PAWS Newsletter - September 2024
September 2024
Thursday, August 29 from 3:30-5:30 p.m | Open House
Wednesday, September 4 | First Day of School - Dismissal at 3:40 p.m.
Wednesday, September 11 - Friday, September 13 | iReady Testing
Wednesday, September 18 | Picture Day
We are thrilled to welcome you and your children to a new school year filled with exciting possibilities! At Oak Harbor Intermediate, we are committed to creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student can thrive. We have engaging learning opportunities planned, and we look forward to partnering with you to ensure a successful and enriching experience for your child. Together, let's make our time together one of growth, achievement, and joyful learning.
The first day of school will be on Wednesday, September 4 with the first bell ringing at 9:00 a.m. Below, you can find information regarding our Frequently Asked Questions for Families and our Student Handbook.
School Open House events will be on Thursday, August 29 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. This event will provide you and your student an opportunity to meet some of our teachers and staff. Student Class Schedules will be available electronically via Skyward on August 29, but we will also be handing out physical copies at OHI during our Open House.
Oak Harbor Public Schools uses ParentSquare for communication between home and school. Registering with ParentSquare allows you to customize your communication experience.
With ParentSquare you can:
Receive all school and classroom communication through your preferred notification settings via email, text, or app
Communicate in your preferred home language with automatic translation
Direct message teachers and staff
Comment and ask questions on posts
View upcoming events on your school’s calendar
Access your school's documents and pictures/videos that come in your ParentSquare messages
Easily sign up to volunteer and/or bring items
Easily fill out required forms online
We use a variety of methods when issuing communication related to school closures and delays.
Learn more about ParentSquare at
Get more Back to School resources, including information about important dates, school supplies, school meals, schedules, and more at
Regular transportation is provided for students residing outside the one-mile walking area of their home school attendance area. Please fill out the Transportation Request Form to request student transportation or to request a change to your current arrangement throughout the year. Students requesting transportation need to re-register every year.
Beginning this school year, Oak Harbor Public Schools will be using a new app called BusRight that will allow you to keep track of your student's school bus route to and from school directly from your smartphone. Read the full announcement at
It is usual to have delays during the first few days as students find their buses and drivers time their new routes. Our drivers’ number one goal is to ensure your student is safe to and from school. Please be mindful of students in and around school loading zones.
If you have any questions about your student's route or bus, please contact our transportation department at 360-279-5570.
Our school is committed to providing the necessary school materials for your student to make sure they receive quality education. We are able to provide school supplies to all classes and academic and extracurricular programs free of charge to our students through the incredible generosity of our community through the support of our local levy. Our schools will purchase the basic supplies students need for learning, as we do with books and other materials. You are welcome to provide your student with their own personal supplies.
Students should provide their own regular backpack, headphones, and water bottle.
Our free and reduced lunch program is designed to support families in need and ensure that no child goes hungry. Please remember that the application for free and reduced lunch must be submitted by families every year.
We encourage all eligible families to apply for this program. Participation is confidential and helps us create a supportive environment where all students can focus on learning and growing without worrying about their next meal.
To make payments and monitor account balances online, please be sure to set up an e-Funds account. Lunch payments may also be made via our black lunch payment box in front of the attendance office window and must be labeled with your child’s name and lunch number.
An OHI Reminder: Several of our children suffer from severe and/or life-threatening food allergies. Food treats for celebrations will not be accepted/distributed. We want all children to receive special recognition and have the opportunity to celebrate special occasions. Please consider an alternative “treat” such as special pencils, erasers, etc.
In addition, candy and soda are not to be brought to school to prevent any mess and sharing. Thank you in advance for your understanding and thoughtfulness toward all our students.
Finally, monthly school menus are available online through our website under the “Resources” tab under “School Menus.” You can also check the school menu through this link or through the files below.
Student Class Schedules will be available electronically via Skyward on August 29, as well as handed out at the Open House that evening from 3:30-5:30 pm. At OHI your student will be assigned to a teaching team including a teacher for STEM (science & math), Literacy (social studies & english literacy), Physical Education, Electives and possibly a Resource/Support teacher. Fifth grade students are automatically assigned a trimester of each elective: Art, Music and Introduction to Band. Sixth grade students will be assigned to a year-long course of one of the following based on their survey choice and availability: Beginning Band, Intermediate Band, Music or Art.
Campus opens at 8:45 a.m. for breakfast in the cafeteria and/or designated outdoor areas only.
The first bell is at 9:00 a.m. Classes will begin promptly at 9:10 a.m. Classes release at 3:40 p.m. on Tuesday - Friday, and at 2:40 p.m. on early release Mondays.
Tuesday & Thursday are A Days
Wednesday & Friday are B Days
The A/B schedule on Mondays from September through June can be found in the document below:
All health plans and healthcare provider orders are good for one school year only. If your child needs a health plan or needs to take medication during the school day (this includes any prescription, over-the-counter medications, or inhalers used at school, or after-school activities), please download the Parent Information and School Medication Form from the district website. The district's Health & Wellness Resources pages also have additional information about individualized plans. Forms may also be picked up at your school’s front office.
For students who take medications at school
If it is necessary for a student to take medicine at school, the procedure is as follows:
- A school medication form must be signed by both the healthcare provider and the parent. These forms are good for one school year only and must be renewed each school year. Parent Information and School Medication Form
- The medicine must be in a container from the pharmacy that includes the name of the student, medication, dosage, and directions for use. Medication at school must be kept in the main office with the school secretarial staff. EpiPens and inhalers can be kept with the student if both the parent and health care provider give consent, provide an emergency action plan and provide the medication form and medication for the student. For self-carry and self-administration, the parent must sign the liability waiver on the medication administration form.
- The student must go to the school secretary/ receptionist to receive the medication. No other medication is to be carried by students without special clearance through the nursing staff.
For more information, click here:
Our school nursing team can be reached at (360) 279-5340. Please communicate medical conditions and/or medications with nursing staff as soon as possible before school starts and during the year if there are any changes.
The Oak Harbor Intermediate School counseling team can’t wait to meet you and your students!
During the first weeks of school, the counseling team will be going around and introducing ourselves to each of the classes. We’ll be sharing how students can access us and what types of things we do to support students.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have! We work with students based on their last name.
Grant Finney - Student last names A-L- - 360-279-5312
Chandra Mays - Student last names M-Z- - 360-279-5311
We support your students in three different categories!
Social/Emotional/ Mental Health - Friendship challenges, family struggles, mental health support
Academic - Scheduling, time management, organization, teacher support
Career - Exploring interests
We provide these through individual counseling (one to one), groups (friendship groups, deployment groups, etc.) and classroom lessons (grief and loss, suicide prevention, body image, etc.).
We are looking forward to a great year!
AT O.H.I. We are Respectful, Responsible, and Ready
Oak Harbor Intermediate
150 SW 6th Street,
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Oak Harbor Intermediate School
150 SW 6th Street
Oak Harbor, WA 98277