December 2024
12/2- STAR TESTING Begins
12/4- Early Release
12/5- NJHS Induction @ NW High School Cafetorium, 6:00-7:00pm
12/7- Ties and Tiara's Dance, 5-6:30pm or 7:30-9:00pm (Flyer Below)
12/9- Board of Education Meeting, 5:00-6:00pm
12/11- Early Release
12/12- KMS Winter Band Concerts. Beginning Band, 6:00pm,
Concert & Symphonic Bands, 7:00pm
12/17- KMS Winter Choir Concerts. 6th/7th/Honors Choir, 6:00pm
ESCHOIR/8th/Honors Choir, 7:30pm
12/18- Early Release
12/20- Half Day of School
12/21-1/5- NO SCHOOL-Winter Break
1/24- Smiles on Wheels
6th Grade
Liam Anspaugh, Iris Burman, Lincoln Cyphers, Mackenna Huston, Tristyn Hutchings, Ada Hutt, Simonah Ojeda, Hannah Pennewill, Prince Singh, Ryan Parmele, Isabella Piloski, Oliyah Shannon, Kayden Stearns, Kaylie Stone, Riley Terberg, Audrey Warren
7th Grade
Charlie Beebe, Dakota Burchett, True Barlow, La'Riya Dempsey, Maurilio Fajardo, Aaliyah Guajardo, William Hutt, McKinlee Keena, Luke Little, Masen Mezo, Aliviah Nelson, Sasha Rector
8th Grade
Skylin Carpenter, Emma Greer-Penix, Alayna Hargan, Malena Herrera, Jordan Knauff, Maycee Lewis, Grace Madery, Aiden McNicholas, Claira Post, Makenzi Reader, Grace Shafor, Emma Tittle
Happy Thanksgiving From Sunny and Blossom
STAR Math and Reading Testing
Attention Parents/Guardians: STAR Reading and Math Testing will be taking place December 2nd through December 13th. Please ask your child when his/her specific tests will be taking place. Language arts and math teachers will be letting their students know the dates of testing during those two weeks.
Encourage your child to get a good night of sleep prior to testing and put forth his/her best effort. Our goal is for all of our students to improve their scores from the beginning of the year testing.
12/2- Boys 8th Grade Basketball @ Western, 4:00pm
12/2- Boys 7th Grade Basketball @ Home, 4:00pm
12/4- Boys 8th Grade Basketball @ Legg Middle School, 4:00pm
12/4- Boys 7th Grade Basketball @ Home, 4:00pm
12/9- Boys 8th Grade Basketball @ Home, 4:00pm
Boys 7th Grade Basketball @ Pennfield, 4:00pm
12/11- Boys 8th Grade Basketball @ Home, 4:00pm
12/11- Boys 7th Grade Basketball @ Lumen, 4:00pm
12/16- Boys 8th Grade Basketball @ Home, 4:00pm
12/16- Boys 7th Grade Basketball @ Harper Creek, 4:00pm
- Create a Parent PowerSchool Portal and connect all your students to your parent account.
- Update students information for all students. Instructions below
- Complete Forms for all students in your Parent PowerSchool Portal- Instructions below.
- Complete the District CEP form. Instructions below.
Update/ Review Student Information:
This must be completed on a web browser. This can not be completed from the PowerSchool app.
Once logged in, student tabs are at the top of the Parent PowerSchool portal. As you click on each of your students associated with your account, you will see the banner that says, "STUDENT INFORMATION UPDATE NEEDED"
Click on the banner to review/update all contact information. If there are no changes that are needed, please click the box at the top of the page indicating no changes and NEXT at the bottom of the page until you reach the end.
This information will be submitted to the building offices and verified. If there is an address change you must follow the address change process that can be found HERE! Your address change will not be processed until the documentation has been presented to the building office
Effective beginning Wednesday, August 23, 2023, students will no longer be allowed to use their cell phones within the school premises during class hours, lunch breaks, and other school activities during the regular school day. We understand that cell phones have become an integral part of modern life, but we firmly believe that minimizing their presence during school hours will help promote better concentration, reduce distractions, and foster face-to-face interactions among students. Students may store their cell phones in their lockers for the duration of the school day and are welcome to use them after the conclusion of the school day.
To support this policy, we kindly request your cooperation in ensuring that your child is informed of this change. If there are specific reasons your child may need a cell phone for emergencies or other important matters, please contact the front office at (517) 817-4703 to discuss alternative arrangements.
We acknowledge this change may require an adjustment period for both students and parents. Therefore, our teachers and staff will be actively engaging with students to educate them about the rationale behind this policy and how it can positively impact their learning experience.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at nw.media@nwschools.org. Your feedback is important as we strive to create the best environment for our students.
Thank you for your understanding and support. Together, we can ensure that our school remains a safe and productive place for students to thrive personally and academically. Please see a copy of the updated policy found in the Student Handbook at the bottom of this letter.
Northwest Kidder Middle School Cell Phone Use
Students may use an Electronic Communication Device (ECD: This includes devices such as smart watches, cell phones, radios, etc.) before entering the building and after leaving the building at the end of the school day.
During the school day, students should place ECDs in their lockers and lock them up. If an ECD is in their pocket, they must be silenced to prevent distractions.
ECD use in restrooms and locker rooms is prohibited at all times.
Students may not exit the building during the school day in order to use an ECD. Phones are available in the office to contact parents.
Students that participate in extracurricular activities must abide by the ECD use rules determined by the coach, advisor, or sponsor. Coaches, advisors, and sponsors will enforce the consequences involving misuse of these devices during practices, meetings, or competitions.
The school district is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to ECDs. Students are encouraged to leave the devices in secure locations. A school district employee that stores an ECD for a student is not responsible for its loss, theft, or damage.
Violation of the policy will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the school building code of conduct.
- All address changes or updates to student accounts are processed through the Parent's PowerSchool account.
- Parent's must create their OWN PowerSchool account to make any changes.
- Address changes will require the Parent to submit documentation to the building's office before the change is made to the student's account.
For PowerSchool Parent Portal Resources, click the link below
Parents will need to update their student's enrollment information annually. To do this, parents must have a PowerSchool account. This is created by the parent. You can reach PowerSchool via the app, or on our website. Once a parent sets up an account with the student's information, they are able to change addresses, phone numbers, emails. etc.
The 2024-2025 school year calendar magnet allows your student and you to track how many days they miss throughout the school year. It also provides you with a QR Code to scan to report an absence.
Procedures for pick up and drop off. In the morning, the doors unlock at 7:05 am however, students can be dropped off before that time and wait under the awning. Students can enter the building and go to the cafeteria until 7:15 am. When dropping off your child(ren), please stay in a single-file line and to the right. Please prepare for a quick exit from the vehicle to keep the line moving. If your drop-off requires additional time, please pull into a parking spot to allow others to drop off in a timely manner.
When picking your child(ren) up after school, please pull into a parking spot and wait for your student(s). Parents do not need to come into the office to sign their student(s) out at the end of the day. Most parent-pick-up students will exit into the south parking lot (corner of VanHorn and Rives JCT), away from the main entrance.
2023-2024 Secondary Buildings
Full Day-7:30am-2:25pm
Half Day-7:30am-11am
Early Release-7:30am-1:25pm
Contact Info
Email: nw.media@nwschools.org
Website: nwschools.org
Location: 6700 Rives Junction Road, Jackson, MI, USA
Phone: (517)817-4703