Neelsville Middle School
Weekly Updates
About Us
8:15 am - Class Starts!
3:00 pm - Dismissal
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/neelsvillems/
Location: 11700 Neelsville Church Road Germantown, MD 20876
Phone: 301-353-8064
Calendar Highlighs:
6.13 - 6th & 7th Grade Awards Ceremony - 6 pm
6.16 - 8th Grade Promotion at WMHS - 8 am
6.16 - 6th & 7th Grade Field Day
6.16 - Last Day of School!
🤩🤗🥰 It's The Last Week of School! 🏫 -> 🌴
Dear Neelsville community,
It's hard to believe how quickly this school year has flown by. It has been a year of building positive relationships and full of joyous moments. While we had a sprinkling of unique moments and challenges, we navigated each moment as a community centered on our children.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the support, trust, and partnership you have given me and the Neelsville staff. As we bring this year to a close, I am filled with excitement to continue strengthening our work next year.
Please be on the lookout for summer messaging August 1st with information for the 2023-2024 school year.
Enjoy your summer!
Mrs. Escobar
It's Spirit Week!
Chromebook & Charger Collection
Dear Students and Parents,
All students will be returning their Chromebooks and chargers on June 8th and June 9th through their science classes. Students must return all devices loaned through MCPS before the summer break. In preparation for that return, please have your students remove all personal (fun stickers from the device). The stickers on the back of the machine with their name and chromebook identification numbers need to remain on the device.
Over the summer the chromebooks will be assessed for repairs and cleaned.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Sigley at Melissa_Sigley@mcpsmd.org.
Attention 8th Grade Families
8th Grade Awards & Promotion Ceremony / Friday, June 16 @ Watkins Mill High School Auditorium during the school day
8th Graders and their families should report to WMHS on June 16. Do not report to NMS for a normal school day. Students should check in at the tables on the auditorium floor by 7:45 AM. The ceremony will be from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
8th Grade Awards & Promotion Ceremony - Letter to Parents and Families
Howard University AMP3 Summer Immersion Program
Personal Mobile Device Policy
Personal Mobile Devices (PMD) such as cell phones, tablets, wireless headphones, handheld gaming systems, etc. will not be used during the school day. Students should expect to store PMDs in their backpacks upon arriving at school or kept at home. PMDs can be used after school or after school activities. Parents will be asked to pick up devices used during the school day.
Parents and caregivers, we appreciate your support in helping our students stay engaged in learning. If you need to send a message to your child during school hours, please contact the main office at (301) 353-8064. We are happy to relay messages to students during non-instructional times.
Below are useful parent resources about kids and personal mobile devices.
NMS Food Pantry
We are excited to share that we have partnered with the Capital Area Food Bank to open the Neelsville Middle School Food Pantry! Starting this week, the pantry will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 - 4:30 for families to select preferred items. Please contact Mrs. Martinez at 301-353-8071 to register and get more information.