Hamilton Happenings
September 15, 2024
Introducing our school staff...
Meet our School Social Work Team!!
Hello Hamilton Community,
My name is Jodi Sandquist and this is my third year as the Hamilton School Social Worker. This year I also have three student interns who are getting their Masters in Social Work, Rachel, Patty, and Josh. Our team can help support you and your family. We have a weekend food program called Every Meal in which food bags get sent home with your student on Fridays to take with you for the weekend. We can also connect you with any basic needs and community resources such as food shelves, housing resources and county supports. If there are any barriers in getting your child to school, please reach out so we can see how to assist you. I can be reached at jodi.sandquist@aschools.us or 763-506-2731. We are here to help!
Faith Partners Share Resources
11115 Hanson Blvd. NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 (763)755-3530
Meet our Volunteer Services Coordinator!!
I am so excited to be back at Hamilton for my second year as the Volunteer Services Coordinator. I know great things will happen this year. Please fill out the Hamilton Elementary Volunteer Application and come help us with a variety of tasks. We always need help making copies, cutting things out for teachers, chaperoning field trips, helping in the lunchroom, and so much more! More information is coming soon regarding our Watch Dogs program (a favorite here at Hamilton). Our students love when family members and caregivers come to our school to help. I am here to support you and answer any questions you have about volunteering. My office hours are Mon-Thurs 8:30am-1:30pm.
Meet our Title I Coordinator & Multilingual Lead!!
My name is Kara Gupta and I am our Multilingual Lead Teacher and our Building Title I Lead. I am excited to share with you that our district has a new communication tool to use this year called Reach My Teach. This tool allows our teachers to send a message via email, text or both to families. The message will arrive in English and in most other language translations requested in your enrollment. If you need a language added to your enrollment please let our office team or your child's teacher know.
If you are a family with another language in the home, you may reply to any message sent to you from your child's teacher in your home language and the message will be translated to English for the teacher to be able to read!
Reach My Teach emails will look very similar to any other email you get, but it will say Reach My Teach in the end of the email. Texts may show as a message or as a link to a longer message depending on the message length. When you reply to a text your child's teacher will get your message in their email.
We are excited for teachers to have one way to communicate with families that will come to you in multiple ways! Our goal with this is to increase our school to home connections and partnerships even more.
Thank you for supporting your students at home,
Ms. Gupta
Save the Date: Saturday, October 12th for our annual Hamilton Hoopla!!
It's our first PTO family event of the year where we get to know our Hamilton community members!! If you would like to join in the fun, it's $5 per family but no one will be turned away! There will be games and prizes, candy and horses!! Yup... Mrs. Bowman brings her horses for you to meet!!
We invite everyone to join our Hamilton PTO. Our first meeting is on Thursday, September 26th at 6:00pm in the media center!! Hope to see you there!
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September/October at a Glance
September 26 - PTO
September 27 - Rock Your School -- Hamilton Theme Day!!
October 3, 7, 10 - Conferences
October 12 - Hamilton Hoopla
October 4, 7 - No School Elementary
October 17 & 18 - No School
Hamilton Elementary - 763-506-2700
Hamilton Attendance Line - 763-506-2706
Hamilton Health Office - 763-506-2704
This e-newsletter is published by Hamilton Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.