Principal's Peek at the Week
Saints Joseph and John School - January 18, 2024
Dear Saints Joseph and John School Families,
“Hold fast to the hope that lies before us.” – Hebrews 6:18
Last weekend our 7th and 8th grade team headed to the Power of the Pen tournament at Fairview High School with moderators Mr. Clark and Mrs. Ferian. The 8th grade team took first place! Students Vivian E. came in first and Anna S. placed sixth! The entire team has been working hard this year to prepare for tournaments like these. Many thanks to their moderators and their parents and families for their time and support.
The response to our Priority Enrollment for 2024-2025 has been amazing! Thank you to the families who have already completed their enrollment for next year. It helps us plan and prepare for next year.
Please make sure to log onto Digital Academy and complete re-enrollment from now through February 5. SJJ families have first priority to retain spots until February 5, as well as discounted enrollment fees.
We are expecting full classes and potential waiting lists for many of our classes for the upcoming school year. We have strong interest from new families to join our school next year in grades K-8. Please complete your re-enrollment by February 5.
Please join us for Mass at 10:30 a.m. on January 28 to kick off Catholic Schools Week 2024! Special thanks to our Catholic Schools Week Committee, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Hutchinson and Mrs. Nadeo as they plan for many fun and meaningful activities for our school community that week that will encompass the theme of CSW 2024: Rejoice!.
Mr. Clark and our faculty will also showcase the fabulous things that sets our school apart during our Open House on January 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Be sure to scroll down to see the outline of events and activities for our students. Parent help is needed, especially for our Book Fair if you can join us!
Don't forget to save the date for March 2 as our PTU's Rockin' Reverse Raffle takes place at St. Paul’s Hellenic in North Royalton. Event tickets are required to be purchased in advance. Please support our PTU as they work to support our students and faculty, and join in the fun for this adults-only night out!
Please join us this Sunday, January 21 at 11 am Mass at Saint John Neumann Parish to celebrate with our Third and Fourth Grade students and families!
Our spectacular Grandparents' /Special Person Day Committee made up of faculty members Mrs. Kazimir, Mrs. Ketterick and Ms. Kopy are planning an event that will be bigger and better than ever! More details coming soon, and many parent volunteers will be needed to help roll out the red carpet for our SJJ Grandparents/Special People on March 14!
Because of the school closure yesterday, the Bank in School visit is rescheduled for next Wednesday, January 24.
Finally, please note that school will not be in session tomorrow, January 19 due to the forecasted snow storm. Stay safe Vikings!
Mrs. Schenek
Save The Date- PTU Committee Chair and Parent Meeting
Parents - Please join the PTU on Thursday, February 1 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. as we go through the events and fundraisers planned for the rest school year. Help is always appreciated!
At this meeting we will discuss the events we held in the past, as well as upcoming events, and the type of assistance that is needed.
Hope to see you there!
Google Meet joining information:
Video call link: https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/lraBCgJKlWiP1DBXBsNCJVA?domain=meet.google.com
Or dial: +1 470-485-9706 PIN: 871706597
Our Kindergarten-Eighth Grade MAP assessments will take place beginning on Monday, January 22. All assessments will be completed during that week. This important time gives us continuing data for teachers to continue to personalize instruction for maximum growth in the core content areas of Math and Reading. Grades 5 and 8 will also test in Science.
Like the fall testing session, we will be assessing for one week rather than spreading the assessments over several weeks.
Please be sure to help your child(ren) get a good night’s rest each night, eat a healthy breakfast, bring healthy snacks and their water bottle each day, especially during MAP week.
As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to your child(ren)’s teacher(s) or either Mrs. Schenek or Mrs. Francis.
Welcome Father Andy!
SJJ welcomes Father Andy Gonzalez! Fr. Andy met with faculty and staff Thursday afternoon. He is looking forward to being involved in our school community and getting to know our school families, as we are just as excited to have him as part of our SJJ School family!
Important Diocesan Scholarship Information for All Families is Now Available.
For Fund A Dream $2500 Scholarships: Click Here for information on the application process.
Other Diocesan scholarships are also currently available for all families who qualify. Information can be found in the PDF attachment below:
Ed Choice Update
As we kick off our re-enrollment season for the 2024-2025 school year, we have been getting questions regarding the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship for next school year and what happens next.
Saints Joseph and John School will work with you to renew EdChoice Expansion Scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year, as the renewal window opens in February. We will send out additional information on how to renew your EdChoice Expansion Scholarships at that time.
Meanwhile, tuition reimbursements for the 2023-2024 school year continue to take place as soon as the school receives the full amount of scholarship reimbursement from the state. The business office will then issue a refund check to families as quickly as possible.
Please contact Mrs. Briggs in the business office at pbriggs@sjjschool.org with additional questions.
Enrollment Update from Mr. Clark
Our enrollment is open for current families at Saints Joseph and John School. Grades K-8 are now eligible for re-enrollment on a priority basis until February 5. Open enrollment will begin February 5,
so be sure to finish your re-enrollment by then. If you would like to re-enroll, please refer
to the email received from Digital Academy and Mrs. Schenek on January 3, 2024. With
any questions, please contact me by calling the school office (440) 238-4877 x101 or
emailing jclark@sjjschool.org.
Further, the Little Vikings Preschool enrollment is well underway. Spots are filling
rapidly, so we encourage all families to get applications in for enrollment/re-enrollment
as soon as possible! Please refer to the email from Digital Academy from November 13,
2023. With any questions, please contact Mr. Clark at the aforementioned methods.
If you know of anyone who should consider joining our Saints Joseph and John
School community - that family who comes to mind as you read this, as you think to
yourself “They would love SJJ” - please have them attend our open house on January
28, schedule a tour, or check out more about our excellent SJJ community on our
website or by calling the office. Truly, it is our wonderful families and teachers/staff that
make Saints Joseph and John so special.
We look forward to an opportunity-filled rest of the 2023-2024 school year and
with grateful hearts for 2024-2025. May God bless your families and you always!
Mr. Joe Clark
Rockin' Reverse Raffle
Greetings from the SJJ PTU! We are looking forward to our largest fundraiser of the year, our “Rockin’ Reverse Raffle!” This event is critical for the support of PTU-funded objectives throughout the year including scholarships, teacher supply stipends, requests from Administration and more!
This is the second year in recent history that we’ve held a Reverse Raffle; here’s how it works!
The event is held on Saturday, March 2 at St. Paul’s Hellenic in North Royalton. Event tickets are required to be purchased in advanced—here are purchase options:
- $75/each or $150/couple
- Tables of 8 available for $1,200
- Tables of 10 available for $1,500
Event ticket includes full buffet, open bar of beer & wine, dessert, and live entertainment!
Additional activities include:
- Reverse Raffle—1 in 150 chance to win $5,000! Must be present to win—you can also give your raffle ticket to someone else the night of if you’re unable to be present. Please note this is a separate purchase from the event ticket and they are $100/each. Only 150 will be sold!
- Silent Auction-Many great prizes will be up for grabs-- autographed items, gift baskets, restaurant gift cards, SJJ Class-specific prizes, unique experiences and more!
- Wine Pull-For $20, win a bottle of surprise bottle of wine valued at LEAST $20 more—with some incredible grapes up for grabs!
- 50/50 Drawings
- More!
How can you get involved?
- Come to the event! It will be a wonderful evening and a great way to meet/engage with other SJJ families. Plus, did we mention there is live music?
- Provide a donation! We’re looking for anything, big or small! Experiential gifts, gift cards/gift certificates, services—you name it! We’re also looking for bottles of wine for the wine pull. All donations can be dropped off in the SJJ Office to the attention of “Reverse Raffle Donation”
- Become a Sponsor! We have many sponsorships available—many include Reverse Raffle tickets where you could win $5,000! All include program ads, mentions on social media and more. We’re happy to provide a tax ID as well.
Here are Sponsorships that are still remaining:
- Headliner: Includes a table of eight (8), two (2) full-page program ads, event signage and two (2) Reverse Raffle tickets ($5,000) (1 available)
- All Access: Includes a table of eight (8), one (1) full page program ad, event signage and one (1) Reverse Raffle ticket ($2,500) (2 available)
- I'm With The Band, Man (Entertainment Sponsor): Includes one (1) full-page program ad, event signage and one (1) Reverse Raffle Ticket. Also get to go on stage to introduce the band! ($2,500) (2 Available)
- Have A Drink On Me (Beer & Wine Sponsor)-Includes event signage, bar signage and one (1) full page program ad ($1,000) (1 available/1 sold already)
- Backstage Pass-Includes one (1) full-page program ad, event signage and one Reverse Raffle ticket ($500) (unlimited) (Great for business owners as you get an ad AND a reverse raffle ticket for the chance to win $5k!)
Here’s the link to purchase tickets, become a sponsor, purchase a program ad, and raffle ticket:
Please reach out to event chair Kerry Woloszynek kerrywoloszynek@gmail.com if you have any questions. Thank you so much for your support of this event!
From the SJJ PTU
SJJ Tobogganing
The PTU is hosting an SJJ Night at the Chalet on Tuesday, February 6 from 5:30-8:30pm. We have reserved the Strongsville Chalet Toboggan Chutes solely for SJJ! Fun for the whole family! This was a huge hit last year and SOLD OUT. Click here to purchase your tickets. https://sjj-night-at-the-chalet-tobogganing-event-copy.cheddarup.com
Note: Participants MUST be 42” tall to ride.
SJJ Night at Kalahari
Join the SJJ PTU for a night at KALAHARI! No school on Friday, March 15 means a long weekend....let's take advantage of it and head to Sandusky! Link below to reserve your room for $154 (Thursday night special rate) which includes two queen beds and 4 waterpark passes; options available for larger families as well and the PTU receives a portion of the proceeds from each overnight stay! Must reserve by end of January to take advantage of this group rate.
SJJ PTU Rockin’ Reverse Raffle
Get ready to rock it out on Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 6-11pm at St. Paul’s Hellenic. We are still seeking sponsorships, advertising, and donations for silent auction/raffle baskets. You can purchase tickets and sponsorship/advertising online at https://2024-rockin-reverse-raffle.cheddarup.com Contact Kerry Woloszynek kerrywoloszynek@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to help in any way!
- Co-Presidents- Natalie Pratt, Roxanne Yurcik
- Treasurer- Tina Dzik
- Secretary- Laura LaNasa
- VP of Operations- Krista Klefos
- VP of Marketing- Julie Lytle
- VP of Fundraising- Kristina Arch
To reach our PTU team please email stsjjptu@gmail.com
Join Mrs. Kimble for Kids of Faith
Kids Heart Challenge is Coming to SJJ
It’s time to CELEBRATE heart health. The month-long Kids Heart Challenge™ is kicking off on January 26 at SJJ. We have some exciting things planned this year to get us moving, helping
others, and having fun.
Families can learn more by clicking the links below:
Please Note Drop-off Times in the Morning to Prevent Tardies
7:15 am- Building opens and students may enter the building to report directly to McGraw Hall.
Car drop-offs may not occur prior to 7:15am.
7:45 am- Tardy Bell Rings.
Students not in their seats and ready to learn at 7:45 am are marked tardy.
Dress Code Reminder
Dress down days include themed tops or special colors for holidays or other special events, SJJ spirit wear and uniform bottoms and shoes. Occasionally, other school appropriate bottoms (jeans with no rips or tears, athletic pants or leggings) may be permitted, but that will be specifically stated for the specific dress down day.
January Lunch Menu
Save the Dates for these events at SJJ!
Shelly Schenek, Principal
Jennifer Francis, Assistant Principal
Angela Bosko, Little Vikings Preschool Director
Patricia Briggs, Business Manager
Joe Clark, Admissions and Marketing Coordinator
Fr. Barry Gearing, President
Fr. Andy Gonzalez, Treasurer
Saints Joseph and John School Mission
Saints Joseph and John School lives the values and teachings of our Catholic faith, serves as Jesus served and encourages lifelong learning.