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Monday, November 17, 2014
8:00-8:30 Meet and Greet
8:30-9:00 Defining our Values
9:00-10:00 Classroom Visits
10:00-10:15 Break
10:45-12:30 The Curtis Journey/Logistics /SPED Process/BOY
12:30-1:00 Lunch
1:00-3:00 Questions and Campus Time
3. List three beliefs you have about educating Special Education students.
2. List two ways that you help students accelerate their learning.
1. What is one thing you need help with in achieving success with SPED students?
CW: What is the difference between meeting the needs or accelerating instruction for any At-Risk student and SPED students?
Your Campus Process
On a Post-it notes, please answer these two questions. One note per question.
What is your campus process for writing goals and monitoring SPED students?
How do you serve SPED students at your campus?
You are a GENIUS & YOU Matter
What is your GENIUS?
With a partner, create a non-linguistic representation of your GENIUS. Take a picture and upload your partner's pic with a brief explanation on Edmodo.
Connections with Books
Thinkfinity and 21st Century Skills
Do we have the same expectations for our SPED kids?
Thinkfinity Partners
Peter H. Reynolds Book Videos
Classroom Visits
Melissa Carroll 6th grade ELA/SS
Tia Cast 4th grade Math/Science
Jessie Medlin 4th grade ELA/SS
Amanda Rogers 3rd Grade
Misty Crowley 2nd grade
Questions to think about.............
- Were you able to identify SPED students in classrooms?
- Did you see any accomodations for any students?
- What is working?
- What is not working?
History of our SPED Journey
In the beginning, we had several people trying to serve students from K-6 which was a scheduling nightmare!
- There was a math specialist and two reading specialists that served all of K-6 in math and reading.
- We had a resource room at certain times served more than 15 students at any given time. One SPED teacher with one para professional.
- Kids were not able to access their curriculum in pull-out resource.
Four years ago, we began to create a deliberate plan for intervening with students:
- One interventionist was assigned to each grade level in grades 3-6.
- 2 to 3 paras would serve K-2 students.
- All interventionists obtained their SPED certification.
- Any student with an educational need: SPED, 504, ESL, or plain vanilla received whatever intervention needed.
- Interventionists were pulling students out of class for small group instruction a lot.
Three years ago, we not only assigned a certified interventionist for each grade level in 3-6, but we also added a certified interventionist K-2 to help several para professionals to serve K-2.
- During the year, we also had the 3- 6 interventionists assist with a K-2 grade for specific interventions.
- The teacher of record took ownership of all students as we focused on the 1st teach and monitored small group instruction in every class.
Two years ago, one interventionist looped with their grade level group of students.
- No time was wasted getting to know kids at the beginning of the year
- The interventionists was a good liaison between students and teachers.
- Interventionist knew interventions that worked effectively and ones that were already tried and were not effective.
- Students made significant progress.
This year, all interventionists looped with their groups:
- 3rd and 4th loop
- 5th and 6th loop
- Interventionists develop a deeper understanding of TEKS, curriculum and appropriate interventions.
- Interventionists develop strong relationships with grade level teachers and students.
The logistics of where interventionists were housed has evolved over the years.
- Coaching/Inclusion model
- Two interventionists paired in one intervention room
- Upper grade interventionists in one room/ lower grade interventionists in another room
SPED Process
- Responsibilities-who does what
- Communication-how and when we communicate
- Documentation-how we know where the student is
- Student Responsibilities-goals and accommodations developed using Lead4ward tools.
BOY starts at EOY
- Quick Look-snapshot of student
- Scheduling-inclusion and pull out time, support time
- Oral Administration-in classroom, on technology like STAAR
Media Release
Create a media release that you will take back to your campus in order to share your learning with your campus.
Use a digital tool create your media release and link it to your Edmodo account.
Have you tried a SMORE, Padlet, Prezi?