Engageli Quick Reference Guide
Overview of tools available for use in Engageli.

Entering an Engageli Virtual Classroom
When you enter the Engageli virtual classrooms, you will need to check your Background, Mic & Video settings. Once you have your settings adjusted you will need to click on Sign in and Join button, in order to enter the classroom.
Through the Chat feature you can send your instructor a direct message or send a question to the entire room. If you are at a table, you can chat with your tablemates.
Follow the steps below to use the Chat in the Engageli virtual classroom.
NOTE: Teachers can disable the chat.
2. The chat will open in the right-side panel. You can close and open it as needed.
- The default channel is Room, which includes everyone in the classroom.
- There are other channel options:
- Staff: Includes all instructors and TAs in the class.
- My Table: Includes all participants at your table.
4. Enter your message. Select the smiley face to add emojis.
5. To send your message, select the Send button or the Return or Enter key on your computer.
Follow the steps below to use the Notes in Engageli virtual classroom.
1. Select the Notes icon in the bottom toolbar (see photo)
2. The Notes will open in a tab on the right side of the screen.
3. Type in the Start Typing field, then hit Enter or Return on your keyboard or select the Send icon to add your note. (see photo)
Notes Features:
- Notes are only visible to you. Teachers and other students do not have access to your notes. If you wish to share your notes with your teacher, download them during class and send them directly to your teacher.
- You can add clickable links to your notes.
- Select the camera icon to take a screenshot of a shared screen or presentation.
- Select Click to annotate to highlight and add text or other annotations to the screenshot.
- Select Stop Annotating to save your annotations.
Note: You are not able to take screenshots of the class gallery view to protect
the privacy of all class participants.
- Select the download icon to export your notes as a .docx file.
- A timestamp is displayed next to each note you take so you can easily find your place if you watch the class recordings later.
- You can delete an entry by selecting the trash bin icon to the right of the note.
- If your Class Connect repeats, the next time you come to the same class, your notes will still be there.
Playback Room
You can access Playback Rooms directly from your schedule for any classes that you
would like to revisit after the live session has ended. When you access a recorded
session, you will be launched into the Playback Room lobby. Enter the Playback Room
to access all the recordings for that Class Connect session.
Playback Rooms open to a view of the Playback Player and a list of class recordings on
the right side of the screen. Choose a class recording or video to watch from the list,
then select the Play video button in the middle of the Playback Player. You can then
easily engage with the recording and material.
Try doing the following in the Playback Room:
• Move through the video recording (play, pause, fast forward, and back up).
• Answer polls as they come up in a class recording.
• View shared poll responses from the class.
Playback Room Features:
In addition to watching class recordings and videos, you can:
- Complete assigned Modules.
- Take notes and review notes taken in the live class.
- Ask and answer questions from class in the Q&A.
- Open a whiteboard for brainstorming, sketching, and diagramming.
- View a transcript of a class recording (if your instructor has enabled this tool).
- To do so, select the Tr icon from the toolbar that appears to the left of a selected recording.
There are three types of Engageli polls:
- Single choice: There are multiple options to choose from, but only one answer can be selected.
- Multiple choice: There are multiple options to choose from, and you can select as many answers as you want.
- Text input: You can type a short response (up to 40 characters), and, when
shared, the answers will form a word cloud on the screen.
You can enter your response directly on the screen to answer any of the poll questions.
Use your mouse or keypad to choose a response.
Poll Features
You do not have to use chat or say your answers out loud.
• Your answer is recorded for your instructor to see as soon as you respond.
• While the poll is open, you can select different responses to change your
answer(s). All answers are recorded for your instructor to see. If your instructor
locks the poll, you will not be able to change your answer.
• If the results are shared, your response will be anonymous to the class, but your
instructor will be able to see your last response on your video feed in the class
Follow the steps below to use the Q&A in the Engageli virtual classroom:
1. To open the Q&A forum, select the Open Q&A icon in the bottom toolbar. The
Q&A will open in a tab on the right side of the screen. You can close and open it
as needed.
2. To ask a question, select Post a Question. Enter a subject and
description/details, then select Submit. Once posted, the entire class will receive
a notification and be able to view and reply to the question.
3. To reply to a question, select the question to be answered and select +Add Your
Answer. Enter your reply, then select Submit.
Note: If an instructor or TA marks your answer as correct or approved, it will
appear at the top of the thread in green. Questions with approved/correct
answers are always listed at the top of the thread in order from newest to oldest.
You will also find questions with unmarked answers listed below the approved/correct answers in order from newest to oldest.
Raise Hand
To address the entire class and the instructor, select the Raise Hand icon. Your video
will move to the podium at the top of the screen, and everyone may hear you.
Reminder: In Room mode, everyone can hear you without you raising your hand. In
Table mode, only your tablemates can hear you. Raise your hand to address the entire
Note: If you attempt to raise your hand and the teacher has the podium disabled, you
will receive the following message: Raised Hands is Disabled.
Reactions and Sounds
Select the React icon at the bottom of the screen to open the Reactions menu.
When to use: When you want to give non-verbal feedback to your instructor or a classmate.
Note: Teachers can disable the Reactions.
Select the React icon at the bottom of the screen to open the Sounds menu.
When to use: When you want to provide feedback in class. Be judicious with the
Sounds and make sure you adhere to any guidelines provided by your instructor.
Note: Teachers can disable the Sounds.
Screen Sharing
Note: If you want to share your screen with the class, your instructor must approve your
screen share. They will get a notification to do so. However, your instructor does not
have to approve your screen share at tables during group activities, projects, or
brainstorming sessions.
Follow the steps below to share your screen in the Engageli virtual classroom:
1. Select the Present button in the bottom toolbar.
2. Select either Share Screen With Class or Share Screen With Table.
3. Choose either Chrome/Edge Tab, Window, or Entire Screen.
Note: Which Tab option appears will depend on your browser.
4. Select the item you want to share so that it is highlighted.
5. Select Share.
6. To stop sharing your screen, select the Stop Class/Table Share button or the
Stop table/class share icon in the My Screen Preview window.
• When your instructor enables Table Mode, you will hear only your tablemates
and anyone on the podium.
• Teachers can assign students to tables or allow them to move freely between
• The tablemates panel will open automatically on the right side when Table Mode
or a table activity is enabled.
• The tablemates panel will automatically close when switching the audio mode to
Room Mode from Table Mode.
You can select the Tablemates tab at the top of the screen to see your
tablemates. You can also select the Tablemates icon at the bottom of the screen to open the Tablemates panel on the right.
Follow the steps below to view all the tables and where your classmates are seated:
1. Select the Tables tab at the top of the screen.
2. Select Switch to list view to see lists of participants in each table.
3. Select Switch to tables view to return to the tables view.
Engageli has native whiteboards for both class-wide and table-level participation.
Review the section below to learn about the features and tools available on an Engageli whiteboard.
Whiteboard Tools
Note: The tools are listed in order from top to bottom.
• Select object: Select and move different objects around the board.
- Note: By selecting any object on the whiteboard, you can see who added the object. Be careful when removing objects to ensure that you are not accidentally deleting someone else's work.
• Add Shape: Add resizable shapes (circle, triangle, or square) to the board.
- You can customize the color.
• Drawing: Sketch thoughts and ideas with a pen or brush.
• Highlighter: Highlight items and change the highlighter color.
• Add Text: Use the text box to add typed text. You can customize the font size and color.
• Pan: Grab a large selection of the board to shift to a clear area.
• Add formula: Use a specialized keyboard to easily add formulas to the board.
• Add note: Add a re-sizeable sticky note.
• Add file: Add a file to share (PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, images, and plain text files).
• Add image: Add an image file to display on the board.
• Color: Choose from 15 different colors to customize shapes and drawings.
• Remove object: Remove an object you added to the board.
• Undo my last action: Undo your last action on the board.
• Download screenshot: Download a screenshot of the board to save for later.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Insight School of Washington does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The following person has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title IX Coordinator, Diana Figula
2601 S 35th Street, Suite 100
Tacoma, WA 98509
Title IX inquiries may also be directed toward the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR): https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html
Information about the nondiscrimination and sex-based discrimination policies and grievance procedures, and how to report a concern or complaint can be found in the Student Handbooks.