DHS Orchestras October Newsletter
Welcome to Fall!
From the Podium
Hello Orchestra Parents and Students:
Rehearsals are in full swing as we prepare for our Halloween Concert! I'm sure you are recognizing some of the tunes as students practice their parts at home. Students have completed their first performance test and will receive results shortly. Students and parents should note that students may retake the test up until our performance date if they did not reach the mark they were aiming for. As always, I'm happy to give free lessons to any student who would like additional help.
- Mr. D.
📆 What's Coming Up?
- Uniform Alterations: Uniforms have been ordered and should arrive in the first days of October. The orchestra boosters have hired a professional seamstress to come in and do alterations for those interested. Alterations will be done from 6-7pm on Monday Oct. 7th in the orchestra room. Alterations cost $20 per student. Please bring payment to the alterations date. Of course, you are welcome to do your own or take the uniforms somewhere else. All new dresses and pants will need to be hemmed upon arrival.
- Solo and Ensemble: Solo and Ensemble is highly encouraged but not required this year. Registration is due to Mr. Deloria by Wednesday October 23rd. Solos are $15, Ensembles are $10 per member. The event is on Saturday February 8th at Livonia Franklin H.S. I will be sending out a separate email with further information in the weeks ahead.
- Halloween Dress Rehearsal: There will be a graded rehearsal after school on Monday Oct. 28th from 3-6pm. All students are expected to attend for the full duration. This is a graded rehearsal. Students do NOT need to be in costume for the rehearsal but should be prepared to perform all pieces and practice entrances. We will also be doing some decoration.
- Halloween Concert Tickets: This year we are trying something new and going with GoFan for our ticket sales. Tickets are $5 per person. I will send out more info the week before the concert. Our Halloween Concert is on Tuesday Oct. 29th at 7pm.
- Halloween Helpers Needed: It takes many hands to put on the Halloween show. Please consider volunteering to help out in some way. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0944A5AD2DA4F58-51839400-dhsorchestras#/
1. Link to Orchestra Calendar:
2. Link to Private Lesson Teacher List:
3. Sign up for NYC - Last chance! Email Mr. Deloria if you are interested and/or need more information.
Orchestra Booster President's Corner
Hello Orchestra Families!
October's Orchestra Booster meeting will be an Open House format to welcome any and all orchestra families to the 2024-2025 concert season. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8th at 6:00 p.m. in the Mill Creek Orchestra Room. While all meetings are open to any orchestra family, this meeting will feature a short presentation about the Orchestra Boosters and what we do, and both directors will be on hand to answer any questions you might have.
The first concert of the season is our popular DHS Halloween Concert on Tuesday, October 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the Dexter High School Center for the Performing Arts. This is always an exciting and entertaining concert, and we need volunteers to help with stage decorations, photography, tickets sales, programs, and more. If you are willing to help out, please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0944A5AD2DA4F58-51839400-dhsorchestras#/
New this year! The Boosters officers and chairs will be wearing DOB nametag lanyards at our concerts this year to identify ourselves to volunteers and families. Please introduce yourself to any one of us, or feel free to ask questions - we love getting to know our orchestra community.
We hope to see you at a concert or a meeting soon!
Our Next Performance
DHS Orchestra Halloween Concert
Our Halloween Concert features costumes, skits and Halloween related music. This is a ticketed event.
Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024, 07:00 PM
Dexter High School, North Parker Road, Dexter, MI, USA
Why Music Matters
Famous people who also play a stringed instrument:
1. Actress Emily Blunt played cello in high school.
2. Albert Einstein played the violin.
3. Charlie Chaplin played violin and cello.
4. Ryan Gosling plays cello.
5. Meryl Streep plays the violin.
6. Jimi Hendrix played the viola.
7. Mill Creek teacher John Sperendi is a professional bassist and plays electric and stand up.
8. Keanu Reeves and Gary Sinese play bass guitar.
Proof from Bobby McFerrin that music is intrinsic and universal! Great video!
Mr. Deloria's Contact Info:
Email: deloriam@dexterschoos.org
Location: Dexter High School, 2200 North Parker Road, Dexter, MI 48130
Phone: (734)-424-4240 ext. 7145