Snail Mail
An e-newsletter from Snail Lake Kindergarten Center
January 3, 2025
January 8- PTO Meeting
January 20 - NO SCHOOL
January 22 - Sea Life Field Trip
January 23 & 24 - No SCHOOL
January 27 & 28 - Bingo Nights (more information to come)
Welcome Back!
Happy New Year and welcome back! We have enjoyed seeing students and hearing about how they spent their winter break! As a reminder, please communicate any student absences by leaving a message on the 24- hour attendance line at 651-621-8001 or through your ParentVue account. If you are unable to access either of those please call our main office at 651-621-8000 to report your childs absence. Thank you.
Winter Weather Reminders
Did you know?
Mounds View Community Education offers more than 200 enrichment opportunities for students, families, adults and seniors. Registration is open now for winter activities. Browse our award-winning offerings and register at
News from the Library
During the busy winter break, make time to slow down and read with your child. Sharing books together creates happy memories and encourages a love of reading.
Questions? Contact the library at
Community Education Offerings
Candy Lab: Step into our Candy Lab and explore science through sweet experiments! From candy chemistry to edible art, every activity uses candy to teach cool scientific concepts. Mix, melt and marvel at how sweets can be both delicious and educational! Presented by Kid Scientific.
Every Tuesday after school, January 28 to February 18, 3:50-4:50pm. at
Kindergarten Chess Club: Join this club to meet and interact with other chess players in your school and play on a weekly basis. If they are new to the game, players will learn the basic rules and strategies of chess. Tournament play is encouraged outside of the club, but not required. Presented by CSGA Enrichment
Every Wednesday before school, January 15 to May 7, 8:25-9:00am. Register at
Snail Lake PTO News
Culture & Heritage Night
Join us for our 2nd Culture & Heritage Night on January 10, 2025!
When: Friday, January 10, 6:00-7:30pm
Where: Turtle Lake Elementary Gym
What: Family friendly, open house style event celebrating the diverse backgrounds of our Turtle Lake community. We hope to see you there!
Next PTO Meeting
January 8, 2024 5:00- 6:00 pm @ Snail Lake
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Yog xa tau kev pab thiab hais ua lus Hmoob thov hu rau Bao Thao: 651-272-0972. Haddi aad ubaahantahay faahfaahin dheerad-ah ama turjamaad, fadlan kala soo xidid Zeynah Abdulrazak lambaraka 651-262-4577. Para asistencia o preguntas en EspaƱol por favor contacte a Angel Toro: 651-724-2854 o Carmen Bender: 612-494-3895.