The Cougar Link
November 2024
Alumni & Young Professionals Day
For many years, Mrs. Stephens has hosted Cy Creek alumni in early January for presentations to junior students. The visit was initially designed to allow recent grads to talk with juniors about what they could expect in the next 18 months – from SAT testing to college research, application, financial aid, and enrollment, but in recent years, she has noticed a need to offer additional context for students who do not envision four-year college as the best pathway to achieve their goals.
Due to this, instead of calling this year’s event Alumni Day, as in the past, I’m rebranding it as Alumni and Young Professionals Day, as I would be interested in welcoming both Cy Creek grads and other young professionals who could offer perspective for our students. This will allow me to reach out to a greater breadth of potential speakers to put together even better panels for our juniors.
How can you help?
Please use this link and this QR code to invite Cy Creek alumni or other young professionals you know to sign up as a speaker. Speakers will be provided a few questions to expect, in advance, and then should be prepared to answer questions about their educational and career pathways. It does not require them to create a presentation, I will make every effort to assign them to a room with other speakers, so they will not be alone. The English III teachers will be present and will act as facilitators for the discussions. The primary role of the speaker is to be willing to be positive, helpful, and informative.
Who am I looking for?
- Students at four-year colleges in Texas
- Students at four-year colleges outside the state
- Students in graduate programs
- Students at trade and technical schools and community college training programs
- Current and former collegiate athletes
- Students or alum who attend HBCUs
- Students or alum who are involved in Greek organizations
- College students who studied abroad
- College students who applied to highly selective schools
- Students at community colleges, with the intention of transferring
- Young professionals who earned credentials in high school – working cosmetologists, auto techs, welders, pharmacy techs, CNAs and bookkeepers, who are using skills learned in high school
- Enlisted or commissioned military personnel
- Emergency services workers, including EMTs, firefighters, and dispatchers
- Young professionals who are utilizing on-the-job training, such as through food service franchises, retail, or other
- Self-employed entrepreneurs
- Other professionals in cool and interesting jobs – from museum curators to research scientists to journalists and more
Please reach out to the alumni and other young professionals in your life to ask for their assistance.
Your help is appreciated.
Amber Stephens
College & Career Specialist
Cy Creek vs Cy Fair Rivalry
College Signing Day
Attendance Reminders for picking your students up early.
Please remember the cut off time for picking up students is 2:00 pm.
If you will be after 2:00 pm please call before 2:00 pm or send a note with your students in the morning.
Attendance Office
281-281-897-4200 ext. 004147 or ext. 004146
National Principal Month
Blankets are not permitted at school.
Please do not let your students bring blankets to school. They will be confiscated upon entry into the building and returned at the end of the day.
Cy Creek Custodians
Custodian for a Day! Earn volunteer hours!
I’m excited to share a new incentive launching next week, starting November 6th. Following the success of our Custodial Cleanup Day, we’re offering students the chance to volunteer in the cafeteria daily. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to earn volunteer hours, Cougar Bucks, or simply to give back to our community!
Here’s how students can sign up:
1. Students should scan the QR code located on the walls around the large commons.
2. This will prompt them to enter the date(s) they would like to volunteer.
3. Volunteers can only sign up during their scheduled lunch period.
4. We can accommodate a maximum of 6 students each day, and this will be overseen by Ms. Glazer.
5. Upon signing up, students will receive a ticket indicating the date they’re scheduled to volunteer.
6. On the volunteering date, students should bring their ticket to the cafeteria.
7. After completing their volunteer work, they will receive a pass to class along with their signed volunteer hour ticket, which they need to present to their teacher.
8. Each day they help, students will earn 1 volunteer hour, and if they don’t need hours, they will receive 10 Cougar Bucks.
Please share the attached PowerPoint with your students during 5th period on Wednesday, November 6th. We look forward to seeing how this initiative helps our Cougars take pride in our school and build a connection with our custodians!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. A big thank you to Mrs. Allen for her assistance in putting this together!
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Glazer
Winter Guard Auditions
Do you like to dance and want to learn new skills? Are you interested in joining a team, competing, and performing? The Cypress Creek Winter Guard invites you to audition for our 2024-2025 competitive team!
Auditions will take place on November 7th, 12th, and 14th in the large commons at 3:30pm. Attendance at all three audition camps is required. For more information and to sign up for auditions, grab a flier from right outside the band hall, room 1836. Submission of the audition form is required by November 7th.
Senior Picture Sign Up
Seniors!! If you have not taken your Senior Portrait for the yearbook, Prestige will be on campus November 14 and 15. Please use the link to sign up for a time slot. Please bring a white cami if you are a female and a white tshirt if you are a male.
Choir News!
I just wanted to share some choir success with you all!
On October 19th, we had 29 students audition for both Region Choir and Honor Choir. We had a very successful day, and 21 students earned spots in one of these choirs!
Of these 21, eight will be advancing to the next round of All-State Choir auditions in December. We have the 4th highest number of advancing students in our region with only Bridgeland, Cy-Fair, and Cy Ranch ahead of us! Also, Mr. Bruce and I are both pretty sure it’s the highest number of students advancing to round three in over 10 years of Cy Creek Choir history!
We’re super proud of our kids!
Rachel Fiorini
Assistant Choir Director
HOSA Blood Drive - November 22nd
HOSA will host the first tri-annual blood drive from MD Anderson on November 22nd. Students must have a signed parent permission form and sign up for a time slot with Mrs. Marek in room 1515 or a HOSA member during lunches.
HOSA will have a popcorn fundraiser November 11th-22nd and each bag will be $2.00. There is a new flavor this year, dill pickle.
November Student Holidays
November Student and/or Staff Holidays
November 4th & 5th - Student Holiday
November 25th - 29th - Thanksgiving Break - Student and Staff Holiday
November 13 - Assembly Bell Schedule
We will be on an Assembly Bell Schedule for November 13th. Seniors will participate in a Senior presentation. Students will gain information on how to purchase graduation items, senior bundles, and will be given an opportunity to vote on the prom theme. Other students will see the "Bringing out the Best" presentation of the month.
Mr. Cy Creek - November 14th
Plan Ahead for The Holidays!
If you have plans to pick up your student to leave the school day early for the holiday or for appointments, please send a note with them in the morning to drop off at the attendance office. It will speed up their departure especially during this busy time of year.
Perfect Attendance - 1st Nine Weeks
Students with perfect attendance for the first nine weeks of school and no tardies were entered into a drawing. The following students won:
Natalia Diaz, Laura Fobbs, Gjermainne Lano, Marian Salas, Danny Davis, Angel Flores, Lily Marshall, Kylie Nguyen, Elijah Sanchez, Devyn Wikes, Skylen Wilson, Deborah Beliard, Rylee Camp, Audra Frick,
Marya Mahmoud, Da’Braylen Johnson, Jialin Liang, Mi Nguyen
Yahari Pecina, Tony Van
Cy Creek Yearbook
Boys Golf Team Tryouts - November 18th
If you are interested in trying out for the Boys Golf Team, come see Coach Plummer in room 2448. Tryouts will be held on Monday, November 18th from 3-5pm at Matt Swanson's School of Golf. You must have a current physical, your own clubs, and be able to provide your own transportation.
Fall Portrait Retakes - November 14th
Fall Portrait Retakes will be taken on November 14th in the LGI-2 during lunches. Retakes are for students that purchased picture packages and were not happy with the picture, were absent on original picture day, or enrolled after the original picture day. If you did purchase a picture package, make sure to bring the package with you when you retake your photo.
The fall portrait if the picture that will go in the yearbook.
Have you registered as a volunteer?
If you are the parent, grandparent or legal guardian of a student enrolled in the CFISD school where you wish to volunteer, you must create a volunteer portal account with CFISD.
REMINDER! Final Exam Exemptions
Please make sure all your fines and fees have been cleared prior to final exams.
Unpaid fines and fees can be found on School Cash.