Boulder Creek High School TSW
Transition From School to Work
What is TSW?
If your student has an IEP or 504 plan . . . they are a potential candidate for the Transition From School to Work program at Boulder Creek High School!
The Transition from School to Work (TSW) Program is a unique opportunity for high school students with an IEP or 504 Plan within the Deer Valley Unified School District. In partnership with Arizona Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), which is a state agency that provides supports for individuals who have a disability, to obtain and maintain successful employment, students are provided enhanced transition services that focus on pre-employment skills and post-secondary employment and/or education planning. Students will participate in instructional units that foster awareness of possible career pathways, job readiness skills, and work-based learning opportunities on and off campus such as informational interviews, job shadows, college tours and career fairs.
Due to this program being funded through Rehabilitation Services Administration funds, students/families must participate in an intake process with the campus Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor in order to determine eligibility for services. Once eligibility has been determined, students will work closely with TSW staff. Students will enroll in the Career Inquiry elective class during their sophomore or junior year and the Career Development elective class during their senior year. Students will receive services in partnership with TSW staff and the VR Counselor during the 9th grade year as well, depending on when they are found eligible for services. During the 4th quarter of your student's senior year, they will work closely with the VR Counselor to determine and finalize their plan for after high school. At that time, a Senior Exit Meeting will be conducted and families/students will be provided a comprehensive binder with resources to support their transition.
**Please note that if your student also receives services through the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), they are still able to participate in this program if determined eligible.
TSW is a program for all abilities and levels and provides support to students' pathway after high school, whether it be direct job placement or post-secondary education. So please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have about our program. We look forward to speaking with you!
Becky Kuhl
Morgan Blattmachr
Lauren Kalafus
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Cassandra Wright
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Arizona Department of Economic Security
Vocational Rehabilitation
Mobile: (480) 356-7449 | Office: (602) 771-1850
TSW Elective Courses
The Transition From School to Work (TSW) courses will prepare students for the world of work by exploring career options, individual career preferences, and employability skills. Topics covered align with the Career and Technical Education standards which focus on the following skills:
Complex Communication
Thinking and Innovation
Initiative and Self-Direction
Intergenerational and Cross Cultural Competence
Organizational Culture
Legal and Ethical Practices
Financial Practices
The Career Inquiry class will focuses on several topics that support a student determining their post-secondary goal. They will research and explore the career trees and participate in interest surveys to support their career exploration. They will also learn and develop skills to support seeking a first job such as: an introduction to budgeting, preparing a resume, practicing for interviews, earning various certifications, complex communication skills, professionalism skills, self-advocacy, and honing in on their interests and strengths to guide their job search both now and in the future.
Unit 1: Introduction to TSW and VR
Unit 2: All About Me
Unit 3: Career Exploration
Unit 4: Employability Skills
Unit 5: Self Advocacy
Unit 6: Resume Boosters
Unit 7: Professional Portfolio
Unit 8: Financial Literacy
Career Development Course (12th Grade):
The Career Development class offered at BCHS is available to seniors in the TSW program. This class takes a deeper dive into post secondary planning for our students. They will focus on researching careers of interest to them and determining if it is truly what they want to do. They will determine the training, schooling, or programs necessary to achieve their career goal. They also learn more about practicing and developing skills to prepare them for a competitive job market, such as: continuing learning about budgeting, preparing and editing their resume, more in-depth practice for interviews, earning additional or updating certifications if needed, complex communication skills, professionalism skills, self-advocacy, and preparation for their first steps after high school.
Unit 1: Career Pathways
Unit 2: Disability Advocacy
Unit 3: Professional Skills
Unit 4: Reality Check
Unit 5: Senior Capstone Project
Unit 6: Lifelong Learning