News and events Oct. 25, 2024

October 25, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
Nov 5: No School- Professional Development Day
Nov 22: Last Day of Trimester 1
Nov 25-26: No School- Grading & Professional Development Days
Nov 27-29: No School- Thanksgiving Break
Dec 2: First Day of Trimester 2
CRHS Students Named National Merit Semi-Finalists
This isn't a trick but is definitely a treat! Coon Rapids High School is so proud of Cole Burnett and Aidan Hofstedt who were recently named National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalists! This is a tremendous honor, and Cole and Aidan are now in the running for one of the 7,500 scholarships of up to $2,500 for college. Cole and Aidan join approximately 16,000 semi-finalists nationally who have the opportunity to become National Merit Scholars!
Mr. Nguyen, who has had both Cole and Aidan in class, was excited to share about his experience working with both students.
"As Cole’s Advanced Placement math instructor, I have consistently observed his positive attitude, sense of responsibility, persistence, and curiosity for learning. He comes to class eager and ready to engage, excelling academically while demonstrating strong leadership by helping his peers. Cole’s academic achievements are a testament to his dedication and hard work."
"Aidan is a student in my Advanced Placement Calculus BC class who consistently demonstrates exceptional intelligence and self-motivation. He thrives when faced with challenges, showing a deep passion for learning. His sharp analytical skills and quick thinking highlight his strong problem-solving abilities, making him a true pleasure to teach."
To become a semi-finalist, high school juniors entered the National Merit Scholarship program by taking the 2023 Preliminary SAT test, which served as an initial screen of program entrants. The nationwide pool of semi-finalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state.
Congratulations to Cole and Aidan- we're so proud of you and all your hard work! Keep shining, and thanks for making it, "A Great Day to be a Cardinal!"
CRHS Freshmen Participate in Respect Retreat
Earlier this month, all CRHS freshmen students participated in a Youth Frontiers Respect Retreat thanks to a long-standing partnership with the Coon Rapids Rotary Club. Students took part in community-building games with classmates, heard from speakers about the importance of being a leader in and outside of school, and were able to reflect deeply with their peers in small groups. Even better, students from the CRHS Link Crew leadership group did an amazing job leading small group activities and discussions with our freshmen.
Coon Rapids High School is proud of this tradition and is so appreciative of the support from the Coon Rapids Rotary Club to be able to build connections and community in the Fall with our newest Cardinals!
Late Start Monday Mornings
There is a Late Start Monday this Monday, October 28th. First hour class begins at 8:30am- please plan your morning and travel accordingly.
The final Late Start Monday morning for Trimester 1 will be 11/11.
Reminder- Check Students’ Progress with ParentVue
As we near the end of Trimester 1, this is a great time to check your student's grades! Current grades are located in ParentVue under the "Gradebook" tab. If you would like to reach out to your student's teachers, simply click the envelope icon located next to the teacher’s name. If you need assistance with your ParentVue account, please contact our district office help line at 763-506-HELP (4357).
World Language Certification or Bilingual/Multilingual Seal Opportunities
As we've done before, Cardinal students have a great opportunity to test to earn a bilingual/multilingual seal- read more below!
Important information to know:
- Testing will take place on Saturday, November 16th, 2024 at Champlin Park High School from 12-4p. The registration deadline is October 31st at 4 p.m. The cost of the AAPPl exam is $30 per assessment ($10 if a student receives free or reduced-price meals).
- AAPPL Test Languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
- Hybrid Format Exams are available in: Swahili, Ukrainian, Tamil, Dari, and Pashto. These tests will incur a fee of $30.00 ($10.00 for students on free and reduced meals).
- NEW: There is no fee for students taking the Extempore Exam for the 2024-2025 school year due to a grant that the Minnesota Department of Education received from the Securian Financial Foundation. Extempore Test Languages: Amharic, Dakota/Lakota, Hmong, Karen, Ojibwe, Somali, and Vietnamese.
Dig deeper: To learn more about this opportunity, see the languages currently available, and register to take an exam, visit ahschools.us/bilingualseal.
CRHS 2024-25 Yearbook
Students--Buy your 2024-25 yearbook NOW at the lowest price of the year. Check out ordering details below:
- This year's book is on sale at Jostens.com but hurry as the "Back-to-School" deal expires at midnight on Sunday!
- Payment plans available through Jostens.
- Email Ms. Berg with any questions.
"Ads for Grads" for the 2024-2025 Yearbook
Attention Senior Parents- Senior year is an important milestone in many student's lives and it’s important to find creative ways to commemorate your student’s senior year, celebrate all of their hard work and accomplishments throughout their school career, and let them know that you love and are proud of them. A fun and easy way to do this is to place a Recognition Ad, or an “Ad for Grads”, in the 2024-2025 Yearbook. This is something that your student can look back on for years to come. It is very simple to create an “Ad for Grad.” Just follow the details below:
- Visit www.jostensadservice.com to begin creating your ad today using your favorite photos of your student and a personal message.
- Choose any photos you like: a baby photo, a grade school photo, or just a photo of your student that you love--you can even take a picture of the photo you want to use and upload that image from your phone.
- Photos may be in color or black and white, and you pick the fonts and background.
- Ads are available in two different sizes, 1/4 page for $60 or 1/8 page for $40.
- The Ads for Grads deadline is February 1, 2025.
If you have any questions or need tips on how to upload the pictures you want to use, please email Kari Berg at karilee.berg@ahschools.us or check out this sheet from Jostens with FAQs.
Upcoming CRHS Activities Calendar
Click on the button below to check out the CRHS Activities running this week. We'd love to see you come out and support Cardinal Nation!
Career and College
This e-newsletter is published by Coon Rapids High School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.