Viking Village

The Viking Village
Principal's Message 10/28/24
Viking Friends and Families!!
Good afternoon, Viking Friends and Families:
This week is going to be a spirit week in celebration of Red Ribbon Week. You will find more information in the announcements below.
Thank you to those who attended our coffee with the principal on 10/25. Among the items discussed were ongoing improvements to our pick-up and drop-off process. We have made improvements, but we are still working on making sure it continues to run as smooth as possible. Also, we informed attendees that our end of trimester 1 report cards will be going home on 11/15 with your students. In addition, we discussed safety, the November 5th election polling locations, and PTC spoke with our attendees about upcoming events and ideas for fundraisers.
Don't miss out, our next Coffee w/ Principal will be on Friday 11/15 at 8:15 am in the cafeteria. Stay in the loop.
Important Dates:
10/31 Halloween/Parade
11/6 Mini Day
11/11 Veteran's Day (No School)
11/15 Coffee w/ the Principal
11/21 School Site Council 3 pm in the library
11/27 -29 Thanksgiving Break
12/4 Mini Day
12/6 Coffee w/ the Principal
12/11 Mini Day
12/20 Mini Day
12/23- 1/04/2025 Winter Break
In your service,
Dr. David Gutierrez,
Victor Elementary,
Lodi USD
Polling Sites - November 5th Election
Polling Sites - November 5th Election
The following school sites will serve as polling sites on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Windwalker Security personnel will be assigned to each polling site during the voting process.
- Clairmont Elementary School
- Creekside Elementary School
- Delta Sierra Middle School
- Elkhorn School
- Larson Elementary
- Mosher Elementary
- Nichols Elementary
- Live Oak Elementary
- Borchardt Elementary
- John Muir Elementary
- McNair High School
- Oakwood Elementary
- Podesta Ranch Elementary
- Silva Elementary
- Victor Elementary
- Westwood Elementary
Red Ribbon Week 10/28-11/1 Spirit Week (Say Boooo to drugs and bullying.)
Say Boooo to Drugs and Bullying:
October 28th to November 1st is Anti-bullying and Red Ribbon week.
Take this time to talk to you students about saying no to drugs and being kind to everyone.
Join us in celebrating our drug free and anti-bullying school with our spirit week!
Merica Monday!
We vote to be drug and bullying free.
Wear red, white, and blue.
Tacky Tuesday!
Drugs and bullying is tacky.
Dress crazy from head to toe. Crazy hair and miss matched clothes.
Team Spirit Wednesday!
Team up against drugs and bullying.
Wear your favorite sports team.
Terrifying Thursday!
Say booo to drugs and bullying.
Wear a spooky shirt and bring a costume to wear after lunch. All costumes must be school appropriate, no accessories, and easy on and off.
Feel comfy Friday!
Say goodnight to drugs and bullying.
Wear pajamas. No slippers. Students need school appropriate shoes.
Lodi Community Survey (K-12)
Lodi Community Survey (K-12)
The survey aims to gather input on how Lodi GrapeLine can better serve their passengers, including LUSD students and families.
Here is the link to the survey.
Spelling Bee 11/08 Vinewood
Spelling Bee
We are excited to announce that your child’s/children’s school is having a spelling bee for students grades 4th through 6th. The Spelling Bee is a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their spelling skills and compete in a friendly and encouraging environment. Participants will be tested on their ability to spell a variety of words; the event will include several rounds. The competition aims to foster a love of language and promote academic excellence. The site spelling bees will take place between October 14th and October 23rd. The winner of each school site will go on to the district wide spelling bee (Stockton 11/7 and Lodi 11/8). We encourage you to click on the link below for rules and practice lists.
The students who will be representing Victor School are as follows:
Either Torres
Bodie Canepa
Alani Ishii (Alternate)
After School Bridge Program
The After School Bridge Program is now accepting applications online. For more information, please call the Bridge Office at (209) 331- 8903. You can also enroll online click here to get on the waitlist.
School Site Council
School Site Council Meeting 11/21 3 pm Victor Library
Adjustments to Pick/ Drop Offs
Viking Friends and Families, we are continuing to work on our pickup and drop off procedures. I appreciate your patience and understanding. As you may know, our bus lane has a slight glitch. Any solution that we can come up with would simply be a band aide to the relieve the congestion. However, next week we will try a few adjustments to see if can help alleviate some of the congestion that occurs as well as make sure our students can get on and off the bus.
Have You Reported Your Students' Absence?
Please Report Student Absences
Please be sure to let us know if your student will be absent. You can give us a call at (209) 331- 7441.
District Approved Flyers and Information
Online Data Confirmation 2024
Please be sure to confirm your student data through Aries parent portal.