drills. These drills are conducted to ensure that our staff and students are prepared in the event of an emergency. We take our drills seriously. The safety of our staff and students is always our number one focus.
PTO News
See BoxTop information below to help support the Beaumont PTO
They will also be continuing Popcorn Fridays. You may pay $12 for the entire year or $1 the week of for popcorn.
PTO would like to have a parent directory. This is something that parents have been asking for and so we are going to try it this year. The website is:
Enter Code: F4FGPE
Dates to Remember:
Fun Run: October 23rd (Rain date (10/25)
Trunk or Treat: October 24th
New Breakfast Procedures- Please Read!
We will no longer be serving breakfast in the classrooms for grades 1st thru 5th. Doors will be open for students that want to eat breakfast at 8:35 AM. Door #7 will be open (the childcare/cafeteria door with the awning) at 8:35 AM. Students will enter the cafeteria and will have 10 minutes to eat their breakfast before they go to class. It is important that if you would like your student to have breakfast that they arrive by 8:35 AM so they have enough time to eat before class begins at 8:45 AM.
Door #s 6 and 8 will also open at 8:35 AM for students that are not eating breakfast. Students will go directly to their lockers/classes.
Kindergarteners will begin the school year by having their breakfast in the classrooms and should not enter the building until 8:35 AM. As they become more familiar with the building and routines and procedures, we will transition to breakfast in the cafeteria as well- later in the school year. More information to come on this.
Door #'s 6, 7 and 8 will close promptly at the tardy bell (8:45 AM). After 8:45 AM, students must be signed in and enter through the main office doors.
As with any new procedure, we expect there to be some tweaks to our breakfast procedure. We will communicate any changes by blackboard and ask that families are patient as we work the wrinkles out.
Free Breakfast and Lunch
Students will be able to receive free breakfast and lunch this school year. Please remember that this does NOT include a' la cart items such as snacks, individual milk or fruit purchases or extra main items.
Also, if you put money on your child's account and would like to limit the amount of snacks or items that they are able to purchase (one cookie or snack per day, no cookies, etc), you can add these notes into Parent Portal. We encourage families to do this to avoid over eating or eating snacks and then not eating their regular lunch. If you do not want your child to have the option of school lunch because you are packing their lunch every day, this also needs to be noted in Parent Portal. Your child's teacher is not responsible for this information. If you have any questions about this, email me at or contact food service.
Plan of Care Forms
All Plan of Care Forms should be filled out and returned to the main office as soon as possible- before school begins would even be better as all plan of care forms need to be reviewed by our district nurse. Any and all prescription medication and over-the-counter medicines (including Tylenol, Motrin, cough drops, cough medicine, etc.) need a plan of care form. Completed forms can be faxed to 248-738-4723
Administering Medicine Plan of Care Form
Chromebook 1:1 Information
Beaumont is a 1:1 school. Below you will find a link to the WSD Chromebook Student Handbook. (A button will also be located at the bottom of every family newsletter throughout the year. Kindergarten students enrolled by August 21st, will receive their Chromebook the first week of school for use in the classroom. Students enrolled after this date may use a classroom issued Chromebook until Computer Services can assign their own Chromebook. Kindergarten teachers will determine the date the Chromebook will come home and will communicate this at a later date. - Spanish
If you need assistance with technology for your Chromebook please submit a Computer Tech Support Ticket or call Student Chromebook Help Desk Line – 248.791.9127
and one of our team members will be able to assist you.
Car Pool and Drop Off/Pick Up
Remember to be patient and kind in the car pool line to staff and other parents.
Car Riders:
Please do not drop students off early. Doors will open at 8:35 AM for all students. Please see above for breakfast instructions.
Students stay in the car until they are near their unloading zone and assigned door. If multiple students, you should unload at appropriate entrance or at the lowest grade level door.
K students will unload near Door #6
1st-5th grade students will unload near Door #8 thru Door#6
Staff members will be outside opening car doors and helping to move traffic along safely. Please stay in your lane and do not change lanes unless directed. If in the second lane (furthest from the sidewalk), a staff member will assist your student in getting out of the car and crossing the car pool lane safely. Do not let your child out of the car without a staff member present.
Please have your child sit on the right side of the vehicle.
Parents need to stay in the vehicle at ALL times.
If a parent needs to exit the vehicle for any reason, please park in the lot in a legal parking spot so the carpool line can move along quickly and safely.
Students will be marked tardy starting at 8:45 AM. If the carpool line is backed up, students will not be marked tardy until staff enters the building and close Doors #6 and #8.
Tardy students will need to enter through the main office (Door #1) and will need to be signed in by a parent.
Walkers cannot enter the building before 8:35 AM. If eating breakfast they may enter at 8:35 AM. thru Door 7 only.
If riding a bike, please walk your bike on the school sidewalks and DO NOT ride your bike in the parking lot. Bike racks are near Door #8.
Kindergarten at Door #6
Students will be marked tardy starting at 8:45 AM.
Buses will arrive in the bus loop
Buses will begin unloading one bus at a time starting at 8:35 AM
Students will enter through Door #2 and walk directly to their classroom or to the cafeteria if eating breakfast.
Staff (and Safeties) will be available to assist students getting off the bus and inside the building.
If buses are late, students will not be marked tardy and will still have an opportunity to have breakfast in the cafeteria
Will leave at 3:57 PM
Bussers will stay in a grade level classroom or area with a supervising adult until their bus arrives at the school.
When the bus arrives, an announcement will be made and bussers will line up and walk to the bus. There will be supervising adults in the hallways and adult and/or Safety escorts for lower elementary students.
Remember cell phones are not to be used while waiting for or on the school bus.
Lower Elementary students will have bus tags attached to their backpacks.
If your student's tag becomes loose or is lost, please let your teacher or the office know and we will replace it.
If buses are going to be late, a blackboard message will go out to families (please note that at the beginning of the year as drivers are getting to know their routes and students, the ride may take a little longer.)
Car Pick Up:
Parents must stay in their vehicle.
Parents will get a special sign to put in the passenger side of the windshield with student name, teacher name and grade level. These will be passed out at Meet and Greet or the First Day of School. If you need additional signs for additional cars, please let us know.
Teachers will be outside with your student waiting for pickup.
This process will take a little longer at the beginning of the year as we get to know and recognize vehicles and faces. Please have your picture ID readily available if needed.
End of Day Changes
We know that sometimes plans change unexpectedly and the normal routine of after school plans for your child changes. Please keep in mind that the end of the day is very busy at an elementary school. Any and all end of the day changes need to be communicated to the office no later than 3:00 PM. Communicating with the teacher is also recommended but teachers do not always have time to check email or their Remind/Dojo apps so it is important to ALWAYS let the office know of these changes before 3 PM.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are not allowed to be used or on a student during the school day. If your child has a cell phone, it is required to be turned off and stored in the locker/backpack of the student at ALL times. Cell phones are not allowed to be used at lunch or on the bus. The bus is considered an extension of the school and classroom and all of the expectations from the code of conduct apply to the bus. If there is an immediate need or if you need to get a hold of your child in an emergency, please call the office at 248-682-6822.
Birthday Celebration Information
Due to an increase in food allergies and health preferences, we will not be having any birthday food treats at school. We realize that this may be disappointing for some families, but the health and safety of our students is our number one priority. We are also asking that families refrain from sending balloon and/or flowers to students for their birthdays due to latex and plant allergies. Class birthday bags that contain non-food items are still allowed and will be passed out at the end of the day. Also consider other options for celebrating your child's birthday, like donating a book to the classroom library (and having the birthday student read the book to the class or even a special guest?) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Please remember that birthday invitations will not be passed out at school unless there is an invitation for each child in the class.