Mustang Matters Family Newsletter
November 4, 2024
From the Administration
What a fun Spirit Week! Thank you, Leadership teachers and students. It's always fun to have these reminders that we can have fun and learn at the same time. Speaking of fun, the Haunted Auditorium was a huge hit. Thanks to Cullen Wade and his MHS Horror Club for providing some spooky Halloween entertainment.
The MHS Crisis Team met on Friday to discuss our biggest current issue: Student Substance Use. While we work with the county attorney on the concept of "lunch release," we are brainstorming ways to get students (especially 9th and 10th) to stay in the building for lunch. Thursday's Haunted House was packed with kids, so how do we offer fun and relaxing activities that keep more of our students here? We talked about using the Atrium as a quieter alternative to the cafeteria, providing games and quieter activities for kids to engage. We are also considering opening outdoor spaces for activities like soccer and corn hole.
Families, we want to reiterate that we do not encourage 9th and 10th grade students be released for lunch. Lunch release was meant to be a senior privilege, but it was always a gray area matter that parents/guardians could check their child out for lunch. If they do get released for lunch, they must leave campus because we are not expecting them to be on campus and they may not be supervised. That goes for students who have a release during an instructional block throughout the day (e.g. seniors and juniors can have a release if they have a study hall).
Also discussed at the meeting was the establishment of a student led, anti drug committee. Sponsored by Bre Lundgren, our Mental Health Practitioner and Chris Cochran, our Region 10 Student Assistance Counselor, the goal is to combat drug use with student initiated ideas and strategies. We have a lot of great ideas that came from students themselves as they met with both Bre and Chris in the last few weeks. More to come on that shortly.
Our increased restroom sweeps has proven to be very effective. We rotate security more regularly so that we can go in all restrooms and not have a disadvantage about not being able to monitor both the men's and women's room. Consequently, we were able to catch several students and one in particular who was "tagging" our boys villa bathroom w graffiti. Our next step is to interview for a School Security Officer who will be 100% mobile throughout the building and parking lots.
By now I am sure you are aware that the governor has created Executive Order 33 to eliminate cell phone use from "bell to bell," which is defined as start of the day to the end of the day. The school board will receive the proposal from the ACPS Cell Phone Task Force, who was charged with creating a division plan for implementation. The board won't vote on the plan until December, but I did want to raise your awareness that cell phone use will look different when we return from Winter Break. ACPS will likely send out more communication in the coming weeks.
Course registration for next year will begin in December. Can you believe we are doing this again already? Be on the lookout for new Dual Enrollment and CTE courses. We are finalizing those now.
This week's recognition goes to our two Coaches of the Week-Sarah Miller and William Trent. We are grateful for all you do to support our student athletes!
Monticello Drama
At the Virginia Theatre Association's (VTA) annual conference in Richmond last Friday, Monticello Drama students performed a one-act comedy written and directed by MHS junior Sam Gurley . They did a wonderful job, and their performance was hilarious. The audience was very appreciative!
At the VTA awards ceremony, MHS' one-act won 3 awards! Sam Gurley won Best Original Play, Emilie Brydge won Top Actor, and Oliver Emery won All-Star Cast.
Tech Tidbit from the Department of Technology
This year, we’re excited to focus on building strong digital citizenship skills with our students! Our goal is to empower them to be responsible, respectful, and safe in all their online interactions. A key emphasis at the start of the year has been on taking care of our devices. This includes closing laptops when not in use, restarting daily, keeping food and drinks away from devices, and checking for updates regularly.
For our older students, we’re also discussing the importance of seeking consent before taking photos or videos and practicing kindness and respect in all online conversations. Additionally, we’re teaching the value of privacy—covering topics such as using social media settings wisely, managing digital footprints, and understanding the potential impact of online actions. Together, we’re helping students become mindful digital citizens, prepared to engage positively and safely in today’s digital world.
Thank you for supporting this journey toward responsible online behavior!
Golden Apple
Nominations are now open for the 2024-25 Golden Apple Awards, a program designed to honor outstanding teachers in public and private schools in Albemarle County and Charlottesville City. From now until Monday, January 27, 2025, students, staff, families, and community members may nominate a teacher for this honor.
Family Council Update
October's Family Council meeting focused on Elementary Math. For the full scoop, check out our NEW Substack, which has pretty pictures, and our “take” with links for minutes, slides, background info, and your comments.
Just the key points:
· Major opportunity gaps exist in elementary math… students who are Black, Hispanic, and English Learners from lower-income families or with disabilities are building a much weaker math foundation than peers in schools across Virginia.
· Why? The curriculum program ACPS has been using for 20+ years isn’t working for everyone. Instructional time for math has been cut way back. Teachers are using a patchwork of materials to meet Virginia standards and are stretched massively thin.
· The “good” news is that a new math program will be selected later this year from a state-approved list that should work better for all kids. ACPS leaders are also paying much closer attention to the needs of schools that serve kids from less privileged backgrounds. But… implementing another brand-new program on top of reading will be rough on our teachers.
If you have any questions or want to share something you see across the ACPS school system, please email your MHS Family Council Rep, Sharon Fix, at mhsfamilycouncilrep@gmail.com
We want to hear from you!
National Art Honor Society Students Visit JABA for a Project
VHSL Activities and Athletics
For updated rosters, coach contact information, detailed schedules including live stream video links (when available), ticket information, results, or out-of-season workout schedules, please visit www.GoMonticello.org.
Makeup Picture Day
Make-up picture day for ALL students and staff is November 20 in the auditorium. Underclassmen will go alphabetically by grade. Seniors, be on the lookout for a sign-up genius.
Yearbooks are on SALE!
MHS Yearbooks are for sale! Go to www.yearbookforever.com to reserve your copy today!
Going on and Ongoing
November 5: Election Day (Building Closed)
November 14: Department Chair Meeting
November 7: Staff Meeting
November 11: Veterans Day
November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
December 5: Curriculum EXPO
December 23-Jan 3: Winter Break
April 15: SAT School Day
April 26: Junior/Senior Prom
Graduation Date is pending confirmation from JPJ.