Trafalgar Gazette
January 13, 2025
Happy New Year Trafalgar Eagles!
Trafalgar Important Dates
1/13 -Culvers Spirit Night 5-8pm
1/16 - Report Card Published in Focus at 4 pm / (1/10- End of Quarter 2)
1/20 - No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
1/24 -Frosty Run for 3-4 and qualifying K-2 students
1/30 - SAC/PTO Meeting -Media Center - 6:00pm
1/31 - Classroom Group Pictures
No School on January 20, 2025
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
Catch Your Child Reading!
Hey Parents and Families,
We need your help!
We want to see all the amazing reading that is happening at home! Snap a photo of your child while reading their books at home and email it to Mrs. Kerans at kristennk@leeschools.net . Please include your child's name, teacher name, and grade in your email. Your child’s photo will be featured on our Caught You Reading slideshow that will be on before the morning announcements. Way to go Readers!
This Year's Sunshine State Readers Books!
You can access them through Overdrive.
How Many Will You Read?
Cooler Weather is Here!
Remember we are a uniform school, so please think about items your child may have that will work for cooler weather. We allow leggings under school uniform jumpers and skirts. Sweatpants and leggings worn alone are not allowed to be used as uniform pants. Also remember that jackets and sweaters are to be plain and have no writing or graphics. Please put names in all jackets and sweaters!
We are currently selling Trafalgar sweatshirts for $15!
Frosty Run!
It's Time for the Frosty Run!
On Friday, January 24th, the Physical Education Department will hold the fourth 1-mile run of the year. The race is open to interested 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders and qualifying K-2 students who complete a permission slip and return it to their classroom teacher by the deadline of January 17th. Qualifying K-2 students have been notified by the PE department, and permission slips were sent home with 3-5 students and qualifying K-2 students. Please return as soon as possible. Late permission slips will not be accepted.
*Parents of participating students in 3-5 and qualifying K-2 students who have a completed permission slip will be permitted to attend the Frosty Run. All families of runners will be limited to 2 people to view the races and must be cleared and receive a pass from the front office. Permission slips also give parents the opportunity to have yellow visitor passes made prior to the day of the race. Be on the lookout!
**Race Time: 8:30 AM -3rd-5th Grade and qualifying K-2 students- 1 Mile Campus Race
Parking for this event will be available in any space in our front parking lot and in the back section of the church parking lot beyond the flag. Caution will be required for anyone parking in our front lot due to the double lanes utilized during morning drop off.
Parents will be able to enter the campus at 8:15 am on race day.
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up Students
Thank you so much for your cooperation as we implemented changes to our car line. Our goal of moving additional cars off the street and into our drop off and pick up lanes is being accomplished! As a reminder, in response to community local traffic concerns, the Lee County School District has requested Trafalgar Elementary use double lanes in our interior parent drop off/pick up lines. Cars enter single file as usual and split to double lanes at the first left turn. Cars will remain in double lanes until the final turn near the stop sign. School personnel will then direct cars to move forward in a single line 10 cars at a time for single line student pick up, and students will continue to be assigned to cones based on the car tag numbers.
Parent morning drop off will also utilize the double lines until a steady stream of single file cars enter and there is no back up on the street. Please move forward as directed to allow students to exit the cars. Morning car lines are moving quickly and smoothly!
Remember, this initiative is designed to reduce the number of cars on 20th Avenue, and we are doing it! Here are a few tips that will help us all to keep the flow and accomplish the task.
· Be sure your students are ready to exit the car in the morning.
· Please make every attempt to have your child enter and exit your car on the passenger/sidewalk side of the car.
· Please keep your car tag displayed until your child enters the car.
· If your child is not a walker living within 2 miles of the school, please do not use the side street to drop off your child in the morning as it slows the flow of traffic considerably every time the crossing guard stops traffic.
Your help and big smiles are appreciated every day! We are completing our pick up line about 2:40 daily! Thanks for making student drop off and pick up at Trafalgar safe and efficient! Thank You!!
Mark Your Calendar!
Our Next SAC/PTO meeting will be January 30th in the media center!
Hope to see you there!
Class Group Pictures will be on January 31st!
See Information Below
Information below will be sent home soon! See below for website access. Please remember to have students wear uniforms for pictures. Thanks!
Everblades Trafalgar Family Fun Night!
February 8th!
Everblades School Fundraiser and Trafalgar Family Fun Night!
Saturday, Feb 8, 2025, 07:00 AM
Hertz Arena, Everblades Parkway, Estero, FL, USA
Join the Fun!!
Reminder: No parking or pick up at church.
Our church neighbor has informed us that parents are parking in church lots and picking up students from school. They have asked us to let you know they will be notifying authorities if parents continue this practice. Please follow all school procedures for parent drop off and dismissal, and do not park in the church lot unless it is a designated event for which we have obtained permission as a school. Thanks for your cooperation!
Free Online Math Help Available! See Below!
Free Online Math Help with live educational math experts will be available every Tuesday and Thursday after school beginning Tuesday, September 3rd from 5 to 7pm. If interested, please check out the flyer below!
Names in Personal Items
Please put your child's name on all personal items such as water bottles, lunchboxes, hats, jackets, etc.
Reminder: All sweatshirts and jackets must be plain with no words or designs on them. Thanks for your help and understanding!
Reminder: Early Sign Outs for Students
Please try to remember we do not allow early sign outs for students between 1:30 and 2:10 unless in the case of an emergency. We understand emergencies do come up, however, it is very difficult for our office staff and classroom teachers to prepare students for dismissal when we are finishing up our school day and preparing for whole school dismissal. Thanks for understanding!
Do You Have a FOCUS Account for Your Student?
Remember: Even if you have a FOCUS account set up for your child, you will need to go into the account to fill out important health and emergency forms for the new school year. The district will no longer be sending home paper copies of report cards, so having a FOCUS account is vital to receiving academic information. Please let us know how we can help!
Click the images below to follow the link to set up a FOCUS account.
Creating a FOCUS Account - English
Creating a FOCUS Account - Spanish
Do You Need Help to Create a FOCUS Account?
https://youtu.be/hsC4bGyMSRk English
https://youtu.be/sxwHABdPBEQ Spanish
https://youtu.be/alQ9Jx1Zo5A Haitian Creole
Annual Notice of Asbestos
November 1, 2024
Notification of the Presence of Asbestos-Containing Materials in the School
To the Chairperson of the Parents Teachers Organization and the Students of Trafalgar Elementary,
This school has recently been inspected and certain asbestos-containing materials or assumed asbestos-containing materials such as: fire doors or roofing materials that are tested prior to repairs or removal as needed, may have been located in the school buildings. Please be aware that the School District of Lee County has an active management plan designed to ensure that the building is maintained safely for all occupants. These materials are being controlled in accordance with the Asbestos Management Program for the School and following the limitations and procedures of the policies and requirements of the Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Program of the School District of Lee County.
The report listing the location, quantities, and condition of all known materials and contains the details of the control procedures is available at the school office for your inspection during normal school hours. Copies of the whole or parts of the school’s asbestos file can be supplied to you at a cost of $0.15 per page.
Trafalgar Administration
Spanish Translation Below
Noviembre 1, 2024
Notificación de la presencia de materiales que contienen amianto en la escuela
Al Presidente de la Organización de Padres y Maestros y a los estudiantes de Trafalgar Elementary,
Esta escuela ha sido inspeccionada recientemente y ciertos materiales que contienen asbesto o materiales que supuestamente contienen asbesto, tales como: puertas cortafuegos o materiales para techos que se prueban antes de las reparaciones o remoción según sea necesario, pueden haber sido ubicados en los edificios escolares. Tenga en cuenta que el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Lee tiene un plan de gestión activo diseñado para garantizar que el edificio se mantenga de manera segura para todos los ocupantes. Estos materiales están siendo controlados de acuerdo con el Programa de Manejo de Asbesto para la Escuela y siguiendo las limitaciones y procedimientos de las políticas y requisitos del Programa de Operaciones y Mantenimiento de Asbesto del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Lee.
El informe que enumera la ubicación, cantidades y condición de todos los materiales conocidos y contiene los detalles de los procedimientos de control está disponible en la oficina de la escuela para su inspección durante el horario escolar normal. Se le pueden proporcionar copias de la totalidad o partes del archivo de asbesto de la escuela a un costo de $ 0.15 por página.
Administración Trafalgar
Does Your Child Ride a Bus?
Where's the Bus App
Please register for the Where's the Bus App if you have a bus assigned to your student. You will be able to see when your student boards, track the ride to and from school, and see when your student leaves the bus. The district would like to have all families of bus riders registered in the App, so please see below for instructions as to how to register. Thank you!
Friday Spirit Shirts for Sale $10.00 in the Office
Special Note: Lunch with Students
Parents are welcome to eat lunch with students in the courtyard. Simply come to school at your child lunch time, sign in the office, and wait for your child outside. It is helpful if you plan your lunch in advance, so the teacher can remind your child to find you outside, however, last minute lunches work too! Reminder: Only your child can eat lunch with you, and siblings from other grade levels are not allowed to join you for one lunchtime. Thanks for understanding!
Please click the image below to access the parent/student handbook.
Out of Field Information
Florida State Statute 1012.42 recognizes that teachers at times must be assigned duties in a class outside the field in which the teacher is certified. The following teachers at Trafalgar Elementary are certified, but may be assigned one or more classes outside their areas of certification and are required to take appropriate steps to comply with the statutory regulation. The following teachers are engaged in training to add English for Speakers of Other Languages to their certificate.
Thank you,
Lisa Murphy, Principal
Helpful Trafalgar Parent Information
Trafalgar Daily Transportation Changes Send email to: rachelrg@leeschools.net
Trafalgar Elementary Website http://tfe.leeschools.net/
Bus Location and Arrival Information https://wheresthebus.com/
Bus Number and Bus Stop Information https://mapnet.leeschools.net/
FOCUS Parent Portal http://focus.leeschools.net/
Create a FOCUS account English:
Create a FOCUS account Spanish:
Fortify: getfortifyfl.com
School Lunch Money: myschoolbucks.com
Trafalgar Elementary School
Email: Bethew@leeschools.net
Website: TES.leeschools.net
Phone: 239-283-3043