W.E.stchester Weekly

News from the Principal
Greetings WE Families,
Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you all were able to find some time during the break to rest, relax and enjoy your littles. It is hard to believe it is 2025!
CSD has canceled school on Friday due to the impending winter storm. Be safe, and also have some fun out there. Get out early to play in the snow. The forecast looks like the precipitation may change to freezing rain later in the day.
In students’ Communication Folders today you will find printed math and reading activities your child can complete. Also in your child’s backpack is a Chromebook and power cord. If schools are closed after the weekend, students may use it to access additional activities. Students will access the digital learning activities from the CSD Launchpad.
Prior to dismissal, we had a school wide meeting and instructed the students how to carefully and responsibly use the Chromebooks at home. Students will return the Chromebooks and power cords to school on our first day back.
Friday: School will be closed. No remote learning.
If necessary, Monday: Remote Learning
K-5 students have learning packets to work on at home.
If necessary, Beyond Monday:
Students K-12 will be able to access learning platforms such as Google Classroom, Lailio, Freckle, and others as usual.
Teachers will be available via email or Google Meet at scheduled times to support students and families. Teachers will communicate their availability for both morning and afternoon sessions.
We understand that power outages or connectivity issues may affect your ability to access online learning. We will be flexible with expectations and will do our best to accommodate any challenges families or staff may face.
Another activity to consider is to have your child enter the 2024-2025 Young Georgia Authors (YGA) Writing Competition. See the blurb below for details. The deadline for submissions is January 17.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming events
January 20th: MLK Holiday - No School
January 22nd: Dine Out: Mojo’s Pizza
January 23rd: PTA Math Night
January 31st: Community Circle - All invited
From your very grateful principal,
Christine Knox
CSD Closure on Friday, January 10 Due to Severe Weather
CSD has continued to monitor the weather due to the potential of severe weather conditions. The safety of our staff and students is always our top priority. After consultation with local and state officials and the National Weather Service, CSD, including ECLC and the Frasier Center, will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 10, 2025. All athletic and after-school activities for Friday and Saturday are canceled.
Out of an abundance of caution in case of a continued closure on or beyond Monday, January 13, students in grades K-5 and Adapted Curriculum classes will be sent home with work packets and a CSD Chromebook for an independent learning day. Grades 6-12 will continue to take Chromebooks and chargers home to access Google Classroom for assigned work.
Staff and families should check email, the CSD website, and social media channels for updates.
Calendar of Events
School Lunch Policy: Please be sure to maintain a positive lunch balance for your child. This will help us avoid any unexpected lunch changes for students. Check your Parent Portal frequently to make sure your child has adequate funds for the cafeteria. You may also find the Parent Portal app (for Apple or Android) to be more convenient.
Access CSD Chromebooks, Classroom & Meet + Get Help
CSD-issued Chromebook
Log in with the student's CSD Google Workspace email and password.
Information on student Google Workspace account names and passwords is posted as an announcement inside the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Every CSD student has a Google account. Follow the steps listed below if unable to access IC
The last 2 numbers of the lunch number (student ID number)
The first 4 letters of your first name (not your nickname) (if your first name is only 3 letters, then it will only be 3 letters)
The first 4 letters of the last name
“@csdecatur.net” at the very end
For example, West Chester (with lunch number 98827) would enter email: 27westches@csdecatur.net Password: student98827
Responsible use and care of CSD devices is critical. The K-12 Student and Family Handbook has additional information on Technology Use Responsibilities.
Assignments and course materials are posted to Google Classroom. To access Classroom:
Go to CSD LaunchPad. A LaunchPad login screen opens automatically on CSD-issued Chromebooks. LaunchPad can also be reached at https://launchpad.classlink.com/csdecatur (or the QR code at right).
Click Sign in with Google.
Click the Google Classroom icon .
Meet is used for live video and voice communication. Some teachers might invite students to participate in live learning via Meet. To access Meet:
Click the Classroom icon in LaunchPad.
Open the specific Classroom for the student’s homeroom or class.
Click the Join button under the classroom banner.
In the new tab that appears, click Join Now. The Meet will begin once the teacher logs in.
Get help
Some help resources are available here, or via the QR code at right.
You can also email your teacher, post a note in the Classroom stream, tell your teacher during a live session, or call the school’s main line if you need assistance. A teacher will contact IT to provide additional help.
Returning equipment
When school resumes, please bring your charged Chromebook and the charger back to school to be checked in.
Report Cards Posted
Parent(s)/guardian(s): We’re excited to share that your child’s report card for the first semester will be available for review today at 4:00pm. You can access it through the Parent Portal.
This is a valuable opportunity to celebrate your child’s accomplishments and identify areas where they can grow. If you have any questions or concerns about their progress, please feel free to reach out to their teacher. Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education!
GA Young Authors Contest
Winter Break Camps at the Wylde center
Hello Everyone,
Happy New Year! We are super excited to announce that Wylde Center Winter Break Camps have returned. We are offering the Wylde Winter Nature Camp at Oakhurst Garden and Cooks Gone Wylde at our Edgewood Garden.
Below are the links from our website:
Wylde Winter Nature Camp at Oakhurst Garden
Cooks Gone Wylde at Edgewood Garden
Wishing you a warm evening,
Sue Ellen
Run With the Dogs 5K Is Back!
Run With the Dogs 5K and Pup Trot, presented by Green Orthodontics, is a 21-year tradition supporting Decaturs Bulldog Boosters. In addition to being a Peachtree Road Race qualifier and a great community event, all proceeds support 19 sports programs at DHS and BHMS, which include 57 teams and over 1,100 student athletes.
Grab your friends and your pups and join this fun event on January 25 to support an amazing cause. All 5K and Pup Trot participants who register before Saturday, January 11 will receive our iconic long-sleeved t-shirt designed by artist (and Decatur lacrosse coach) Adam Pinsley. Register early for the best rates!
Reminders from Last Week
Annual School Climate Survey Now Open
Please take a moment to participate in CSD's climate survey relevant to your school and ensure your voice is heard! Remember, these surveys will be available until March 31, 2025. Your participation is vital, as the data collected will help determine the School Climate Star Ratings for the 2025-26 school year. City Schools of Decatur values the input from parents, students, and staff!
Take the Westchester Family Climate Survey through March 31, 2025.
Visit past newsletters for answers to your questions 🤗
Westchester Elementary School
Who to Contact: Please see who the best contact is for your questions for a quicker response.
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/Westchester
Location: 758 Scott Boulevard, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404-370-4400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westchesterelementarycsd