KES Newsletter #8
October 27, 2024
Events for October 28 - November 1
October 28 - November 1: Scholastic Book Fair
October 30: Evening Book Fair Hours 3:30 - 6:00 PM
October 31: Halloween Parade! 9:30 AM (Also, 10/31 is a half-day. 12:30 dismissal.)
Please read this letter for:
- Important Halloween Parade guidelines and half-day dismissal times.
- Information about the book fair.
- Information about PJ Day on November 1
- Information about PJ Bingo.
November 1: School-wide Pajama and Popsicle Day
This is our first PBIS reward for safe, respectful, responsible behavior. All students grades pre-k through 3 can wear their pajamas or favorite comfy clothes to school. Mrs. V. will treat everyone to Popsicles at lunch time.
November 1: Pajama Bingo 6:00 PM in the gym
(Book Fair open 5:30 - 7:00 PM)
November 5: No school for students. (Teacher Professional staff Development)
November 7: County Wide Early Evacuation Drill: Students dismiss 15 minutes early (3:00 PM). No after school activities. No after care at Town of Rochester Youth Center!
County Wide Evacuation Drill, November 7
On Thursday, November 7th all schools in Ulster County will be dismissed 15 minutes earlier than their normal dismissal. This is an annual test of the evacuation procedure for the Emergency Management/Disaster Preparedness Plan.
- Our school will dismiss buses at 3:00 PM.
- There will be no after school activities / clubs.
- Town of Rochester after care program will be closed, following the same rules as schools in the county. They will send out information to their families.
Scholastic Book Fair
The PTA's Scholastic Book Fair will be running Monday, October 28 - Friday November 1,
upstairs at KES.
Students who bring cash or who hav an account can purchase books during the week. The PTA volunteers bring students in groups to shop.
To set up a Scholastic eWallet, you can:
Go to the Scholastic Book Fair homepage for your school at https://bookfairs.scholastic.com
Search for our book fair by typing Kerhonkson
Scroll to the eWallet section and click Get Started
Sign in or register with Scholastic Book Fairs
Complete the form to set up an eWallet
Follow the prompts to fund your eWallet
Evening Book Fair Hours
Wednesday, October 30, 3:30 - 6:00 PM
Friday, November 1, 5:30 - 7:00 PM
School Wide Pajama and Popsicles Day
On Friday, November 1 all students pre-k - grade 3 are invited to wear pajamas or their favorite comfy clothes to school!
Mrs. V. will provide Popsicles at lunchtime for everyone (with alternatives for students with allergies).
This special treat is our first PBIS reward!
Each grade level is on track to fill 10 buckets with Gander tickets for safe, respectful responsible behavior! Nice job, everyone!
Halloween Parade
Parent Letter: Halloween Parade, Book Fair, and PJ Bingo:
A copy of this information was sent home on Friday - please review before arriving at KES Thursday to enjoy the Halloween Parade! Please note you can spread out and view the parade from the parent loop, from outside the Webster Street Playground fence, from the bus loop, and by stading at the edge of the field in the parent parking lot!
Please allow your children to remain in school after the parade to enjoy class parties. Treats can be dropped off in the main office.
Pre-K pickup is 11:30 AM on October 31
Parent pickup begins at 12:20 on October 31
Buses depart at 12:30 PM
Pajama Bingo
Join us Friday, November 1 for Pajama Bingo in the gym from 6:00 - 7:00 PM!
Come a little early or take a break from Bingo to check out the Scholastic Book Fair upstairs! The book fair will be operating from 5:30 - 7:00 PM.
This is one of our favorite events, so we hope to see you there!
Trunk or Treat!
Trunk or Treat, October 25
Trunk or Treat was an amazing event! Use this link for some fun photos of the event.
Many thanks to:
The Brown Family, for the tunes and laser show!
The Kerhonkson Fire Department
The Kerhonkson Rescue Squad
And thanks to everyone who made a donation to the Town of Rochester Food Pantry!
Please check the Kerhonkson Elementary PTA Facebook Page for more photos!
Other Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, November 5: No School for Students: Professional Staff Development
- Date change due to Vanaver! PTA Meeting has been moved to Wednesday, November 6 starting at 6:00 PM.
- Thursday, November 7: County Wide Early Evacuation Drill Students dismiss at 3:00, all afternoon clubs and events are cancelled including Town of Rochester after care at the Youth Center)
- Monday, November 11: No School for Students: Veteran's Day
- Wednesday, November 13: Vanaver Caravan Third Grade Dance Performance, 6:30 PM at Rondout Valley High School
- Thursday, November 21: Picture Retakes
- Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Recess. Schol is closed.
Upcoming Events: Complete list through January 1
Use this link to view a complete list of upcoming events through January 1!
Attendance Matters!
Regular school attendance is crucial for academic success, especially in reading and math.
Thank you so much for sending your children to school each day! Our goal is for students to meet the Federal Benchmark for good school attendance: fewer than 18 absences per year.
Please keep your child home if they are sick. If they attend every day when they are well, they will easily meet the attendance goal.
For more information on school attendance, check out the attached resource from Attendance Works. There’s more on their website:
Ice Cream and Snacks: $1.25
Please send $1.25 with your child when they want to buy ice cream and snacks or add money to your myschoolbucks account (myschoolbucks.org)
Here is the ice cream schedule:
Monday: No ice cream
Tuesday: First Grade
Wednesday: Second grade
Thursday: Third Grade
Friday: Pre-K and Kindergarten
Our monthly Theme: "Growth Mindset: The Power of Yet"
October's PBIS theme is "Growth Mindset".
PBIS stands for "Positive Behavior Intervention Supports."
Students are learning that having a growth mindset is a super power! "Yet" is a powerful word. When students are learning new skills, they also learn to say "I can't do that...YET!" That little word changes everything.
Students earn Gander tickets for demonstrating safe, responsible, respectful behavior.
We are working to earn Pajama Day and Popsicles!
Grade Pre-K and K: 10 total buckets filled: Goal met!
Grade 1: 8 total buckets filled
Grade 2: 7 total buckets filled
Grade 3: 9 total buckets filled
What Does it Mean to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible?
PBIS programs stress the importance of telling students what safe, respectful, and responsible behavior looks like and sounds like. Each year teachers set these guidelines in their classrooms. We also teach students what is expected in other school locations. We begin with hallway expectations, then cafeteria, bus, and recess.
Currently, we are working on hallway, cafeteria, and recess expectations.
In the hallway:
Safe = Walking in the hall
Respectful = Voice level 0
Responsible = Going directly to your destination
In the cafeteria:
Safe = Walking and not sharing food (some students have allergies, and we do not want to spread germs that make us sick.)
Respectful = Voice level 1-3, or conversation with the people at your table. It also means going to voice level 0 and listening for directions when the teachers give the signal, which is typcally turning down the lights, clap for attention, or call-response.
Responsible = Cleaning up after yourself.
At Recess:
Safe = Safe bodies (Hands and feet to ourselves)
Respectful = Treating others asa you would like to be treated.
Responsible = Following adult directions and managing your belongings.
How can I Help at Home?
Please remind your child of the expectations shown in this newsletter. You can also read or watch a video read-aloud of our books of the month!
Our PBIS Books of the Month and video links can be found using this link: