The Diley Digest
May 24, 2024
May Calendar
May 27: No School
May 29: Last Day of School (early dismissal @1:30)
🐯Principal's Corner🐯
Last week of school
I can not believe we are here already! We have had a very good year and I am excited for the students as many of them have shared their summer plans with me. We have 2 days left!
We have stressed Diley Pride and meeting behavior expectations all year long. At this point in time, if students can not behave appropriately we will be calling parents/guardians to come get them. Please again remind your students about their behavior and acting appropriately. We appreciate you support in this matter.
Eric Koch
1- There are only 2 days of school left!
2- We have an early release the last day of school which will be 1:30.
3- Please make sure you have paid your school fees through infinite campus and have returned all library books.
4- We do not allow students to ride different buses home.
Our Principal grilling up lunch for students who earned all 4 quarter incentives
Volunteers Needed!
The PTSO has a board opening for the Treasurer position and volunteers to help plan restaurant nights, and supervise fundraisers for next year please reach out via email to dileyptso56@gmail.com if you are interested. We meet monthly the 1st Wednesday of each month.
The Counselor Corner
The Counselor Corner
Click here to see May's Bulletin Board: https://rb.gy/l84wrt
Family Resources
Diley Olympic Events
Band/Orchestra Information
Band info for 24/25 School Year
Hello Diley Families,
Yesterday was a big day for the 5th graders of Diley Middle. They had the opportunity to try all the band instruments for Beginning Band. In the evening we followed up the day with a parent meeting to answer questions and discuss next steps for joining the beginning band classes at Diley. In this email I'll share the links and explain the next steps for getting an instrument and joining the correct class. As well as share the link for scheduling a make-up fitting or a retake if you wish to be present.
There are two basic steps that every parent must accomplish.
1. If your child knows the instrument they want to play then step one would be going to joinpickbands.com and filling out the google form after clicking the "join the Band" tab. This is the document that helps your student be in the correct team next year.
2. Obtain an instrument. This could be done in a variety of ways. Our recommended way is to click "get my instrument" at joinpickbands.com which sends you to Rettig music's rental page. We like this option the best because you are going to receive a quality instrument that comes with a maintenance plan for when your student accidently damages the instrument. (it will happen) I said this in the meeting last night, but I like saying it because it is humorous. Don't buy your instrument from the same place you buy your Toilet Paper!
If your child received a percussion paper please finish the second fitting before completing the above two steps.
If your child is not happy with their instrument selection or was absent yesterday there is a make-up fitting on May 11th at Pickerington North High school from 9am-12pm. Use the link below to schedule a time.
If you missed the meeting last night due to other conflicts but wish to view what was said, use the link to the recording of last night's parent meeting.
As always, email any band director with band related questions!
Please feel free to email with any questions or concerns.
nathan_stowe@plsd.us - brass questions
matthew_hakes@plsd.us - woodwind questions
timothy_gorgas@plsd.us - percussion questions
paul_trapkus@plsd.us - orchestra questions
Clinic Updates
Immunization Requirements for Students Entering Grade 7
Per the Ohio Department of Health, all students entering grade 7 must show proof of vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap vaccine) and meningococcal disease (MCV4 vaccine). You may take the following letter with you to your doctor to use as documentation of these vaccinations, or you may submit an immunization report with the dates of both vaccinations. Please return this documentation as soon as possible to your child’s school nurse. If this is not provided during the grade 6 school year, you will need to send this information to the junior high that your child will attend prior to the beginning of the next school year. The middle school nurses will forward all immunization documentation received to the junior high nurses at the end of this year. Your student will not be able to start school until documentation of the required vaccines or a signed exemption form are on file.
BizTown Pilot Field Trip for 5th grade
Book Chats with Mrs. Jett
Soccer, Football, and Basketball Summer Camp Information
Summer Break: Partnering for Student Safety Online
Staying Connected, Staying Safe As summer approaches and students enjoy their well-deserved break, we want to partner with you in ensuring their continued online safety. District-issued devices have monitoring software in place to help safeguard students from harmful content. While this monitoring software remains active throughout the summer, school staff will not be available to check student activity during this time. Here's How We Can Work Together: Increased Parental Supervision: Just like with any personally-owned device, we encourage you to closely monitor your child's activity on their school device throughout the summer. Engage in open conversations about responsible online behavior and safe browsing habits. Content Filtering Remains Active: School-issued devices have filters in place to block inappropriate content, helping to create a safer online environment for students. These filters play a vital role, but it's important to remember that no filtering system is foolproof. Additional Resources: We have compiled a list of helpful resources to empower you in supporting your child's digital wellbeing: PLSD Tech Town Halls: Dive into our insightful technology town hall meetings on the PLSD Communications YouTube Channel YouTube: plsdcommunications. Gain valuable tips and strategies for promoting safe online habits for your child. Common Sense Media: Explore the extensive resources on Common Sense Media (https://www.commonsensemedia.org/). This website offers a wealth of age-appropriate content guides and practical advice tailored to your child's specific grade level.
Parent Education Classes
Click on the attachment below to see upcoming Parent Educational Classe which are available.
Language Assistance Plan
Language Assistance Plan Please click on the links for more infromation.
1. Notice to LEP Parents of Free Language Assistance: (NOLA) poster, NOLA - for use
Needs to be shared from each schools and classrooms
Most frequently encountered languages - Spanish and Nepali
2. Eligibility for Assistance - parents or guardians could have a need in any language domain
3. No Special Verification Needed
4. Identification of Parents in Need of Language Assistance and Related Centralized Database
Families that require language assistance have a Phone flag in IC
New for 2023-2024 - language questions included in the annual enrollment for all families
5. Reports and Logs Regarding Services to LEP Parents
The district will maintain a list of who needs language assistance
The district will maintain reports of assistance provided
Click the Buttons Below for Important Documents
PLSD Bilingual Family Liaison Information
23-24 PLSD School Year Calendar
Keep informed!
Follow Diley on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DMS_Proud?s=20
Follow Principal Koch on Twitter:
Follow our PTSO on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2085717574996931
Is social media not your thing? You can find all sorts of information on the Pickerington School District's website located at: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/
Diley Middle School
Assistant Principal: Amanda Stemm
Secretary: Heather Ferns
Office Assistant: Stacy Gallion
Counselor: Gina Neilson
Nurse: Rhonda Carmel
Health Assistant: Robin May
Email: heather_ferns@plsd.us
Website: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/diley-middle-school/
Location: 750 Preston Trails Drive, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-830-2900
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Diley-Middle-School-401947110003982
Twitter: @DMS_Proud