Wolf Cub Press
November 5, 2024
Colder Weather
It is definitely starting to feel like fall! Please remember that this time of year, the weather fluctuates often, so it's always best to be prepared with warm outdoor clothing for your child. Please make sure they have a jacket or thick sweatshirt, hat, and gloves in case it is a cooler day. We continue to go outside for recess, PE, and sometimes classroom activities throughout the fall and winter so being prepared for any weather is important. I noticed a lot of students with rain boots during our recent wet weather, which is great because our field tends to stay pretty muddy even after the rain!
Thank you!
School Year Handbook
Please review the handbook (link below). In the Powerschool School Year Registration Verification, there is a box to check that you have read this and gone over it with your child under the "Permissions/Agreements" section.
Changes from previous years are in blue on the table of contents. Please make sure to review those sections.
School Year Registration Verification
Thank you so much to all of you who have completed the Registration Verification Process in Powerschool. We understand that this process has had a lot of bumps in the road, but we appreciate the time and effort you've put in to ensure we have updated contact information and permissions/agreements.
By now, you should have received communication from Dawn asking you to complete this process if it is not complete. Please complete this process as soon as possible if you haven't already. If you are having trouble accessing your account, please reach out to Dawn Bilski at dbilski@hdsd.org or by calling the front office (603-495-3463).
Dot Day and Teacher Professional Development
How Many Dots? Gallery Walk
Vision Boarding
What's Your Vision?
Important Dates
November 8th - Grandpals' Day - 11:30am-1:00pm - We are excited to spend time with our grandpals! Please keep in mind that only invited guests may attend. If you have not let Dawn know who will be attending, please let her know as soon as possible. If there is a day-of change, please call and leave a message on the main line.
November 11th - No School - Veterans Day
November 12th - Picture Makeup Day
November 12th - Washington School Board Meeting - 6:00pm in the art room
November 13th - Keith Munslow Performance - 10:00-11:00am - Mr. Keith has been visiting our school for the past month to teach students about drawing, acting, and music. Please join us for a performance by Mr. Keith that will have you singing and laughing! Families (including siblings!) are welcome to attend.
November 21st - Early Learning Family Visit Day - 11:15-11:50am - We welcome all Early Learning families to visit the classroom for a special activity.
November 26th - WES Harvest Feast - It is tradition at WES that all students and staff come together for a "family-style dinner" the day before Thanksgiving Break. Each class will contribute something to the feast, and we all take a moment to share what we are thankful for.
November 27th-29th - Thanksgiving Recess - No School
December 6th - Whole School Family Meeting - 2:30pm in the gym
December 9th - Washington School Board Meeting - 6:00pm in the art room
Keith Munslow Residency
Award-winning performer, Mr. Keith Munslow, provided our students with a residency focused on music, storytelling, visual arts, and improvisation. Students in Early Learning through Grade 5 met with Mr. Keith for 4 weeks during the Unified Arts time and have been exposed to different forms of art that have given them the opportunity to explore their imagination, use critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills, and acknowledge the various talents of their peers. Please see the pictures below for a look into what your students did during the residency.
Please join us on Wednesday, November 13th at 10:00am for a performance by Mr. Keith that will have you singing and laughing! We hope the whole family can join us!
Habits of Wolf Leaders
The students helped facilitate our whole school meeting to roll out "Begin with the End in Mind." Students in 2nd/3rd grade shared their diamante poems. They had to make a plan to write these poems which focus either on one central topic or two opposing topics. Fourth/fifth graders led groups in an activity that got students to think about how you would need to "begin with the end in mind" while completing a puzzle.
Be Proactive Choice Boards were also sent home in October. Please return these to school in November or December so that we can see how proactive your children were at home.
This month's habit: Begin with the End in Mind
- I know what is most important.
- I plan ahead.
- I set goals.
- I contribute to my class and family.
Be Proactive - Stop and Breathe, Think, Do
Food Service
Breakfast: $1.75
Lunch: $2.75
Milk: $0.40
Reduced Breakfast: $0.00
Reduced Lunch: $0.40
We encourage ALL families to fill out the free and reduced lunch application whether or not you will use the program or not. This application helps our school obtain federal grant money which funds our Early Learning program, special programs for students, and training for teachers. Without this funding, these programs would not be possible with our current budget. If you do not think you would qualify or you do not want to use the free/reduced lunch service, we understand but still ask that you fill out the application.
You can apply online here: https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ApplicationScreen.aspx
**While we are technically a separate district from Hillsboro-Deering, when it asks for District Name, for this form, please use Hillsboro-Deering.
**You only need to fill out one form per family, so if you have MS/HS students, you only have to complete the form once.
A paper application will be sent home on the first day of school.
How to Pay for Lunch:
Please pay in advance for each week's meals. Each Friday, Dawn Bilski will send home envelopes with your child's balance written on it. Please return the envelope with cash or check payable to Washington School District with enough money for that week's meals. Please see the handbook for more information. Thank you!
Bus Routes
If there are changes to your child's dismissal routine, please make sure to leave a message on the office phone before 2:00pm, as opposed to emailing Dawn or the teacher. Our teachers often do not have time to check their emails throughout the day and may miss the message, so a phone call is best. Please do not leave messages about dismissal or absences on the school Facebook page or any staff member's personal Facebook page.
In the event that internet is down, our phones are also down. We do have one emergency phone to use if this happens. The number for that phone is 603-495-0187. There is no way to leave a message on this line. Please only use this number if you try the main line and it does not ring or gives you a busy signal.
If there's ever anything we can do to improve our communication, please let us know!
Need to contact me?
Email: kcolarusso@hdsd.org
Website: https://www.hdsd.org/Domain/200
Phone: 603-495-3463
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Washington-Elementary-School-110720773888378