CCOG Newsletter
Weekly Updates
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your kind words and the gifts were very much appreciated! Even more than that, I love and appreciate each of you.
I hope that you have learned and enjoyed the Bible study as much as I have. Join me in obeying the words of Jesus - love your enemies, pray for those who have mistreated you, extend goodness to those who hate you. We are a part of an upside-down kingdom. Jesus is calling each of us to look beyond this life and anticipate the one to come. It may be that you have to love someone from a distance. If that is the only way to protect yourself mentally, emotionally, or physically, please stay safe. Yet we are able to follow the commands of Jesus through our prayers and the way that we talk about that person to others.
We will continue to be diving into the teachings of Jesus. If you would like to preview the passage for next week, continue to read the Sermon on the Mount into Matthew 6.
Kiddos are heading back to school! Let's support the children around the world by providing some school supplies for the boxes. Any non-liquid school item is helpful. You could also choose to bring shoeboxes or donate shipping costs.
Monthly Focus
In August, we are turning our attention to reaching out to those in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Uttermost Parts of the World. This week, I encourage you to reach out to someone in your Jerusalem - your family or closest friends - who are not in church or who do not have a relationship with Jesus. Share your testimony, invite them to church, and be praying for them.
Church Park Project
If you are planning to purchase a bench or picnic table in honor/memory of someone, please let Sis. Dean know. Talk with someone about splitting the cost with you, if that is more within your budget. There are also a few other items that could be purchased in honor/memory of your loved one. See me for further info.
Missions Drives
As a part of our missions focus, we are collecting donations in August. Next Sunday, August 11, remember to bring diapers and/or wipes to benefit the Lake Norman Crisis Pregnancy Center. On Sunday, August 18, our collection will be for Watchmen of the Streets. For this, please bring tarps, sleeping bags, or tents.
Jesus is our priceless treasure. Because Jesus is worthy, because Jesus is worth it, “the whole church must take the whole gospel to the whole world” (1974 Lausanne Covenant). As we fall deeper in love with Jesus, we become like Him. To be like Jesus is to love the nations of the world. To love the nations is to proclaim to them the gospel. The gospel is what God has done for us in Christ.
I am not the gospel. You are not the gospel. What you and I do is not the gospel. The gospel applies to all people everywhere, across all ages and cultures. The gospel is what God has done, is doing, and will do in Christ. A Christ-centered gospel demands, therefore, a Christ-centered missionary. If we are to be faithful in proclaiming Christ, we must know Him intimately.
We can only know Jesus intimately if we spend extravagant daily time with Him. Extravagant time with Jesus daily is the foundation of all fruitfulness. This is true biblically, historically, and experientially. Jesus spent close to ninety percent of his life in a village of twelve families, and even His three years of ministry were marked by time alone with the Father. Moses spent 40 years in Midian and had multiple trips to the mountain with God. Paul spent 13 years in preparation, some or much of it in the Arabian Desert, and prayed constantly. Adam, Joseph, David, Elijah, Daniel, Mary, John, and others gave God extravagant time.
God has all resources. As we abide in Jesus, He pours Himself into us. When we are full of Jesus—His Spirit, His love—this fullness affects our spirits; it “lifes” us and keeps us sweet and simple. We bless others near us; from there, we bless the world. The abiding value simply means we take extravagant time with Jesus daily. While we will all do this differently, the essentials are time in God’s Word, the Bible, and in God’s presence, prayer. The specifics are up to you. There will be many variables. There will be seasons of life. But together, we declare that above all else, we value Jesus. His person, His presence, is everything to us, and we will demonstrate this by giving Him extravagant time daily.
If we tithe back to Jesus 10 percent of the time He has given us, He will take what remains of the day and bless it, making it more fruitful than we can believe possible. A tithe of a day is roughly two and a half hours. The Live Dead challenge is to tithe your time to Jesus every day for these fourteen days. Give Jesus two and a half hours a day—or as close to it as possible.
The Rashaida are known as a fierce warrior people group. However, if you show up at their tent uninvited, they will ask you in for a cup of tea and coffee. They are a desert people group of more than 100,000 people. Every time you see a Toyota today, pray for the Rashaida people. The Bedouin Rashaida cherish their Toyotas almost as much as their camels—they are often used for smuggling goods across the desert.