LV Primary Parent News
August 14, 2024
Dear Primary Parents,
We have seen the chatter on social media regarding dress up days. Dress up days are never required and we do our best to share events early. We also attempt to pick dress up ideas that are easy! Below you will find the Homecoming Week Schedule for OCTOBER! Homecoming falls on the same week as Red Ribbon Week! This means one less week of dress up!
As soon as field trips are booked, we share the dates. We usually wait for our enrollment to settle and then we plan our field trips.
Our school hours are 7:25-3:40. Our car line opens at 6:45am daily. Student attendance is taken at 9:30 am daily, please keep this in mind when making appointments. A student must be here at 9:30 am to be counted present for the day. A student may only miss 15 school days total for the year (excused or unexcused.)
Next week, we kick off beginning of year testing. Please avoid picking your child up early or arriving late. It causes stress to your child when they miss the sessions with their peers.
Thank you,
Mrs. Keck
Parent Behavior Tip of the Week
Focus on routines
Kids thrive with a routine, so set clearly defined routines for the most challenging times of the day, like mornings, after school, mealtimes and bedtimes.
Let your kids help decide how the routine will go–do we get dressed or brush teeth first? How can you help get dinner ready?
For younger children, write out the order of the routine using pictures or words and let them decorate it. Then hang it where they’ll see it everyday and stick to it.
Volunteers for Classroom Gardens
Each homeroom will have an outdoor garden bed. We are seeking parent volunteers who will work with our master gardeners for the gardens. Please let your child's teacher know if you are interested in helping with the gardens.
Primary Staff 2024-2025
Morning Express Lane is for students that can get out on their own! See video.
Children that need help in the morning, please use gym side parking lot.
All Parents will be Given an ORANGE car tag. You may purchase more for $5.
Dates to Remember
School Hours 7:25-3:40. Attendance is taken 9:30. No check outs after 3 pm.
August 26- PTO Meeting 8:15 am
September 3- Parents may visit for lunch
September 30-October 10- Boosterthon Fundraiser
October 1- Individual Picture Day
October 10- Boosterthon Obstacle Course Day
October 16- Unity Day: Wear Orange
October 28- Wear Red
October 29- Crazy Socks
October 30- Wacky Day
October 31- Wear school appropriate costumes/spirit wear
November 5- Picture Retake Day
December 5- Pottery with Santa Night
Attendance is taken at 9:30am each day!