Turtle Tracks
An e-newsletter from Turtle Lake Elementary School
May 23, 2024
Monday, May 27
NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 28
8:05 - 9:05 a.m. - Combined 4th and 5th Grade Choir Rehearsal
8:10 - 9:10 a.m. - Elementary Spanish (Comm. Ed)
4:10 -5:00 p.m. - Track Practice *5th Grade ONLY*
Wednesday, May 29
8:05 - 9:05 a.m. - Combined 4th and 5th Grade Choir Rehearsal
6:40 p.m. - Turtle Lake Choirs sing national anthem at the Twins game
Thursday, May 30
8:10 - 9:10 a.m. - Elementary Spanish (Comm. Ed) - LAST CLASS
4:05 - 5:05 p.m. - Soccer Skills (Comm. Ed)
4:10 - 5:00 p.m. -Track Practice *5th Grade ONLY*
Friday, May 31
1:00 - 2:30 p.m. - 1st Grade Field Day
1:15 p.m. - District Track Meet at Mounds View H.S. - 5th grade track athletes only
Turtle Lake Yearbooks For Sale at School
Yearbooks will be distributed on Monday, June 3rd. If you would like to purchase a yearbook, a very limited supply is now available for sale on a first-come-first-served basis. You can reserve a yearbook by submitting payment in the office and the book will be distributed in class on Monday, June 3rd. The cost is $18 for a softcover yearbook or $23 for a hardcover. Payment must be made in order to reserve a yearbook. Please make checks payable to Turtle Lake PTA or have exact cash only. Additional yearbooks are on order from LifeTouch.
1st Grade Field Day
Attention all 1st grade parents, we are so excited to host our annual 1st Grade Field Day, on Friday May 31st from 1-2:30pm. We will need your help running stations but promise it will be an afternoon of fun! Please sign up here to volunteer!
Help Turtle Lake get FREE plastic recycling
Keep more plastics from landfills and get rid of hard-to-recycle things the easy way with Ridwell.
Join Ridwill by May 31 to help Turtle Lake get FREE plastic recycling for the '24/'25 school year!
If 10 families, grandparents, friends, anyone join Ridwell with the link below, Turtle Lake will keep plastic film out of landfills for the entire '24/'25 year!
Join by May 31st to help us reach the goal: https://shorturl.at/epsuv
Lost & Found
As the school year winds down, please stop and check for items in the lost and found.
Any items left at the end of the school year will be donated to charity on June 6.
Medication Pick-Up
- If your student takes medication at school that is a controlled substance, we cannot send it home with them on the last day of school. If you are able to stop by the health office during health office hours (8:45 AM - 4:00 PM) on any of our remaining school days, we can keep the amount of medication needed for the remainder of the school year and return the rest to you. Or, feel free to stop by to pick up any remaining medication on the last day of school.
- If your student will be attending summer school and will need to take medication at school over the summer, please let us know.
- Please let us know if we have your permission to send your student’s medication(s) home with them in their backpack on their last day of school (as needed and emergency medications). If this will be before Thursday, June 6th, please let us know. If you would prefer to pick up your student’s medication(s) from the health office, feel free to stop by the health office during health office hours (8:45 AM - 4:00 PM) on your student’s last day of school.
Turtle Lake Health Office: 651-621-7704
Fall Bus Volunteers Needed September 3 & 4
Turtle Lake is seeking parent volunteers to help lead our first graders and other young students from their buses to their classrooms on the first two days of school. If you are available to help from 9:00 to 9:20 a.m. on either or both days, please contact Kerry Forsberg at kerry.forsberg@moundsviewschools.org. Thank you in advance for helping us create a calm and welcoming environment for our students!
Mounds View Summer Band- Register Now!
Click here for more information on Summer Band.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Sorem at brenda.sorem@moundsviewschools.org or 651-621-7763.
Summer Orchestra - Register Now!
Click here for more info on Summer Orchestra
Questions? Email Ms. Anderson, TL Orchestra Teacher
3rd Grade Recess Fun
5th Grade Science Experiment
Science teacher, Ms. Boyer-Kellermann assists students with setting up an experiment.
Telephone Fun
5th grade students in Mr. Turtinen's class used cups and string to learn about sound and vibration during Science specialist.
Attention 5th Grade Families!
The 5th Grade End of Year Celebration is coming up! Join us for two days of events to celebrate our amazing 5th graders!
Wednesday, June 5th - Class Party Outside from 2:00-3:40pm
Donate: Thank you for all the donations! There are still some items left on our wish lists at Amazon and Target.
Volunteer: Thank you to everyone who has signed up! We could use a few more volunteers to help clean up afterwards. Please click *here for the sign up* to volunteer! You will need to have a current background check on file with the office to volunteer. Find those forms *here*.
Thursday, June 6 - Parent Clap-out from 11:05-11:25am
Parents and families are invited to line up along both sides of the front sidewalk of Turtle Lake. There will be an area next to the school (along Lexington Avenue) for photos!
The June 5 Party sign up and wish lists can as well as the map for the June 6 clap out can be found at the Turtle Lake PTA website: https://turtlelakepta.weebly.com/5th-grade-celebration.html
Questions can be directed to Vanessa Petrulo at vanessa.petrulo@gmail.com.
PTA Volunteers Needed
Please see our volunteer form for descriptions of the general duties of each role.
Thoughtful Thursdays
There is one last Thoughtful Thursday this school year!
Thoughtful Thursdays are the PTA’s way of thanking our Turtle Lake teachers and staff for all they do. Parent volunteers are invited to drop off purchased food and drink items at the front office. To participate, please click here.
If you have any questions, please contact Toni Rahn at tonirahn@gmail.com.
Turtle Lake Student Directory
Prepare for summer playdates by joining our Turtle Lake Directory!
Sign up on the website here and use the webpage or Membership Toolkit app. The directory is searchable by student or parent/guardian name and can be filtered by grade and teacher.
Inclusion is voluntary, only the information you choose to share will be available to other registered users, and contact information can be easily updated.
Free summer meals for students
Thanks to a federal program, free lunch meals for all students 18 years and under will be available July 8 through August 1, Mondays through Thursdays, at the following locations. Meal needs to be consumed on-site.
Edgewood Middle School, 11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Pinewood Elementary School, 12:45 -1:15 p.m.
Pike Lake Education Center, 12:00-12:30 p.m.
Are you in need of food resources this summer?
Visit the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf.
Use the food maps provided by Ramsey County
Call the Minnesota Food Helpline at 888-711-1151
Request for refund of meal account money
If your student is graduating, leaving the school district, or you would like a refund for the funds in your students meal account, Please fill out this Meal Account Request form by June 14, 2024
Please indicate on the form if you would like a refund check
mailed to you, the funds transferred to a sibling or donated to the Angel Fund.If your student's fund balance is less than $5 and you would like a refund, please email nutritionservices@mvpschools.org
Turn off Auto-Pay in your LINQ Connect account if you set-up Auto-Pay for your students meal account.
Bus registration
If your child is entering kindergarten through 12th grade next year and will be a bus rider, you should have received an email about busing for the 2024-25 school year. Please read the email(s) carefully, as you will receive a personalized email for each student in your family with specific instructions. Detailed instructions for registration are also available at mvpschools.org/transportation.
If you did not receive an email or have any questions, contact the Transportation Department at 651-621-6027 or transportation@mvpschools.org.
Community Activities Link
Turtle Lake PeachJar page: https://app.peachjar.com/flyers/all/schools/92445