Principal's August Newsletter
August 23, 2024
Hi, this is a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have a student at, or have expressed an interest in, Glenbard East High School. Communication between Glenbard East and our families and community is very important to us. Don't forget to add ge_news@glenbard.org to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! Please email any questions directly to Glenbard Staff, we are happy to respond.
August 23
Red & Black Community Night
August 29
Open House
5:15PM - 8:15PM - Biester Auditorium
August 30
Early Dismissal
September 2
Labor Day Holiday
September 6
Home Football Game vs West Aurora
September 13
Home Football Game vs Bartlett
Middle School Band Night
September 14 & 15
Lake Geneva Leadership Weekend
September 16 - 20
Homecoming Week
September 16
6PM - East Gym
September 17
Oktoberfest hosted by German Club
September 18
Flag Football
6PM Stadium Field
September 20
Homecoming Football Game vs Elmwood Park
September 21
Homecoming Dance
7PM - East Gym and Cafeteria
The 2024-25 school year is off to a really good start and it is filled with excitement, energy, high expectations, and spirit. Ultimately, we are here to serve. As I’ve shared on many occasions, the staff at Glenbard East is committed to serve and support every student, every day in their quest to be a Glenbard East graduate that is self-empowered, thinks critically, embraces diversity, communicates, creates, and collaborates. We started the year with great enthusiasm as we welcomed freshmen students on August 9th during our new student orientation. Our junior and senior Link Crew Mentors did an excellent job of leading the Class of 2028 through many large and small group activities aimed at getting them acclimated with each other and Glenbard East. Regardless of zip code, our students are welcomed here with open arms and we look forward to their growth in the years to come.
Despite a few transportation issues, our first full week of school has been a success. Students are well-versed in our daily building entry routine that was implemented last year, and are quickly adjusting to this year’s new schedule and technology expectations. With change there is expected to be an adjustment/learning period, but we remain committed to providing students the support they need.
We are excited about our 2nd year of Ram Time as it provides opportunities to build community and for students to get the support they need to be successful during the school day. HERE you will find the Ram Time schedule for the 1st semester. As you will see on the calendar, our first support day will be on Friday, September 6th. Please encourage and empower your student(s) to take advantage of this support throughout the school year.
The first full week of school will culminate with an all-school assembly in our main gymnasium on Friday, August 23rd. We are once again excited to be able to gather as an entire school community and celebrate the start of another school year. We truly look forward to creating additional memorable experiences for students throughout the year.
Lastly, please encourage and challenge your student(s) to get involved in these activities at East. Yes, their high school experience is primarily about academics, but involvement in extracurricular activities is vital to their overall success. They have the privilege to choose from 30 sports and over 60 clubs and activities that our school has to offer. After school transportation is available to students who wish to participate in after school activities as we offer both 4:30pm and 6:30pm buses on Monday-Thursday as well as a 5:30pm bus on Friday. As I’ve stated on many occasions, there is something for everyone.
Our theme for the 2024-25 school year is Every Ram, Every Day as we have high hopes that our entire school community will feel safe, welcomed, and supported. This in turn will lead to a positive school experience for all.
Please be sure to join us at next week’s Open House. I look forward to seeing you.
The safety of our students and staff remains our top priority. To that end, we are reinforcing a few safety measures. First, all adults in the building are expected to wear an ID. This includes building staff, visitors, and contractors. It is strongly recommended that students also wear their ID. Please note that students have been encouraged to download the 5-Star app on their personal cell phones to create a digital ID. The app was pushed to all student iPads, but having it on the cell phone could also provide a level of convenience. Additionally, students and staff are expected to exit the building through authorized doors. Students should only exit the building during the school day (8:00am-3:00pm) via Door 1, or Doors 6 and 24 if they have off campus lunch privileges. Students that exit the building through unauthorized doors or allow others to enter the building through unauthorized doors compromise the safety of our school community and are subject to disciplinary action. Lastly, students are encouraged to report suspicious or alarming behaviors to school staff in a timely manner. Please reinforce this with your student as it is imperative that we all do our part to keep our building safe and secure.
On Friday, August 30, we will practice some of our annual safety drills including a Fire Drill, Hold in Place, and Lockdown Drill, with the assistance of the Lombard Police Department.
We are thrilled to invite you to our Open House this Thursday, August 29! The evening will kick off at 5:15 PM with optional presentations by our Student Services staff, focusing on social and emotional learning. The Principal’s Welcome Address will take place in Biester Auditorium at 5:45 PM.
From 6:05 to 8:15 PM, you’ll have the opportunity to visit classrooms, meet our dedicated teachers, learn about the content of your student's courses, and understand teacher expectations. This is a fantastic opportunity to discover how you can support your student’s success at Glenbard East.
We strongly encourage you to participate in this important introduction to your student’s school year. Click here for the 2024 Open House schedule with more details. You will need to know your student’s schedule, including room numbers. We look forward to seeing you there!
Please note: There will be a 1:00 PM dismissal for students on Friday, August 30.
The PowerSchool app is a great way to stay up-to-date on your student's grades and attendance. The PowerSchool app gives instant access to grades, scores, attendance and more. Real-time notifications mean you can stay connected to your student’s progress no matter where you are.
If you have previously used the PowerSchool app and can only see last year's courses, please delete the app and reinstall it again. You will need the District Code: TDPZ. Click here for more information about using the PowerSchool App.
9/16, Monday - Dodgeball
9/17, Tuesday - Oktoberfest
9/18, Wednesday - Flag Football
9/20, Friday - Pep Rally (During School Hours)
9/20, Friday - Football Game at 7PM
9/21, Saturday - Dance from 6:30-9:30PM
Saturday, September 21, 2024
6:30 - 9:30PM
Purchasing Tickets
Tickets will be sold on a tiered pricing scale:
- $20 Flash Sale! - Monday, 9/9 through Tuesday, 9/17
- $25 - Wednesday, 9/18 through Friday, 9/20
- $30 - Saturday 9/21 at the door (cash or check only; only GE students)
Tickets may be purchased online or in person. Online sales will be any time before 3:00PM on Friday, 9/20 (This link will be shared closer to the date) and these tickets must be for Glenbard East Students. You may only purchase one ticket a time when buying online. Every ticket must be attached to the Student ID of the person it is for. In person ticket purchase, with cash or check , will take place during all lunch periods on Tuesday, 9/17 and Friday, 9/20.
We HIGHLY encourage you to purchase online. It is the method that most secures your ticket as you will have digital proof of purchase. (And you also won’t have to wait in line at the ticket table!).
If you are planning on bringing a guest who DOES NOT go to Glenbard East, you MUST purchase their ticket in person with cash or check and have a completed Dance Guest Pass Form by Friday, September 20, 2023 at 3PM. You can access a digital copy of the form at THIS LINK or you can pick up a hard copy in the Activities Office (next to the cafeteria) or the Dean's Office.
Rules & Regulations:
- The dance runs 6:30-9:30PM at Glenbard East.
- Students will be able to enter through Door 24 ONLY.
- Students may be dropped off at Door 24 or park in the South Lot and walk around.
- Doors open at 6:15PM.
- No entry after 7:30PM.
- No Re-entry. Once you leave, you cannot come back in.
- All bags AND pockets will be checked upon arrival. Any students in possession of prohibited items will be denied entry and given a Deans consequence.
- Your school ID is your ticket - please have it with you.
- Bags and/or coats are not allowed inside the dance areas. All bags and coats will need to be left at coat check and picked up before you leave. (Backpacks and large bags are not allowed in)
- Only pre-approved guests will be granted entry. Any non GE students who have not been pre-approved through the Guest Pass form will be denied entry.
- All school rules apply. Anyone in violation of these rules will be asked to leave and receive a Deans consequence.
- The event ends promptly at 9:30PM. Please be prepared to have transportation by that time.
September is National Attendance Awareness Month and we can’t stress enough the importance of students being in school every day and on time. Showing up to school and showing up on time matters. A few missed days here and there, even if they are excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning time and put students behind in school. As a school community we must reduce our chronic absenteeism rate, which was last reported to be approximately 31.5%. A student is considered chronically absent if they miss at least 10% (18 days) of school during a typical school year. Together We Can reduce our chronic absenteeism rate by increasing our daily average attendance (ADA). For the 2023-24 school year, our ADA was 91.7%, up approximately 2% from the previous year. The goal for the 2024-25 school year is to increase our ADA to 94%. Please prioritize your student’s attendance when making plans. Additionally, if a student is healthy, they should be in school. Click HERE for ideas of how you can make attendance a priority for your student(s). Let’s show up together. Your assistance is needed.
Not surprisingly, research indicates that students perform better in their coursework when they attend classes regularly. While we realize that occasional absences are a reality in schools, we believe that excessive absence negatively impacts student learning. We hope that, as parents, you agree and will assist us by doing your part in sending your child to school on a daily basis. In an effort to decrease excessive absences, Glenbard East has instituted the following attendance policy:
- Any student who is absent for more than twelve (12) days, excused or unexcused, in one semester, will be considered as having excessive absences. These absences do not include those that result from participation in school-approved activities such as field trips. Once the student has accrued twelve absences, any additional absences within the semester will not be cleared without a doctor's note.
- Furthermore, once a student is absent 15 days in a semester (discounting field trips and other school-approved absences), the student may be in danger of not earning credit for the semester and/or may be withdrawn from classes for excessive unexcused absences.
All students should have received a new ID for the 2024-2025 school year. Students are expected to have their ID with them everyday at school. All students charging meals in the cafeteria to their PushCoin account must present a physical ID at the time of purchase.
Schools across the nation are experiencing more and more students who have latex allergies. Often, students with this allergy can have severe and even life-threatening reactions if exposed to latex resins and powders. For their safety, there are certain latex products we no longer allow on campus. Latex balloons and “SillyString” pose a significant health threat to students with a latex allergy. These products are not allowed on campus at any time, including after school, evening, and weekend events. With this in mind, we request your help: Please talk with your children about this health and safety issue. Some students might not understand the reason for a “balloon ban.” At East, we want all parents to know that their children are safe on campus.
Students are not allowed to take prescription or nonprescription medications at school until their physician and parent/guardian complete and submit the School Medication Permission Form to the school nurse. This form is available from the Health Office or it may be printed from the Glenbard East Nurse website.
Prescription medication should be brought to the Health Office in a container labeled by the pharmacy that includes:
1) The name of the student
2) The name of the medication
3) The dosage
4) The time and route of administration
Nonprescription medication (Motrin, Advil, Tylenol, etc.) should remain in the original container and be labeled with the student’s name.
Students are not allowed to carry any medication while at school except prescribed asthma inhalers, EpiPens, insulin or Glucagon pens. Students carrying these medications also need to submit to the school nurse an individualized Emergency Action Plan signed by their physician. If you have further questions, please phone the Health Office at 630-424-7133 and ask to speak with one of the nurses.
Any Freshman, Sophomore or Junior is welcome to attend LGLW on September 14-15. We will
stay overnight at George Williams College in cabins. It will be a fun filled 34 hours of
teambuilding, bonding and outdoor experiences! It’s a GREAT way to meet new people! Cost is $160. All meals/lodging/transportation and a t-shirt will be provided for the event. Sign up will be available on August 15th outside the Activity Office and the Main Office by signing into a google doc from a QR code as well as postings on school social media sites. We have a 120 person maximum. There will be a meeting for all participants on August 21st BEFORE or AFTER school, to hand out paperwork for the trip. Details will be in the sign up as to times and location of the meeting. Please contact Donna Slusher with questions at donna_slusher@glenbard.org.
There is limited space for this event, first come first serve.
October 23
4 - 8 PM (VIRTUAL)
October 24
2 - 6 PM (IN PERSON)
More information regarding registration dates and steps will be shared with all our families in early September.
District 87 has partnered with Equal Opportunity Schools in order to increase equitable opportunities for students in Advanced Placement and Dual Credit courses. On September 9th, during Ram Time Homeroom, students will participate in taking a short survey. Reports generated from the survey provide trends on information, expectations, and belonging in our Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Credit programs. The Equal Opportunity Schools survey provides valuable insight about student strengths and challenges in accessing rigorous coursework, as well as data on student potential and interests.
We want to inform you about some important testing dates for your student this year. All juniors will be taking the preACT on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, and the school-day ACT on Thursday, April 10, 2025. Additionally, your student may have the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT if they are interested in being considered for the National Merit Scholarship program.
The PSAT/NMSQT is optional and will be administered on Friday, October 25, 2024. Please note that this is a non-attendance day for students, scheduled the day after Parent-Teacher Conferences. If your student wishes to take the PSAT/NMSQT, they need to complete the registration via the Google form that was sent in Schoology by Friday, August 30th. The PSAT/NMSQT is free to all Glenbard Juniors who register.
We encourage you to discuss this opportunity with your student to determine if it aligns with their academic goals. Participating in the PSAT/NMSQT can be a valuable experience, offering potential scholarships and enhancing their college applications.
If you or your student have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your School Counselor.
Best Buddies is an International Organization that promotes inclusion and friendship between people with and without Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. At Glenbard East, we take the lens of “Embraces Diversity” of the District’s Profile of a Graduate to the next level through our High School Chapter of Best Buddies! Every month we have a meeting & party after-school that includes 4 themed rooms full of dancing, treats, games, art projects, and loads of other fun. These events encourage connections between all students. We also take one trip per month and have gone on many adventures from movies and bowling, to the zoo and the Slime Factory! Students also have the opportunity to become one of the BEST Best Buddies by signing up to be a ‘peer buddy’. Peer Buddies are matched in a 1:1 friendship to make sure that each student that is part of our most vulnerable population feels included and like they belong. We hope that ALL students at Glenbard East want to join us every month while we celebrate inclusion, friendship, and just being a RAM! You can register to join HERE (required to participate in any party or trip) and a board member will reach out to you and connect you to our PhotoCircle and REMIND communication group where you will get announcements and invites to exclusive extra events. You will also be able to text with the staff sponsor, Ms. Erica Slusher.
Come join one of the largest clubs at Glenbard East and experience life-changing friendships!
Instagram: @glenbardeastbestbuddies
Sponsor: Erica Slusher (erica_slusher@glenbard.org)
Wednesday, 8/28 3:10PM - 5:30PM Candy Party & Fundraiser Rollout
Fundraiser Runs 9/2 - 9/27 and you can sign up HERE to help & win prizes!
Thursday, 9/12 3:10PM - 4:30PM Aloha! Hawaiian Luau Party!
Friday, 9/20 6:30PM - 9PM Glenbard East Homecoming Football Game (end time dependent on game)
Joining GEFAB helps to support all of the activities in music, art, theatre, and film production. Your membership helps fund the “extras” that make the Fine Arts Experience at East so special to our students. Through membership and fundraising GEFAB provides lesson scholarships, college scholarships, field trip assistance, and support for events throughout the year. GEFAB volunteers help with marching band and concert uniforms, theatre production build and performances and hospitality at events.
Please consider joining GEFAB for $25. Go to gefinearts.org for more information.
August 29, 5PM. GE FINE ARTS BOOSTERS Parent Kick-Off Meeting (before Open House)
Welcome to a new school year. We are thrilled to see our students and excited about some big changes this year.
Our four high schools have adopted a hybrid block schedule twice a week, and we moved our start and dismissal times later each day. These changes are part of our focus on providing students with a high-quality learning experience that meets their needs and prepares them for life after high school.
I am confident that our hybrid block schedule and changes to start and dismissal times will enhance our students’ learning experience and best prepare them for their future.
What is Changing
Starting this school year, we are implementing a hybrid block schedule on most Wednesdays and Thursdays. The schedule features:
- Four 90-minute periods.
- Students will attend their odd period classes on Wednesday and their even period courses on Thursdays.
- 40-minute lunch periods will occur during the third block.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays retain the same schedule as this past year: eight periods per day, with Glenbard Hour (student support time) on Mondays and Fridays. Each high school will now feature three lunch periods.
We also moved school start and dismissal times 30 minutes later each day of the week:
New start time = 8 a.m. New dismissal time = 3 p.m.
- The length of the school day does not change.
- Early dismissal on Tuesdays will continue for teachers to participate in Professional Learning Communities. This is a time that teachers collaborate to discuss ways to achieve better results for the students they serve in common subject areas.
- Research indicates a later start time has physiological benefits for adolescents that lead to better engagement and increased student learning.
Hybrid Block and Deep Learning Experiences
We are excited to launch a hybrid block schedule that provides our students with deeper learning experiences. This schedule will also intentionally develop our Profile of a Graduate competencies within the classroom. Our vision of a Profile of a Graduate is a student who communicates, thinks critically, creates, collaborates, embraces diversity and is self-empowered.
The increased opportunities for deep learning drove our decision to adopt the 90-minute block. This extra time in each class will benefit our students in numerous ways:
- Deep learning and authentic experiences for all students
- Additional time for projects, labs and other hands-on activities
- Experiences in classes that mirror college and work scenarios
- Focus on fewer subjects per day on hybrid block days (four classes
- instead of eight)
- Less starting and stopping, transition time between classes
- Less time on refocusing and warming up to a new subject and class
- More time for collaboration between students
Planning and Preparation
Changes of this magnitude require patience and persistence. Students, teachers and staff are going through an adjustment period as they navigate the new schedule. However, our teachers and administrators put in the work to make this a successful transition.
Throughout the 2023-24 school year, our talented educators participated in our numerous professional development offerings. These sessions prepared them to effectively plan and teach for deep learning in a block period. They learned about topics such as: student-led discussion and activities; student supports within the class; student choice; and teaching about our Profile of a Graduate. This focused professional development will continue this school year.
I am proud of our students, faculty and staff, and eager to see the innovative work they do in this new school day structure.
GPS Parent Series: Navigating Health Families is the nation's premier parenting education and family support network with a free weekly lineup of world-renowned speakers.
For three decades, GPS has been providing unparalleled content, tips and solutions for today's families, professionals and community members.
GPS programs strengthen and empower families with practical tools to help everyone of every age thrive. From early childhood connections to career planning, GPS has you covered! We guide, partner with and support you in raising the next great generation.
What You’ll Gain:
- Takeaways you can use immediately to impact the trajectory of your family.
- Research-based insights to reduce anxiety, increase motivation, foster connection and raise kids who shine.
- Tools to navigate common challenges like power struggles and screen time.
- Strategies to foster unconditional love, compassion and acceptance.
- Guidance on supporting your child’s learning and future success.
Visit the new GPS website to see upcoming events and add them to your calendar.
VISION: To utilize school and sports to develop “WELL-ROUNDED” student-athletes and establish great pride in our RAMS COMMUNITY.
RAMS FALL ATHLETIC SEASONS ARE OFF TO A VERY GOOD START! Our 8th Annual Rams Athletic Community Night is tonight, Friday (Aug 23). We are looking forward to showcasing the talent of our athletes and coaches and seeing our supportive community. Each team will conduct an intrasquad scrimmage in preparations for the upcoming seasons.
➢ Boys/Girls Golf teams started competitions last week and the Rams are steadily swinging and golfing away.
➢ Boys/Girls Cross Country teams to start their season in the Stevenson (Lincolnshire) Invite, a very competitive cross country invite.
➢ Cheer Sideline and Dance (Ramettes) are working hard with training, and will perform at our home football games, including pep rallies and Homecoming.
➢ Girls Flag Football (new this year) kicks off the inaugural season on Monday, August 26 with the first practices, as well as scheduled contests versus Glenbard North, Glenbard South, and Glenbard West.
➢ Football returns a plethora of upperclassmen and looks to finish at the top of the UpState8 Conference East Division. They are expected to continue building on East's record and earn a playoff berth for a sixth consecutive year.
➢ Boys Soccer has some key players returning from last year and will start on the pitch this Tuesday, August 27.
➢ Girls Swimming co-op with Glenbard North looks to continue swimming upward in the DuKane County conference. They will practice and host our home meets at Fountainview (Carol Stream).
➢ Girls Tennis will be led by new head coach Scott Llorens, looking to continue their successes on the courts - a young, but talented team.
➢ Girls Volleyball has an experienced group returning and will start their season versus Metea Valley on Tuesday, August 27.
ALL Fall Sports are currently in-season. Please feel free to reach out to the following head coaches for more specific information regarding your child/children sport(s):
- Cheer CoEd Sideline: Kelly Dolan, kelly_dolan@glenbard.org
- Cross Country Boys: Andrew (Andy) Adduci, andrew_adduci@glenbard.org
- Cross Country Girls: Chris Pietsch, christopher_pietsch@glenbard.org
- Dance Poms: Courtney Clay, courtney_clay@glenbard.org
- Flag Football Girls: Clayton George, clayton_george@glenbard.org
- Football: John Walters, john_walters@glenbard.org
- Golf Boys: Chris Wienke, christopher_wienke@glenbard.org
- Golf Girls: Chris Nagel, christopher_nagel@glenbard.org
- Soccer Boys: Josh Adler, joshua_adler@glenbard.org
- Swimming Girls: Chris Del Galdo, cdelgaldo@gmail.com
- Tennis Girls: Scott Llorens, scott_llorens@glenbard.org
- Volleyball Girls: Bradley Cardott, bradley_cardott@glenbard.org
Please register on PowerSchool prior to the start date of your respective sport(s). Please make sure that your student-athletes have up-to-date medical physical examination and immunization records on file. While student accident insurance is provided for all enrolled students, additional insurance is mandatory for those in tackle football. Click here for more information.
Glenbard East Athletics is now prepared to keep players, parents, and fans up to date with team news, pictures, schedules, rosters and more.
Website: https://schools.snap.app/glenbardeast
X and Instagram: @GEHS_Athletics
Rams Athletic Wall-of-Achievement: https://glenbardeast.touchpros.com/Home2.aspx
All students/families who participate in athletics will be required to register and pay the $175 athletic fee for either one, two, or three sports. Student-athletes are encouraged to take advantage of this great deal and participate in multiple sports! Remember, colleges and employers are searching for well-rounded students!
Fees and/or confirmed payment plan are due before the first competition and can be paid online. There are fee waivers available for families, please stop by the Athletic Office to inquire. Also students must have an up-to-date medical physical examination. FRESHMEN and TRANSFERS must have all immunizations completed with their medical physical examination.
Our Athletic Booster Club annually raises funds (over $40,000 last year) that go directly to our teams and student-athletes. They help provide essentials to enhance our athletic teams pursuit of VICTORY! However, we need more members and parent volunteers! We have 900+ athletes registered but just over 200 parent members. Please sign up and continue to help enhance our athletic program. The main website is: www.eastboosters.com for information about membership, parent volunteer opportunities, fundraisers, concession, purchasing spirit wear, and family activity passes.
ATTEND MONTHLY MEETINGS @ Glenbard East: First meeting is Monday, August 26 @ 7:00PM, location TBD but park in south lot and enter Door #20
WHY should Rams families/parents become members and volunteer for the Glenbard East Athletic Booster Club? RELATIONSHIPS! Involvement provides an opportunity to meet and work with very diverse group of parents and families that make up our Glenbard East Rams Community. Here are some ways you can get involved:
➔ Be members of planning committees which contribute to the overall success of the Boosters.
➔ Purchase an Individual ($60)/Family Pass ($75); save admission money during regular season contests at any of the Glenbards.
➔ Participate and contribute to fundraising, including our annual Craft Fair (October 2024), Red & Black Trivia Night (late February 2024) and our Golf Outing (August 2025).
➔ Work concessions to insure our fans are well fed and earn funding for your child’s team.
➔ Shop and wear the Red & Black gear: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/illinois/lombard/glenbard-east-high-school
➔ Be one of the athletic families to earn a booster scholarship towards college tuition, room & board, etc.
Any further inquiries, please reach out to our Athletic Booster Club president, Jerri Gapastione, jgw8@comcast.net or visit the booster website: https://www.geramsboosters.org/ .
Also click link below to last month’s newsletter:
2024 August Edition Athletic Booster Club NewsletterGlenbard East High School
Email: ge_news@glenbard.org
Website: glenbardeasths.org
Location: 1014 South Main Street, Lombard, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 627-9250
Twitter: @GE_Rams